Disturbed чит гта 5
⭐ Приватный чит Disturbed_1.4.7.3b ⭐
Disturbed - это логическое продолжение ветки Requiem, для которого был заново переписан весь движок, с учетом прошлого опыта, который мы получили при разработке Requiem.
Недавно Disturbed вышел из стадии альфа тестирования, доступ к которому был только у VIP пользователей и теперь доступен всем обладателям базовой лицензии Requiem.
Небольшой перечень преимуществ:
✅ Disturbed обладает одной и лучших, на данный момент, защитой от других читеров.
✅ Несколько различных методов накрутки денег, в том числе новый, уникальный метод накрутки через ночной клуб - по 5 миллионов за тик, без каких либо лимитов на транзакции (в отличии от якобы безопасной stealth накрутки).
✅ Множество опций в разделе Recovery, в т.к. разблокировка разработок бункера, коллекционных предметов казино и т.д.
✅ Уникальный раздел "Разблокировки", в котором просто масса опция для разблокировки различного игрового контета а так же сотен футболок и прочих
✅ Раздел "Сетевые функции" с множеством опций для быстрой смены/подключения к сессиям.
✅ Краш, от которого ни у кого нету защиты.
✅ Различные опции для сетевой игры, упрощающие рутину и дающие различные преимущества.
✅ Полная кастомизация горячих клавиш.
✅ И многое. многое другое
На данный момент существуют два типа лицензий (ключей), которые вы можете приобрести:
VIP пользователи получают следующие преимущества и прочие бонусы:
- Доступ к VIP функционалу (нету никакого повода для беспокойства, т.к. в отличии от конкурентов - функционал Disturbed, для обладателей базовой лицензии, порезан не сильно).
- Гарантированный доступ к закрытым тестовым версиям Disturbed.
- Возможность привязки трех различных конфигураций ПК.
- Безлимитный доступ ко всем будущим проектам (обратите внимание, что с выходом каждого нового проекта цена на VIP ключ будет повышаться).
- Возможность принять участие в бета тесте проектов X-Ray 3 (CSGO) и REDstone (Red Dead Redemption 2) в первые дни появления тестовых версий.
Покупка, установка и запуск:
F4 - скрыть/показать меню
UP/DOWN - вверх, вниз
RIGHT/LEFT- изменение значения функции (больше/меньше)
ENTER - подтвердить
Демонстрация накрутки денег через ночной клуб:
Добавлено (21.11.2019, 10:19)
Disturbed v1.4.4 Beta доступен для загрузки!
- В разделе Online -> Stats Spoofer Options добавлена опция Spoof Rockstar ID для подмены вашего Rockstar ID (RID). Обратите внимание, что опция Spoof Data должна быть включена, иначе изменения не вступят в силу.
- Небольшие правки функции накрутки денег через ночной клуб, которые, теоретически, должны помочь тем пользователям, которым приходилось устанавливать слишком большие значения таймингов. Необходимо тестирование.
- Исправлен баг, из-за которого иногда мог произойти краш при закрытии окна ввода с клавиатуры.
Добавлено (22.11.2019, 01:59)
Disturbed v1.4.5 Beta доступен для загрузки!
- В разделе Online -> Stats Spoofer Options добавлены опции Spoof IP Address для подмены вашего IP адреса. Формат введенной строки адреса должен быть, как положено, в виде х.х.х.х (к примеру, Обратите внимание, что опция Spoof Data должна быть включена, иначе изменения не вступят в силу. ВНИМАНИЕ! IP адрес будет виден всем, кроме вас (то есть, выбирая самого себя в списке игроков, вы увидите свой обычный адрес).
Добавлено (30.11.2019, 10:53)
Disturbed v1.4.6 Beta доступен для загрузки!
- В разделе Recovery добавлен новый подраздел Casino Options, в котором находятся следующие опции:
* 100% Jackpot! - данная опция активирует 100% вероятность выигрыша в игровых автоматах. Лучше всего использовать с игровым автоматом "Diamond" на максимальной ставке - 2500000 фишек за один цикл.
* Add Chips [25k] - мгновенно добавляет 25000 фишек. МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНО ТОЛЬКО В КАЗИНО (не в пентхаусе)!
* Add Chips [25k] Loop - делает тоже, что и предыдущая опция, только зациклена.
