Parasite eve читы для эмулятора
After you beat the game, you will be allowed to try EX Mode. When you start, check you inventory to see a nice selection of weapons and armor. You will also be given access to the Chrysler Building. The building consists of 77 randomly generated levels complete with some very nasty monsters. If you get through all 77 levels, you can take on a very difficult Boss. If you beat him, you will be rewarded with an entirely new ending.
Chocobo Cameo:
After you've visited the museum the first time, go back to it on the map screen. As the helicopter view scrolls around the building, look at the banner.
Get 60 rounds of bullets:
On the first level, after you beat Eve on the Opera Stage, go backstage and you will see the hole. If you listen carefully at the hole you will hear sirens. Go back outside the Operahouse and ask the cop on the far right for bullets. He will give you 60 rounds.
Infinite Bullets:
In the NYPD go downstair and enter the left door. You can find the bullets in the box near the counter get it and go out to the New York map. Now return to that room for more bullets. Repeat as needed.
Infinite Life:
Use all the medicine you have whenever you can, do that for a while and then it wont work anymore because your life cannot go down anymore, you are now invincible.
Lots of Trading Cards:
When you're at the hospital, just before you go to the 13TH floor, find the room that has the nurse who is looking for more hurt people. Now go to the top of the room to the fallen cabinet, look behind it to find lots of tradng cards. Make sure you have room for them in your inventory.
Normal and Super Tool Kit:
When in the EX game, collect as many Rare Trading cards as possible. If you ask Wayne to show you his collection he'll give you tool kits at certain numbers. So, if you ask Wayne to show you his collection after you have given him 12 or so Rare Trading Cards, he'll give you a tool kit. It acts as an infinite amount of regular tools.
If you give Wayne 14 or more Rare Trading cards, and ask him to show you he'll give you the Super Tool Kit. This acts as an infinite amount of Super Tools.
Tuning Up the Ultimate Gun
There are two Ultimate guns in Parasite Eve. The first one can be acquired when going through the regular game, while the other is only available in the EX mode. There are a few steps in getting this powerful weapon.
You must get the G3A3 "rifle", the M870 "shotgun", the PPK "Pistol", and the M9 rev2 or the M800 "pistols". The G3A3 can be found in the Hospital, the M870 can be found in the sewers of China Town, the PPK is found at the entrance of the warehouse, and the M8000 or M9rev2 are in the Museum.
Use your tools and select the G3A3 as the primary weapon.
Now select the shotgun and select the [Burst] option to put it on the rifle. Take the PPKs [first strike] option and put that on the rifle. Then take the [double command] from one of the two pistols. These options when combined can destroy Eve with little or no trouble. With the remaining tools take the +attacks from your other weapons and the +offense items and pump them into your new rifle.
Put your Bonus Points into the attack and you can have a rifle with over 125 attack when you fight the T-REX. Its a good idea to tune up armor so that it has an auto heal function.
Warning: Do not put any special abilities on the rifle like "fire, freeze, acid, etc. " because some enemies are very strong against certain atributes.
Also do not put any 2x, 3x, 5x, or any others because your weapon's damage is divided by the number of shots you have.
Later on you can get the FA-MAS from the Crystler building, which has a base attack of 119 and a base range of 169, but you'll have to get ride of the 3x with a supertool.
Ultimate Weapon:
If you give 300 pieces of junk to Wayne, he will build you a weapon of mass destruction. Choose the RIFLE. This is by my experience the best weapon in the game. It has an attack of 150+ and a range of 185.
Eventually you will want to add the following special abilities.
Command +2 or +3
First Strike
Critical Attack Up
Acid -- If it doesnt affect the creature the weapon will still do
maximum damage.
Tranquilizer -- For the same reason as acid.
Cyanide -- For the same reason.
Weapons from Junk:
Have you ever wondered why you got so much junk in Parasite Eve Have you also wondered why Wayne always asked you to get rid of junk Well, if you give Wayne more than 300 pieces of junk, he can make AWESOME weapons from them. Just make sure that you TELL him what to make, instead of letting him decide because he screws up sometimes.
Alligator Attack:
When you enter the sewers you will have to fight a alligator he will use his tail and mouth. You will need to level up on walking around and finding rats to get in a battle with or else you'll pay for not leveling up.
Secret Weapon in Museum:
After you deactivate the alarm in museum, head right (by pressing D-pad Down-Right) and you will find a lift which can only go to 4th floor, and in this floor you will find a secret room with a few box in it.
