Читы на blackhawk rescue mission 5 roblox
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--Version 1.0
--By Kane Train
-- Note Mountain does not work yet
ScreenGui . Parent = game . CoreGui
main . Name = "main"
main . Parent = ScreenGui
main . Active = true
main . Visible = false
main . Active = true
main . Draggable = true
zui . Name = "zui"
zui . Parent = main
zui . Font = Enum . Font . SourceSans
zui . Text = "Zui - V 1.0"
zui . TextSize = 18.000
mountain . Name = "mountain"
mountain . Parent = main
mountain . Font = Enum . Font . SourceSans
mountain . Text = "Mountain"
mountain . TextSize = 14.000
helipad . Name = "helipad"
helipad . Parent = main
helipad . Font = Enum . Font . SourceSans
helipad . Text = "Helipad"
helipad . TextSize = 14.000
gear . Name = "gear"
gear . Parent = main
gear . Font = Enum . Font . SourceSans
gear . Text = "Gear"
gear . TextSize = 14.000
closemain . Name = "closemain"
closemain . Parent = main
closemain . Font = Enum . Font . SourceSans
closemain . Text = "X"
closemain . TextScaled = true
closemain . TextSize = 14.000
closemain . TextWrapped = true
openmain . Visible = true
main . Visible = false
desert . Name = "desert"
desert . Parent = main
desert . Font = Enum . Font . SourceSans
desert . Text = "Desert"
desert . TextSize = 14.000
cars . Name = "cars"
cars . Parent = main
cars . Font = Enum . Font . SourceSans
cars . Text = "Cars"
cars . TextSize = 14.000
command . Name = "command"
command . Parent = main
command . Font = Enum . Font . SourceSans
command . Text = "Command"
command . TextSize = 14.000
openmain . Name = "openmain"
openmain . Parent = ScreenGui
openmain . Active = true
openmain . Visible = true
openmain . Active = true
open . Name = "open"
open . Parent = openmain
open . Font = Enum . Font . SourceSans
open . Text = "Open"
open . TextSize = 14.000
openmain . Visible = false
main . Visible = true
RAW Paste Data
Python | 2 min ago | 2.43 KB
JavaScript | 9 min ago | 1.62 KB
Python | 48 min ago | 1.57 KB
HTML | 49 min ago | 2.04 KB
C++ | 54 min ago | 15.96 KB
C++ | 1 hour ago | 2.66 KB
PHP | 1 hour ago | 1.91 KB
PHP | 1 hour ago | 1.11 KB
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Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
Script Creator V3rmillion HuzurAtesi
SCRIPT DESC | Teleports
GAME | Blackhawk Rescue Mission 5
FUNCTIONS | Teleports/ Aimbot / Esp / light compensation
BRM5 . Name = "BRM5"
BRM5 . Parent = game . CoreGui
BRM5 . ZIndexBehavior = Enum . ZIndexBehavior . Sibling
OpenFrame . Name = "OpenFrame"
OpenFrame . Parent = BRM5
OpenFrame . Active = true
OpenFrame . BorderSizePixel = 0
Open . Name = "Open"
Open . Parent = OpenFrame
Open . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
Open . BorderSizePixel = 0
Open . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
Open . Text = "Open"
Open . TextSize = 35.000
Open . TextStrokeTransparency = - 100.000
Open . TextTransparency = - 100.000
Main . Name = "Main"
Main . Parent = BRM5
Main . Active = true
Main . BorderSizePixel = 0
BeautyA . Name = "BeautyA"
BeautyA . Parent = Main
BeautyA . Active = true
BeautyA . BorderSizePixel = 0
Tutorial . Name = "Tutorial"
Tutorial . Parent = BeautyA
Tutorial . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
Tutorial . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
Tutorial . Text = "Blackhawk Rescue Mission 5"
Tutorial . TextSize = 20.000
Tutorial . TextStrokeTransparency = - 500.000
BeautyB . Name = "BeautyB"
BeautyB . Parent = Main
BeautyB . Active = true
BeautyB . BorderSizePixel = 0
Credit . Name = "Credit"
Credit . Parent = BeautyB
Credit . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
Credit . Font = Enum . Font . GothamBlack
Credit . TextSize = 15.000
Credit . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1000.000
Credit . TextTransparency = - 100.000
normalcompensation . Name = "normal compensation"
normalcompensation . Parent = Main
normalcompensation . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
normalcompensation . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
normalcompensation . Text = "normal compensation "
normalcompensation . TextSize = 15.000
normalcompensation . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
Turnupcompensation . Name = "Turn up compensation"
Turnupcompensation . Parent = Main
Turnupcompensation . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
Turnupcompensation . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
Turnupcompensation . Text = "Light compensation"
Turnupcompensation . TextSize = 15.000
Turnupcompensation . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
PvPAimbotEsp . Name = "PvP Aimbot / Esp"
PvPAimbotEsp . Parent = Main
PvPAimbotEsp . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
PvPAimbotEsp . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
PvPAimbotEsp . Text = "PvP Aimbot / Esp"
PvPAimbotEsp . TextSize = 15.000
PvPAimbotEsp . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
