Коды на medal of honor frontline
Unlock Everything:
Enter BALLOWAX as a code on the Enigma to unlock everything.
Unlock Levels:
Enter the corresponding code on the Enigma to unlock levels:
Level 2 - EAGLE
Level 3 - HAWK
Level 4 - PARROT
Level 5 - DOVE
Level 6 - TOUCAN
God Mode:
Pause the game, and press B, L, B, R, Y, L, X and Down to unlock God Mode.
Квадрат, L1, Кружок, R1, Треугольник, L2, Select, R2.
Бесконечные патроны:
Кружок, L2, Квадрат, L1, Select, R2, Треугольник, Select.
квадрат, L1, круг, R1, треугольник, L2, Select, R2.
Бесконечные патроны:
круг, L2, квадрат, L1, Select, R2, треугольник, Select.
круг, Select, R2, R2, R1, R1, L1, R1.
[Platform: PlayStation 2]
Pause the game (press Start) and press:
Invincibility - Square, L1, Circle, R1, Triangle, L2, Select, R2.
Infinite Ammo - Circle, L1, Square, L2, Select, R2, Triangle, and Select. Or Circle, L2, Square, L1, Select, R2, Triangle, Select.
Rubber Grenades:
Enter "Flawless" on the Enigma machine to get rubber grenades.
Cheat mode (at the Enigma Machine):
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