Medal of honor ru амино код
Создайте ярлык для exe'шника игры и в графе "объект" добавьте +set ui_console 1 +set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1. У вас получится что-то наподобие <каталог игры>\mohaa.exe +set ui_console 1 +set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1. Теперь во время игры нажимайте тильду ("
wuss - все оружие;
dog - неуязвимость;
fullheald - вылечить вашего героя;
notarget - теперь враги вас не видят;
give ammo - добавить патронов ко всем видам оружия;
noclip - режим прохода сквозь стены;
tele x y z - телепортировать в место с координатами (x; y; z);
coord - показать текущие координаты;
kill - убить вашего героя;
giveweapon weapons/"weapon_name".tik - дать оружие, где /"weapon_name" - вид оружия, список дан ниже:
colt45 - "Кольт" 45 калибра;
m2frag_grenade - осколочная граната;
p38 - "Вальтер";
steilhandgranate - еще одна граната;
m1_garand - граната типа "лимонка";
kar98 - "Маузер";
shotgun - винтовка типа "винторез";
bazooka - базука;
panzerschreck - "Панцершрек", однозарядный гранатомет в простонародье;
mp44 - МП-44;
thompsonsmg - "Томмиган";
mp40 - еще один из разряда MP;
springfield - снайперка за номером один;
Войдя в игру, вызовите консоль нажатием клавиши "
Во второй части (The Rescue Mission) первой миссии, когда вы, освободив майора Grillo, проникнете за большую арку и окажетесь в длинном дворе, поднимитесь вверх по ступенькам лестницы, расположенной рядом с грузовиком.
Сверните влево и идите далее по платформе, пока не увидите расположенный в углу маленький и ничем с виду не примечательный проход, находящийся за небольшой лестницей. Поднявшись по ней, вы очутитесь в помещении, населенном недружелюбными фрицами и полном полезных вещичек, типа аптечек и амуниции. Но главное, что вы можете здесь обнаружить, - это захваченный фашистами снайпер, который с удовольствием к вам присоединится и будет вам помогать в борьбе с фашистами.
Medal of Honor, one of the best games on the PS1 and also the first game to do historical WW2 shooters, this game for the time was one of the most technologically advanced games of it time and is the reason I am a lover of shooters today, it also has a really good cover art.
No not that cover art, this cover art
but let's stop the fanboying/Girling (which I can do quite well since I did watch a document on medal of honor. don't judge me I'm just that type of nerd) and get on with the review.
Level one of this game is quite slow but it gives you time to get to grips with it controls since their was nothing else like it at the time and for new playing going into this, it will be quite different since it is a crude version of our controls nowadays but luckily you can customise this so you can put it to what the standard controls are today
It does show of some quite impressive environments later in the level but for the most part this is a walk from one side to the other type of level while learning basic controls,
Level 2 is where it truly get good with this one taking place in the Sewer's, this level is more difficult but I think that's is because this is the first level that shows off the dog enemy and holy **** do those dog look scary,
back in the day when I was 4 or 5, this was almost as scary as the facehugger from Alien Trilogy
Or god forbid the Resident Evil dogs
As the level go on and on the level become more enjoyable and I think for today's games you need to have this on the normal to hard difficulty setting to even be a slight bit challenging, that's not saying it not challenging but at the start of the level it does feel a little slow compared to a mission like Fort Schmerzen (Behind the Siegfried Line)
or The Hydroplane (Heavy Water)
Which is quite good and actually quite varied for what the game shows off and the technical limitations of the system, just think about it, the PS1 only had 4mb of ram and it could pull off this
The selection of weapons is ok tbh, it's not as good as it could be but it's ok, the best guns in the game is:
Browning Automatic Rifle -
Winchester Model 1897 -
And the M1A1 Thompson -
The music is also really good, it is done by Michael Giacchino who have worked on many other things like
And Spider Man Homecoming -
Here is a playlist for the soundtrack :
To finish up, this game might be old but it still one of the greatest FPS game and the most important one of all time, if this game never happened then Call of Duty would never of existed because the people who made the first Call of Duty where ex employees that had previously worked on medal of Honor games and the WW2 FPS genre in a hole would never of existed, it might have it floors but for a game that is close to 20 years old it got a lot of things right. That has been my review and goodnight
it also has some ok cheats like Wireframe mode -
so if you ever wanted to know what this game would look like on a Virtual Boy the their you go, it also has you basic cheats like 4x Firing Rate and Unlimited Ammo, it even has cheats I have never even heard of but are listed like William Shakespeare (I guess you look like William Shakespeare) and Felix (pewz?)
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