Navigating through the Chrysler building:
When looking for the item room, go right or left before going up or down. When looking for the stairs leading up to the next floor, go up whenever possible. After defeating a Boss on one of the "tenth" floors (10, 20, 30, 40, etc.), go to the elevator, go to the first floor and leave the building. Then, go to the police department and give any unneeded items to Wayne and save the game.
Tips for winning the game:
Complete the game as normal, then complete it in EX mode one or more times. Keep the same armor used when the game was completed the first time. Use all the extra bonus points to strengthen your weapon and armor, then go to the Chrysler building and use tools to strengthen new weapons. This is done by examining at the starting specs of the weapons. Example: An attack of 30+1, range of 20+2, and bullets of 40+0; refer to the first numbers. Use tools to move the parameters, and remember to do the same with your armor. Get all of the rare trading cards out of the Chrysler building and give them to Wayne to get the tool kit and super tool kit to upgrade your weapons as much as possible. Also remember to have a lot of room in the inventory for the final battle with Eve.
Tip for Ammo:
You wanna save ammo? No problem, just do this, when ever you put a weapon in storage or dispose it, go to use item icon and select the weapon, click reload, press the button until all the ammo in the gun is in the ammo box, then store it or dispose it.
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation cheats we have available for Parasite Eve.
Chrysler Building
Once you beat the game the first time you will be able to enter the Chrysler Building. Once in it you will find a storage room and an elevator on every floor. DO NOT ENTER WITHOUT COMPLEATING MOST OF THE GAME FIRST, after you defeat the T- Rex Boss go to the precinct and save. It also helps to have about 400 rounds in your ammo case and to have a revive potion in your inventory at all times. You cannot save in the Chrysler Building. Every 10 floors you will have to beat a different boss from the game. Each boss will give an Elevator Card up to that floor. Once you defeat a boss you cannot get into battles below the floor the boss was on. It is time consuming and gets confusing at times. Trust me; I thought I was going to go crazy for a while. If you do try to complete the building it will take at least 10 hours. It also helps to use the weapon Club 4 to save on bullets. You will get this weapon in the building between the 1st and 30th floors.
Soho Graffiti
On Day 3, take a walk around Soho and look closely at the graffiti on the buildings. If you look close enough, you'll see names. These people are partly responsible for the maps in Parasite Eve. Look for the names: Charles Bela Peter Yongki Cecil
Ex Game Warning
In the Ex Game, before you go into the Chrysler Building, you should complete most of the game to raise Aya's level and HP amount. Otherwise, you could end up dead on like the 3rd floor.
The Lockers
The first thing ya gotta do is go in the room with the clown. After he is dead go to the lockers and open each one. You should find 6+ ammo. Then go to the room with the phone and get near the icky dead guy and press the X button. After you get the key, go into the room across the room with the clown and open the lockers there and TALK to the dead guy he'll give you some info, when you open all the locker doors you will get medicine, and that is it!
Treasure Boxes
During the Ex-Game, you'll notice that every floor of the Chrysler Building has an elevator and a storage room. When on floors 11-20, if you open a treasure box, you may encounter a monster known as the Treasure Box. These things are annoying and they always get the first attack. When encountering one of these, you'll want to make sure that Aya's HP is at its max. These creatures can cause up to 400 points of damage (MAYBE EVEN MORE!!) so make sure that Aya is in good health when fighting these.
Unavoidable Attack
During the 1st stage of the Ultimate Being, you'll notice that this li'l dude has an attack that takes away 99% of Aya's life away! If you have the guide, if mentions that this attac is UNAVOIDABLE, however I have dodged it and you can, too! You never know when the being is going to do this attack so I recommend that you stay directly across from the being. If you do this and the being does his 'Take-all-of-Aya's-HP- except-for-one-point-attack' you'll have nothing to worry about and you'll stay good! Also, I recommend that you use PE Liberate to cause about 1500 HP Damage!!
Steal From The King Bacterium
On Day 4 at the Hospital, you're supossed to shut off the valve so the sperm in the Sperm Bank can go bad so Eve can't use it to create the Ultimate Being. So Eve comes up with a plan to send a King Bacterium to distract you so she can get her hands on the sperm before you can even do anything. Well, the point of this code is to let you know you can get a cool prize if you use the Club 2 against the King Bacterium. At the end of the battle, you'll get a Defense +1 or +2. Note that if you use this weapon against the King Bacterium, your odds are of dying are fairly high.