* ВНИМАНИЕ! Мы не стали отмечать последние две опции как [Risky], но все же не используйте их много раз, так как для этих опций нужно более продолжительное время для тестирования. Советуем использовать накрутку 25к фишек всего один-два раза, что бы хватило на игровой автомат. Да и в целом - опция "100% Jackpot! намного профитнее.
- Оптимизирован метод накрутки денег через ночной клуб. Теперь Disturbed сам следит за транзакциями, что бы они не накладывались одна на другую (что ранее приводило к ошибке транзакции). Но для самых проблемных пользователей (у кого очень нестабильное соединение с серверами Rockstar) опции таймингов все же были оставлены с нулевыми значениями.
- В разделе Recovery был полностью убран подраздел Cash Options за ненадобностью, т.к. ранее он использовался только для получения денег для покупки ночного клуба. Теперь же можно просто накрутить фишек в казино, после чего купить ночной клуб. ВНИМАНИЕ! Крайне не рекоммендуем использовать накрутку через ночной клуб и игровой автомат одновременно.
- В подраздел "тонкой" настройки защиты от краша добавлены две новые опции - Disable Cargobob Model и Disable Towtruck Model.
- Добавлены новые скриптовые ивенты в черный список Protex.
- Небольшие фиксы движка, в частности касающиеся списка игроков.
Добавлено (30.11.2019, 10:54)
Disturbed v1.4.6.1 Beta доступен для загрузки!
- Добавлен искусственный лимит для опций Add Chips [25k] и Add Chips [25k] Loop на 5 транзакций. Сделано это в целях безопасности, хотя в любом случае, как упоминалось ниже (в описании к обновлению 1.4.6) - достаточно всего один раз использовать опцию, что бы фишек хватило для игрового автомата Diamond, на котором уже можно постоянно фармить 2500000 за один выигрыш.
- Добавлен один (нынче аренда места в меню дорогая) слот для пресета телепортации.
Добавлено (15.12.2019, 17:05)
- Обновление под патч 1.50. Обновление прошло не совсем гладко из-за того, что Rockstar обфусцировали некоторые участки кода а так же изменили алгоритм шифрования некоторых скриптов. По-этому в данной версии отсутствуют некоторые функции (самые важные из которых только раздел опций казино).
Добавлено (15.12.2019, 17:11)
Disturbed v1.4.6.3b доступен для загрузки! В этой версии только фиксы опций, которые были поломаны патчем 1.50. Накрутка через казино будет доступна в течении пары дней, т.к. нам показалось слишком подозрительным шифрование некоторых скриптов казино, по-этому мы приняли решение провести закрытый тест на безопасность перед релизом.
Добавлено (15.12.2019, 18:05)
Disturbed v1.4.6.4 Beta доступен для загрузки!
- Восстановлена опция "100% Slot Machines Jackpot!".
- Обновлены некоторые языковые пакеты.
- Мелкие багфиксы.
Добавлено (16.12.2019, 22:44)
Disturbed Beta уже доступен для загрузки!
Исправлена проблема с опцией "100% Slot Machines Jackpot!" а также обновлена опция Online -> Remote Options -> Crash. И помните - не обижайте малюток
- Обновлен весь раздел "Online -> Unlocks" а также добавлены две новых опции: "Unlock Christmas Content 2019" и "Unlock Casino Heist T-Shirts".
- Небольшая оптимизация защиты от скриптовых ивентов. Добавлены новые ивенты в черный список Protex.
- Небольшая оптимизация защиты от краша. Добавлены несколько новых обьектов в черный список Crash Protection.
- Исправлен баг опции "Aim Bot", из-за которого функция иногда переставала работать. Также были добавлены две дополнительные опции - "Hard Lock", которая фисирует прицел на цели (предотвращая случайное переключение на другую цель или просто сброс текущей цели) и "Line Of Sight Check", которая прекрасно работает с предыдущей опцией, позволяя сбрасывать захват прицела, если между вами и целью оказалось препятствие (стена, авто и т.д.).
- По просьбам некоторых пользователей, в резделе "Interface" была добавлена опция "Disable Text Colorization", которая полностью отключает колоризацию всего текста в меню Disturbed.
- Обновлены некоторые языковые пакеты а также исправлены некоторые опечатки.
- Различные мелкие багфиксы движка, в частности модуля авторизации и "сердцебиения" (постоянной связи с сервером).
