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Thats just info for game devs that they probably miss a lot of money because of that. I know nothing about making games so I cant tell you how to "reapir" this but you should try. 21 мар. 2020 в 5:33 As title says. Game is too easy to cheat. I wanted to buy some pink rocks but I dont have to because Ive got milions of them without effort.
Thats just info for game devs that they probably miss a lot of money because of that. I know nothing about making games so I cant tell you how to "reapir" this but you should try.
Useless information, cheaters are plenty with how children are in today's world, either give the dev information via PM on how you exploited or cheated or don't post. Thanks 21 мар. 2020 в 6:52 As title says. Game is too easy to cheat. I wanted to buy some pink rocks but I dont have to because Ive got milions of them without effort.
Thats just info for game devs that they probably miss a lot of money because of that. I know nothing about making games so I cant tell you how to "reapir" this but you should try.
Useless information, cheaters are plenty with how children are in today's world, either give the dev information via PM on how you exploited or cheated or don't post. Thanks
I haven't cheated but since you can save your game locally, I'm pretty sure you can do whatever you want with something like cheat engine (same with pretty much any offline game tbh) . but what's the point? You'll get bored of the game in minutes and you won't support the game either. Отредактировано SleipnirS; 21 мар. 2020 в 6:56 21 мар. 2020 в 7:04
Useless information, cheaters are plenty with how children are in today's world, either give the dev information via PM on how you exploited or cheated or don't post. Thanks
I haven't cheated but since you can save your game locally, I'm pretty sure you can do whatever you want with something like cheat engine (same with pretty much any offline game tbh) . but what's the point? You'll get bored of the game in minutes and you won't support the game either. You didnt read, right? "they probably miss a lot of money because of that."
If someone is bored because game is too slow or something, there is possibility that he will buy some currency to open chest or chests. I had this with other idle game. Not much but its always 2 dollars. Now, before I buy some currency in game, first I check the cheat engine. Works, I dont pay. Doesnt work, I pay. This is the point. They probably want money for their job and because this is so easy to cheat, they dont get maybe even 50% of income. 21 мар. 2020 в 9:39 first I check the cheat engine. Works, I dont pay. Doesnt work, I pay. This is the point. They probably want money for their job and because this is so easy to cheat, they dont get maybe even 50% of income.
Whatever the devs do, it's their business not ours, and perhaps forcefully milking players isn't the main objective with this game.
Now, have you considered the fact that, even with cheats available, lot of people wouldn't use them?
Maybe your motives are pure when posting here but that's naive. There is always a workaround when it comes to cheating and all codes have weaknesses, with that kind of mindset I'm afraid you won't be supporting many things. 21 мар. 2020 в 10:14 (. ) it's their business not ours (. ) Then dont write man, because I posted this to game devs, not for you. And you seems to understand this.
If they dont care, they wont change this. Their choise. I just wanted to let them know. 21 мар. 2020 в 10:14 Literally nobody cares if you cheat, just makes you look bad. Up to you if you want to ruin a game, which is what cheating does. Kudos 21 мар. 2020 в 11:21 (. ) it's their business not ours (. )
Then dont write man, because I posted this to game devs, not for you
Welcome on a community forum, where everyone is free to answer, I just answered to make sure you notice most players aren't stupid enough to download a game such as this one just to start cheating and get it done asap.
Plus, if you really wanted to help the devs, why would you start a thread with a title like this one and give away the name of the infamous cheating software. PM would have been good enough and then your actions wouldn't have been the opposite of your intentions. 21 мар. 2020 в 11:27 give away the name of the infamous cheating software. Because I dont wanna cut their income. Im sure someone came here after first game launch (me to ask about meta weapons) and he could see the cheat. It doesnt seems to be real but i thought: "if game devs care about this, they will ask". 2 reasons why I didnt write how Ive done that. 21 мар. 2020 в 13:17
ngu is easy to cheat, i still paid money to show support, this reminds of of the argument of why DRM is needed or else no one would pay, which is BS,liars will lie, a thief will steal and someone who want too pay and show support does not need to be forced to do so.
if they want things free with no effort, people will always find find a way. just like those that want to show support and have nice things will PAY.
22 мар. 2020 в 2:19ngu is easy to cheat, i still paid money to show support, this reminds of of the argument of why DRM is needed or else no one would pay, which is BS,liars will lie, a thief will steal and someone who want too pay and show support does not need to be forced to do so.
if they want things free with no effort, people will always find find a way. just like those that want to show support and have nice things will PAY.
In clicker heroes i cheated and still payed like you did in ngu. If game (clicker heroes) would be harder to cheat, I would pay more. Not only to "show support" but also to get any advantages from this.Point of my thread is still same: if devs care about this, they will repair this. Отредактировано Adikos; 22 мар. 2020 в 2:19 23 мар. 2020 в 9:01
Games like this are and will always be easy to cheat. It's up to you to decide if you do so or not. That's why everyone is saying you are NOT supporting the game, even by stating that it is too easy to cheat. Everyone knows it is easy to cheat even without this post.
If you want to be a hero with 'cheating', try cracking the game code yourself instead of using cheat software to do it for you.
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