T-Rex Battle
While your in the museum on Day 5, you'll encounter a tough boss called the T-Rex! After the FMV of Eve turning the T-Rex display into a living nightmare, go to the 3rd floor. You'll have to fight a Sub-Boss, but he's not tough at all! When you're done with the sub-boss, go to the south and the sub-boss will come back to life! But don't worry, however, he'll knock you into the T-Rex display and then he'll die for good. But don't get too excited, because the T-Rex will see you and try to kill you! The point of this hint is that when the T-Rex is about to sweep fire at you, stand BEHIND the T-Rex. After shooting the T-Rex a little bit, he'll start a beam attack. To avoid this, run around the area and keep distance between you and the t-Rex. After a few more hits, the T-Rex will be history! If you don't want to face him again, then go to the main lobby (there's a door to the lobby just to the south of the T-Rex display.) and save at the flashing phone.
Getting The Keys
After you go down the hall from defeating the mutated rat there is a double door at the end of the hallway. Go to the door on the left of it. There is a burned policeman go near him and press A. When he falls to the ground go near him and press A again. Then you should find a key to open the other doors. To get the other key to open the door at the end of the hallway go in the room where Eve's diary or journal is. Read the journal al the way through to the end and when you are done you should find the key to get to the room at the end of the hallway and the door should open.
Put Your Name On Your Gun
On the boat right before you fight the ultimate being. You go inside the boat and talk to kyle and he'll ask you if you want to store any items and after that he'll ask you if you want to inscribe your name in any one of your guns.
Fight Your Sister Mya
In order to fight your sister you must first beat the game once. After beating the game you will be able to enter a new building. The building is the empire state building. Now what you do is you find your way to the top of the empire state building (note: this will not be easy each floor is like a maze and you must find the key to each floor so in case you die you can start at the floor you left off at.) When you do finally get to the top you will meet you sister Mya and you talk for a while then you will get the chance to fight her.
Hidden Tcards
When in the hospital go to the room at the top of the screen go in. Inside that room at the top is a piece of hospital equipment behind it thier are several cards.
Extra Ammo
When returning to the NYPD Station on day 3, you can get extra ammo by searching dead cops twice.
After battle you may get a item that says 'JUNK'. This is a broken item but don't discard it, because you can get a really cool and neat gun if you give Wayne 300 pieces of junk. I know that 300 pieces is a lot but its worth it, trust me. Every once in a while, go back to the station and go down to the weapon department and go up to Wayne and choose the 'DISCARD JUNK' option. Then Wayne will put it in storage. After you've given him 300 pieces, he will let you choose what type of gun you want and he'll make it. I suggest that you get either a Rocket Launcher, Rifle, or a Shotgun. You can also add slots to your weapons by giving Wayne a Mod Permit or a T-Card. You'll find T-Cards thoughout the game. You can get Mod Permits from Captain Baker.
Infinite Tools And Super Tools
Once you start an EX game you will have access to the Chrysler Building. Through out the various floors there are rare trading cards that you can give Wayne. If you collect twelve of them he will give you a tool kit (Which gives you infinite tools). If you give him all fourteen he will give you a Super Tool kit (Infinite Super tools).
Ammo From Cop
After you battle the actress (A.K.A Eve) then go backstage and examine the large hole Eve left. Then choose the FORGET IT option and head back outside. When your out there, you'll see 2 cops and a Paramedic. If you've gotten attacked during the actress fight, than the Paramedic can heal you only one time. But if you want extra ammo, then go the the last cop on the right and speak with him 10 times. He should give Aya 6 rounds of ammo every time you speat with him. When he stops giving ammo, you shouldn't run out of ammuntion for a long time because the cop just gave you 60 rounds of ammo!
Hidden Box
If you have the Walkthrough Book, you'll know what I'm talking about. At the beginning of the game, when you go into the heart of the sewers with the ghost 'girl' running through a door to the left of the screen, if you go near the top of the screen and turn right, you'll run into a secret room. That was already mentioned, but here's the secret in the secret room. That room has 3 or 4 boxes in the water, and to the far right is a water valve. If you turn the valve, the water will 'lower', and a box in the far left bottom corner will appear. It should give you an Offense+2 or a Defense+2. I suggest you 'fiddle' with everything in the game, that's how I found out this 'cheat code'.
Extra Ammunition
Return to the police station and open the box inside the weapon storage room to collect thirty bullets. This may be done a total of ten times during the game.
If your Parasite Energy bar is filling up slowly, then you can hurry things up by switching armor during battle.
Track The Helicopter
At the city map screen, press Select to track the helicopter as it flies around the city.
Extra Points
Complete one day without saving the game to receive extra points when the following day begins.
EX Game Mode
Beat the game once to enable an option that allows the game to be played in a new mode.
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We have no unlockables for Parasite Eve yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Easter eggs
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We have no cheats or codes for Parasite Eve yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
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