- Доработана защита от краша (пламенный привет ребятам из Олимпа!)
- Добавны новые ивенты в защиту от скриптовых ивентов, также почищены устаревшие.
- Переработан раздел LSC Portable.
- Оптимизированы почти все опции из раздела Weapons, а именно - "Aim Bot, Trigger Bot, Rapid Fire, Entity Remove Gun, Resurrect Gun, Vehicle Steal Gun".
- Исправлена и оптимизирована опция "Full God Mode".
- В разделе Teleport добавлен подраздел Casino Locations с точками телепорт ко входу в казино а так же к игровым автоматам Diamond.
- Исправлена баг в опции "Ped Attach Protection" из-за которого мог произойти краш игры при столкновении с другим игроком.
- Исправлен баг в опции "Enter Custom Target Rockstar ID", из-за которого случался краш при закрытии окна ввода через ESC.
- Смена ника теперь работает только одиночной игре, после чего нужно будет зайти в онлайн.
- Исправлены опции "Trap In Cage" и "Attach Bone Index" в разделе "Attach Options" для одного игрока.
- Исправлены опции Attach To Player, Attach Piggy Back, Attach 69. Нужно больше тестов.
- Исправлена баг в опции Drive On Air, из-за которого функция иногда могла не заспавнить платформу.
- Проведена небольшая оптимизация движка.
- Улучшена защита от краша.
- В разделе "Interface" была возвращена всеми забытая и антикварная опция "Show Speedo".
* Данный апдейт выпущен только для обновления антикраша. Основные изменения и нововведения будут доступны в
If you would like me to talk about a feature about a certain mod menu that I own, feel free to leave a message at the comments and I will review it for you. I have tried to be as unbiased as I can when reviewing these mod menus so that it can help you guys make a decision about which mod menu you may get.
Disturbed: (Basic costs around $10, VIP costs another $20)
By far the mod menu with the best support, extremely professional and quick to respond to your issues. The mod menu itself is kind of unstable at times, but is one of the best budget mod menu’s priced at around $10 for a lot of features that improves your gameplay experience along with powerful recovery features which has a lot of recovery options, as far as I know, I think the unlocks are unrivalled, with the most unlocks options I have seen in a mod menu. Disturbed has very quick updates, normally releasing a public beta testing version within a few days and finish the beta testing in around a week for normal access to be restored for the basic users. The mod menu has options for just about anything in the game, some are implemented kind of poorly such as ‘drift mode’ which instantly activates upon activation, which is kind of difficult to use practically and the vehicle boost function which increases or decreases in increments of 1 instead of 10, making it quite difficult to change the speed quickly. I would say the protections are quite good from what I have heard, but not as good as some other mod menu’s such as Luna. Not too sure about that as I have never really used Disturbed’s protections before. Overall, I would recommend this mod menu as it is quite cheap to get the basic version and the support team is extremely quick and professional. A new update is coming to Disturbed which should address the crashing issues that some people are going through with the mod menu.
Luna: (Price locked at $27)
Luna is a very good mod menu which packs many features for its price. It has some of the best kicks and crashes (aside from Cherax) and some of the best protections for a public mod menu. Priced at $27, it has features for trolling, recoveries, and generally having fun as this is one of the most stable mod menus I have ever used. Using this mod menu in missions is easy and provides little to no issues with the protections off. The report blocking feature also makes sure that you can maintain a good account reputation ( not that it really matters too much anymore ). It also includes features such as loading story mode mods with a ScriptHookV loader and load in custom vehicles. I would say that the custom vehicles do cause instability for the mod menu, but it still functions well enough. Updates are kind of regular, which each update adding new features that improves the user’s experience or expands on its already large list of options to choose from. For $27, it is one of the best mod menu’s to get for the average player either trying to protect themselves or have more fun with the game. However, Luna’s community has recently gone through quite the change, but I think everything should be going more or less smoothly from now, the community seems friendly enough, and the staff seems to be active to help out as well whenever a user requires some help or is running into an uncommon issue with the mod menu.
