Код ошибки bee destiny 2
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4 сен в 10:49 Battleye Query TImeout and Error Code PLUM Hey ya'll I am still having this issue on Destiny where I get whats called a query timeout. The game then kicks me out, and I have to select my character again. I also noted that I am getting an error code called PLUM which states that Battleye is reading a cheat file of sorts. I do not use any sort of cheats and I never have, but I don't know what Battleye is reading that causes this error. Is anyone else getting this error? And can someone help me figure it out? I'd rather not uninstall then re-install the game.Please try the steps outlined below.
When launching the game and trying to install BE I get a “Failed to install BattlEye Service.” error.
First of all, please ensure that you have all BE files required for installation in place in your game directory. Either verify your game files/cache on Steam or Uplay or completely reinstall the game. Secondly, please make sure that you run the initial installation from a administrative user account or a limited user account with UAC enabled. Otherwise BE won’t be able to request administrative privileges required to install the BE Service.
If none of this helps please also check the following FAQ entry.
When launching the game I get a “Failed to install BattlEye Service.” / “BattlEye Service installation failed.” / “Failed to start BattlEye Service.” / “BattlEye Service startup failed.” / “Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: …” error.
This happens if something on your system prevents the installation/startup of the BE Service, which is required to play on BE-enabled servers. Please ensure that any security software (anti-virus, etc.) running on your system doesn’t block the BE Service (both BEService.exe/BEService_x64.exe in your game’s “BattlEye” directory as well as the entire BE Service directory, which is usually “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye”) in any way. You might have to add it to your security software’s exception list. If that doesn’t help or you don’t use any sort of security software there might be a permission issue with your BE Service directory or the files within it. To solve this delete the BE Service directory (usually “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye”) and then try to launch your game again. If you still get the same error at this point please try to manually set the BE Launcher in your game directory (usually the executable file with “_BE” at the end) to run with administrative privileges (normally this should happen automatically). To do so right-click on the BE Launcher executable, choose “Properties”, go to the “Compatibility” tab, check the “Run this program as an administrator” option and click OK to apply your changes.
If you still can’t get it to work some unknown software running on your system might be blocking BE somehow or certain parts of your operating system might be broken. If you cannot determine the cause we would suggest a repair reinstallation of Windows as a definite solution.
4 сен в 20:51Please try the steps outlined below.
When launching the game and trying to install BE I get a “Failed to install BattlEye Service.” error.
First of all, please ensure that you have all BE files required for installation in place in your game directory. Either verify your game files/cache on Steam or Uplay or completely reinstall the game. Secondly, please make sure that you run the initial installation from a administrative user account or a limited user account with UAC enabled. Otherwise BE won’t be able to request administrative privileges required to install the BE Service.
If none of this helps please also check the following FAQ entry.
When launching the game I get a “Failed to install BattlEye Service.” / “BattlEye Service installation failed.” / “Failed to start BattlEye Service.” / “BattlEye Service startup failed.” / “Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: …” error.
This happens if something on your system prevents the installation/startup of the BE Service, which is required to play on BE-enabled servers. Please ensure that any security software (anti-virus, etc.) running on your system doesn’t block the BE Service (both BEService.exe/BEService_x64.exe in your game’s “BattlEye” directory as well as the entire BE Service directory, which is usually “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye”) in any way. You might have to add it to your security software’s exception list. If that doesn’t help or you don’t use any sort of security software there might be a permission issue with your BE Service directory or the files within it. To solve this delete the BE Service directory (usually “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye”) and then try to launch your game again. If you still get the same error at this point please try to manually set the BE Launcher in your game directory (usually the executable file with “_BE” at the end) to run with administrative privileges (normally this should happen automatically). To do so right-click on the BE Launcher executable, choose “Properties”, go to the “Compatibility” tab, check the “Run this program as an administrator” option and click OK to apply your changes.
If you still can’t get it to work some unknown software running on your system might be blocking BE somehow or certain parts of your operating system might be broken. If you cannot determine the cause we would suggest a repair reinstallation of Windows as a definite solution.
Если вы являетесь игроком Destiny, то вы уже либо получили ошибку с кодом BEE или так или иначе получите. Эта ошибка не позволит вам полностью закончить игру, что совершенно непозволительно.
Большая часть игроков получают эту ошибку прямо во время игры. Не так давно игра все-таки получила обновление и количество игроков сталкивающихся с данной проблемой уменьшилось. Однако ошибка все еще всплывает у некоторых людей.
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