Red dead redemption 2 ранчо эмеральд секрет
There are traces of an older settlement within the property including an old saloon, small general store and abandoned barn. While the former two are inaccessible, the left most part of the saloon can be entered to which the player will discover blood streaks and bullet holes. The cause of these is still unknown.
Events of Red Dead Online
If the protagonist chooses to be a moonshiner, they can meet Maggie Fike in the abandoned saloon where the player is given their first mission.
Events of Red Dead Redemption 2
After their trip in the mountains, Hosea Matthews goes to investigate the ranch and quickly befriends Seamus, the foreman who secretly acts as a fence. After Arthur Morgan's arrival, Seamus sends the pair to prove themselves by stealing a wagon from Bob Crawford. After they return with the wagon Seamus trusts them with information of his business and to bring him any wagons they find.
Lilly Millet resided at Emerald Ranch when Arthur came to collect her debt money for Leopold Strauss, resulting in a fistfight with her boyfriend Cooper.
Later, on a quest to retrieve a lion for Margaret, the player goes to the ranch. After finding two farmhands keeping what the player believes to be a dog in the barn, the player enters to find a real lion which they must kill.
Aside from these events the player can come across a woman crushed by her horse and in need of aid in a random encounter. The player can take her to her home at the ranch where she reveals vague information about the saloon and the shady owner as well as his daughter.
Мириам Вегнер (англ. Miriam Wegner) — второстепенный персонаж Red Dead Redemption 2.
Мириам Вегнер является дочерью владельца развивающегося ранчо Эмеральд — Юджина Вегнера, который строго распоряжался правами дочери. Известно, что незадолго до 1898 года Мириам была в отношениях с местным юношей и по совместительству работником ранчо по имени Джошуа Берджесс, что сильно не нравилось её отцу. В конечном итоге из-за отношений, Джошуа был убит в августе 1898 года в результате «случайной стрельбы» в ныне заброшенном салуне ранчо, а Мириам была заперта в семейном доме, из-за чего её практически видеть снаружи. Около полуночи и полудня можно увидеть, как Мириам смотрит из окна на втором этаже дома.
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