Essentials: (Around $10, price varies from reseller to reseller)
Impulse Essentials is often compared with Disturbed Basic due to their similar prices, however, Impulse Essentials does not offer the same kind of experience compared to Disturbed. I would say that Impulse Essentials is more catered towards trolling other players and providing a fun experience for when you play GTA V or GTA Online, but not so much for recoveries. All versions of Impulse has kind of a slow recovery option, maximum at GTA$500,000 every few seconds, it is much slower compared to Disturbed’s GTA$6,000,000 per tick and Luna’s 2,500,000 chips per tick. However, Impulse does offer a more stable mod menu for the price even though the protection options are lesser compared to the VIP version. As the name says, Impulse Essentials is meant to provide you with the tools for having the basic modding experience in GTA Online. I think Impulse Essentials does not have a ScriptHookV loader and you cannot change the banner, but those should not really be too much of an issue as many fun features are already included in the Impulse Essentials mod menu. However, Impulse’s support is rarely online depending on your time zone. Impulse’s Discord server has quite a lot of resources on it, but I have heard people getting banned from there from doing seemingly nothing. Fortunately, from what I could see, unless you are being annoying or asking / doing what they would consider to be stupid things, you should be fine.
Standard: Never owned the standard version of Impulse, so cannot really do a review of it.
VIP: (Apparently it should be around $55 from most resellers)
The VIP version of Impulse provides an extremely large number of features that is so large that it would be impractical to cover them here, a list of the features should be able to be found online. Impulse VIP has features that, as far as I know, are incomparable with other mod menu’s as Impulse VIP seriously has the largest list of features that I have ever seen. The features are extremely fun to use and has provided me with one of the most fun freemode experience that I have ever had with a mod menu. From vehicle weapons to spawning vehicles with custom parameters which allowed for control over freemode that I have never experienced before. The Impulse Overseer’s function allows for you to track players’ status and also you can lock lobbies to stop people from joining, which is a nice feature to have. The recovery features are still not that great, but everything else is very fun to use. Most of the features are quite stable and function as intended. If you have the budget for it and you want one of the most fun experiences in GTA Online freemode, Impulse VIP is a good option for you. However, Impulse has always had some issues with missions as their protections are kind of difficult to manage sometimes. Some solutions that I have seen online is to disable every single protection and join missions, however, I do not have too much experience playing missions with Impulse, but as far as I have tried it, it works well enough. I use the Impulse auto injector to use the mod menu, but the time it takes to authorize the current session is very long and sometimes makes the experience feel less polished.
The user interface in Impulse VIP is one of the best designs I have ever seen in a GTA V mod menu aside from Disturbed’s user interface, which is also designed quite nicely. What I enjoy about Impulse VIP’s user interface is the information box at the bottom of the screen which talks more about the selected option and if there is a hotkey bound to the function and which key it is bound to if there is a hotkey set. It allows the user to quickly go through the information without guessing which key it is set to. Impulse VIP also has a search function for the mod menu which allows you to quickly look for a specific function in the mod menu as there are a lot of options to go through. Overall, I feel like Impulse VIP is quite good if you are planning to do a whole lot of things such as trolling or giving other players a funny experience with the various options in the mod menu.
VIP: ( 2Take1 VIP Lifetime costs around $120 either with PayPal or from most resellers, 2Take1 also provides a standard edition, and a subscription license for both variants at varying prices. )
2Take1 is by far the most stable mod menu (other than Kiddions mod menu) that I have ever used. It comes with most of the major features in the larger mod menu’s such as recovery with the ability to unlock most of the things in the game. There are options unique to this mod menu such as the chaos options which provides quite the experience for players in the lobby. My game does not really have any performance issues with 2Take1 and at times, I feel like my game is more stable with the mod menu.
One of the features that I enjoy using with 2Take1 is the aimbot and triggerbot options as it causes your aim to move towards the target instead of having just the bullet hit the target, giving the user a more natural experience. 2Take1 comes with an editor that allows you to modify GTA V to your liking, removing or repositioning just about anything in the game. One of the other unique options is the LUA executor for the game, which allows the users to add functions to the mod menu, making it as simple or as powerful as they want it to be. 2Take1’s Discord server provides many LUA scripts to use with the mod menu and other configs for protections or for stat editing in order to provide the user with just about anything they would want to do with a mod menu if they can use LUA. A nice feature about 2Take1 is a business manager where you can enable an overlay that shows the status of all of your in-game businesses and manages them automatically for you, purchasing supplies, production, selling, etc.. With the ability to change license plates as well, it makes itself to be one of the most unique mod menus that is famous for its safety as it has been undetected for over a year and updates for the latest version of the game within hours. If you have the budget for it, 2Take1 is a very good mod menu that you know you can rely on for its reliability and function.
