Legends of eisenwald читы
15 фев. 2016 в 2:45 Console commands
Ok, I'm at the end of Chapter 3 ("Run Away"), and just for the hell of it I thought I'd see what would happen if I captured Castle Graufang and waited it out from there. However, in order for me to do that, I need to heal my wounded hero and buff my army, and there are no healing opportunities on that side of the bank. These are the commands I need:
addexp (works like a charm)
armyheal - and here's the problem. The syntax is 'armyheal [army]', but what army? I've tried "player_army", "army", "knight", "0", "1". but nothing happens.
"Addexp" works because here I do not need to specify who gets the XP. Addexp 500 = everyone gets 500. But armyheal won't work until I say the magic word.
[Разработчик] 15 фев. 2016 в 4:30 Armyheal doesn't work. There are only a few commands that work:addgold
setlevel 15 фев. 2016 в 7:27 Dang. The addgold command doesn't work either, by the way. [Разработчик] 15 фев. 2016 в 7:29 addgold (amount) works just fine. 15 фев. 2016 в 7:43 addgold (amount) works just fine. When I tried (as an example) addgold 500, nothing happened. Maybe someone got the gold, but it wasn't me. [Разработчик] 15 фев. 2016 в 7:51 Did you get out of the console and made a few steps to check if the gold was added? 15 фев. 2016 в 7:53 Did you get out of the console and made a few steps to check if the gold was added? I did exit the console. but I did not unpause the time. The one thing I didn't try.
Thanks for responding so quickly, by the way :) 10 мар. 2017 в 19:34
Command addpers working as well. Its adding a character to selected squad (army).
addpers <pers_code> [<army>]Where <army> parameter, for your squad, is PLAYER_ARMY.
Can provide some character codes upon request, but its in Russian, so it will take some time to translate. But one can find them yourself, its quite easy.
There are not implemented codes I found so far. Some of them can even crash the game, so don't use them: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28.
addpers 63 [PLAYER_ARMY] will add a Knight to your squad. Отредактировано NikeSXT; 10 мар. 2017 в 22:52 11 мар. 2017 в 8:38The above worked for me; thanks NikeSXT. Just a note though: "addpers 63" seems to work just as well and is less effort to type! :)
Just a few other codes that have worked for me so far:
24: Veteran Archer
25: Archer Sergeant
29: Crossbowman
30: Veteran Crossbowman
31: Sergeant Crossbowman
32: Lector
33: Acolyte
34: Deacon
35: Priest
36: Bishop
37: Monk
38: Inquisitor
39: Battle Monk
40: Noble
41: Warlock
42: Necromancer
43: Lich
44: Apostate
45: Heretic
46: Heresiarch
47: Earl
48: Landgraf
49: Freiherr
50: Peasant Woman
51: Herbalist Woman
52: Apothecary Woman
53: Healer Woman
54: Enchantress
55: Witch
56: Hag
57: Young Noble
58: Duelist
59: Fencer
60: Swordmaster
61: Esquire
62: Armiger
63: Knight
64: Paladin
4 января 2016 | Трейнеры
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