DeptOfUtilities . Name = "Dept. Of Utilities"
DeptOfUtilities . Parent = Main
DeptOfUtilities . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
DeptOfUtilities . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
DeptOfUtilities . Text = "Dept. Of Utilities"
DeptOfUtilities . TextSize = 15.000
DeptOfUtilities . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
RonogradCity . Name = "Ronograd City"
RonogradCity . Parent = Main
RonogradCity . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
RonogradCity . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
RonogradCity . Text = "Ronograd City"
RonogradCity . TextSize = 15.000
RonogradCity . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
Town . Name = "Town"
Town . Parent = Main
Town . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
Town . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
Town . Text = "Town"
Town . TextSize = 15.000
Town . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
CarrierShip . Name = "Carrier Ship"
CarrierShip . Parent = Main
CarrierShip . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
CarrierShip . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
CarrierShip . Text = "Carrier Ship"
CarrierShip . TextSize = 15.000
CarrierShip . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
MissileBase . Name = "Missile Base"
MissileBase . Parent = Main
MissileBase . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
MissileBase . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
MissileBase . Text = "Missile Base"
MissileBase . TextSize = 15.000
MissileBase . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
Close . Name = "Close"
Close . Parent = Main
Close . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
Close . BorderSizePixel = 0
Close . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
Close . Text = "X"
Close . TextSize = 20.000
Close . TextStrokeTransparency = - 999.000
enemybaseonthemountain . Name = "enemy base on the mountain"
enemybaseonthemountain . Parent = Main
enemybaseonthemountain . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
enemybaseonthemountain . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
enemybaseonthemountain . Text = "enemy base on the mountain"
enemybaseonthemountain . TextSize = 15.000
enemybaseonthemountain . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
SochrainaCity . Name = "Sochraina City"
SochrainaCity . Parent = Main
SochrainaCity . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
SochrainaCity . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
SochrainaCity . Text = "Sochraina City"
SochrainaCity . TextSize = 15.000
SochrainaCity . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
Airfield . Name = "Airfield"
Airfield . Parent = Main
Airfield . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
Airfield . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
Airfield . Text = "Airfield"
Airfield . TextSize = 15.000
Airfield . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
DesertTown . Name = "Desert Town"
DesertTown . Parent = Main
DesertTown . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
DesertTown . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
DesertTown . Text = "Desert Town"
DesertTown . TextSize = 15.000
DesertTown . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
Helipads . Name = "Helipads"
Helipads . Parent = Main
Helipads . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
Helipads . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
Helipads . Text = "Helipads"
Helipads . TextSize = 15.000
Helipads . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
Hangar1 . Name = "Hangar1"
Hangar1 . Parent = Main
Hangar1 . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
Hangar1 . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
Hangar1 . Text = "Hangar1"
Hangar1 . TextSize = 15.000
Hangar1 . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
Hangar2 . Name = "Hangar2"
Hangar2 . Parent = Main
Hangar2 . BackgroundTransparency = 1.000
Hangar2 . Font = Enum . Font . Cartoon
Hangar2 . Text = "Hangar2"
Hangar2 . TextSize = 15.000
Hangar2 . TextStrokeTransparency = - 1.000
--Desert Town
--Sochraina City
--Ronograd City
--Department Of Utilities
--Carrier Ship
--Missile Base
--Mountain Enemy Base
--Turn Up Compensation
game . Lighting . ExposureCompensation = 5
--Turn to normal compensation
game . Lighting . ExposureCompensation = 0.2
--PvP Aimbot/Esp
--Close Button
OpenFrame . Visible = true
Main . Visible = false
--Open Button
Main . Visible = true
OpenFrame . Visible = false
OpenFrame . Draggable = true
Main . Draggable = true
RAW Paste Data
Python | 2 min ago | 2.43 KB
JavaScript | 9 min ago | 1.62 KB
Python | 48 min ago | 1.57 KB
HTML | 49 min ago | 2.04 KB
C++ | 54 min ago | 15.96 KB
C++ | 1 hour ago | 2.66 KB
PHP | 1 hour ago | 1.91 KB
PHP | 1 hour ago | 1.11 KB
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