However, the user interface of 2Take1 is not that nice in comparison to mod menus such as Disturbed and Impulse VIP. It looks quite basic and plain, but you can customize the fonts, the colours, and the headers to your liking, which can really transform how the mod menu looks if you put some time into customizing it. Overall, I can recommend this as one of the most stable mod menus for GTA V as I think I have never crashed with this mod menu by itself.
Over mod menu: ( Priced at around $3 for now, price will apparently increase to $20 when Over V2 comes out. I would recommend purchasing from Protein, PringleMan or Elechugas from their Discord as they provide cheap prices with the best user support out of the majority of the other resellers in their Discord server. )
The mod menu itself is decent at best. Many of the options do not work, clicking on IP information instantly crashes your game, but I would say that it is a good entry level mod menu. Costing only around $3 for now, the resellers there such as Protein, PringleMan, and Elechugas has distinguished themselves from the majority of the other members of the staff by displaying friendliness and concern for the customers and quick response times. A warning for the people that are considering this option, their Discord server is quite toxic, with members of the staff saying this such as “Oh, the ScriptHookV loader doesn’t work? Well, nobody cares.” “Oh, the Fortnite cheat no longer works? Hm, really does not matter to me.” and banning people who are being kind of annoying with the way they describe their problems while being quite insulting to the people of colour. However, Over V2 is coming out soon, so the mod menu issues should be addressed by then. Unfortunately, the staff will likely continue to remain the same, but I think they are kind of toxic in a joking type of way? Not really sure how to explain it anymore. Over is a good entry level mod menu to get into modding as it also includes other cheats such as cheats for Fortnite, Among Us, and also includes a VPN as well. It is a good value for money license as far as I know.
Kiddions mod menu (suggested by user):
Kiddions is a free external mod menu for GTA V that you can download from UnknownCheats. Kiddions provides a lot of features for a free mod menu such as becoming invincible, teleporting, healing, spawning vehicles, repairing vehicles, anti-idle kick, and some basic protections. Kiddions also has quite a powerful unlocks sections, able to unlock many of the unlockables from past events. It also provides some fun features such as ammo modification, money dropping, and infinite vehicle boost or rockets. Unfortunately, being an external mod menu, Kiddions does not provide a smooth teleportation experience. Sometimes, using the teleportation function can result in your going into the ground, where you have to accelerate to get out of. Kiddions also cannot perform some features that people consider fun or for trolling since the capabilities of a mod menu that is external becomes more limited. Overall, Kiddions is a very good mod menu for beginners looking to get into GTA V modding as it also provides some recovery features such as changing levels, unlocking things in the game, and it also provides some money-making options such as doing bunker selling missions instantly or rigging the slot machines. I would recommend using Kiddions along with GTAHaxUI for general stat editing to make it a more complete experience. DiaModz website provides a download for Kiddions with GTAHaxUI along with the files for the various stats that you can edit inside the game.
Phantom-X: I do not own this mod menu, so I cannot write anything about it as of now.
Ilusion Engine: I do not own this mod menu, so I cannot write anything about it as of now.
X-Force: I do not own this mod menu, so I cannot write anything about it as of now.
XCheats: I do not own this mod menu, so I cannot write anything about it as of now.
Fragment: I do not own this mod menu, so I cannot write anything about it as of now.
Tactical: I do not own this mod menu, so I cannot write anything about it as of now.
Lightning-X: I do not own this mod menu, so I cannot write anything about it as of now.
Robust: I do not own this mod menu, so I cannot write anything about it as of now.
Cherax: I do not own this mod menu, so I cannot write anything much about it now, but I have heard that it has the best kicks for a public mod menu.
Paragon: I do not own this mod menu, so I cannot write anything about it as of now.
Ephemeral mod menu: I do not own this mod menu, so I cannot write anything about it as of now.
I would also be willing to review any mod menus that any team or mod menu staff sends me, of course, I will still be unbiased but I will try to be more detailed in any parts that you want me to specify on.
Hopefully this has helped you in making a decision with which mod menu you want to purchase, again, if you have anything you want to know about a mod menu that I have access to, feel free to let me know in the comments. If I have made a mistake in a part of my review, let me know and I will check through it again to make sure.
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