Contra anniversary collection читы
11 июн. 2019 в 18:25 Codes for the games?
What are the extra lives codes for the games included in this collection?
I can't even beat the first level in Contra 3 with 7 lives.
Any info on these codes would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
11 июн. 2019 в 21:06if these are emulators running the nes roms, then the code for the originalc ontra is: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A as the title is rolling from the right.
for super C it was: down, up, right, left, A, B iirc . but only gives 10 lives in super c rather than 30 like the original contra
I don't remember any codes for the other games, but the original contra code might also work in operation 3, though you might have to enter it during a stage like in gradius. I forget what the code was and exactly what it did, but I do remember a code working in some way on gameboy. some old sites should have the codes available for the games
2 сен в 21:29i had it working once on the North America version (Contra on steam), but ever since i have stop playing it 5 months ago i havn't been able to do the cheat code again :( .
I know its possible. all i remember saying to myself is: "the A and B is switched" and "take your time"
i reason i returned is because i wanted to set up the cheat code on the controller for big picture mode and make it easier for everyone. but I was very lazy the first time and didnt set it up.
Now that im back, i cant get the Up UP to do it twice on a controller. i get stuck with 1 Up instead of two when mapping it on the controller.
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