Peasants quest читы
For all cheats you have to type in something, but how do you type something in peasant's quest?
everytime i type in 'throw feed' or whatever it tells me to throw it from the middle of the lake. how do i do that??
I can't seem to light myslef on fire. i have the horse grease from this inn on my head, but where do you get the fire from?
ok when i am clearly on fire, ive rolled in the mud so i stink and im wearring the robes from the house i go back to the knight and he still wont let .
what do you do with the sub sandwich
Cheats - Everything
by Unregistered Aug 21, 2006
Here is EVERYTHING that I've discovered so far. Before you begin make sure you understand the basics about your INV because sometimes the description gives you hints. First you should grab the map in your buninated cottage. (Type: GET MAP)Then get the trinket from all four bushes. (Type: GET BERRIES) Enter the house with the berry bushes and get the chicken feed on the shelf. (Type: GET CHICKEN FEED) Go to the lake to drop the chicken feed in the lake. (Type: THROW CHICKEN FEED)The old man then goes and opens the inn. Go to the left side of the lake and get pebbles. (Type: GET PEBBLES) Find the well and put the pebbles in the bucket and turn the handle to get the mask. (Type: PUT PEBBLES IN BUCKET then type: TURN HANDLE) Go to the horse and scare it. (Type: PUT ON MASK) Before heading into the other side of the fence, talk to the guy at the archery. Then go back to the other side of the fence and say "HALDO" to that guy. Before leaving take an arrow. (Type: TAKE ARROW) Go back to the archery and give the trinket to those guys. Then play the archery game and once you have received the bow go to the kerrek. (type: SHOOT KERREK WITH ARROW) Then he will die. Take his belt and go inside the mud puddle. After getting muddy and the rain has stopped. Go get another arrow at the original spot. (Type: TAKE ARROW) go to the pile of hay and jump inside. (Type: JUMP IN HAY) Walk quickly towards the riches and take them. (Type: TAKE RICHES) As you take them the wind blows away and answer NO to the jhonka's question. The Proceed towards berry house and give the lady the riches and she'll give you the baby. put the baby in the well. (Type: PUT BABY BUCKET) Then turn the handle again. The baby will amerge with a meatball sub. Then go to the left side of the lake and throw the baby there. (Type: THROW BABY) You'll get a soda. Then go to the inn and give the baby to that old man and he'll give you some pills. That's about all for now. I'll put more if i find anymore.
Extra fun stuff:
Type: DIE (umm. you actually die)
Type: QUIT (and your game will end.)
Type: ASK ABOUT NAKED NED ( to the inn keeper and the jhonka.)
Type: LIGHT LANTERN (at the burninated tree.)
Type: SWIM (at the lake or river)
. and repeat some things you've done. It's kinda funny what they say back. This extra stuff isn't really helpful but it's good comic relief.
This page contains Peasant's Quest cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for PC. Peasant's Quest. Right now we have 3 Cheats and etc for this game and every day we increase our collection with new Peasant's Quest cheats If you can not find the needed cheat in our list, check this page periodically or subscribe for this game's updates!
Peasant's Quest Cheats :
This cheat for Peasant's Quest [PC] has been posted at 21 Aug 2006 and is called "Cheats - Everything". If cheat is usable don't forgot thumbs up and share this with your freinds. And most important we have 3 other cheats for Peasant's Quest, look them as soon as possible!
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