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Warcraft 3: Reign Of Chaos/Frozen Throne - Cheats and more..
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Warcraft 3: Reign Of Chaos/Frozen Throne - Cheats and more..
Post by STN » Mon Apr 03, 2017 5:28 pm
[ 26.05.2016 - Version 1.26 ]
→ Added table for version 1.26 as well. Find it below.
I've split the scripts per Player and Team Player:
What this means is the following:
→ there are maps where you have allies
→ these allies are in the same team with you, just different player_id
→ enabling all scripts in [ Team Player ] section will activate the options for the entire team (you and allies)
→ at the same time, you cannot enable the remaining scripts in [ Player ] section, as the hooks are the same (the only one I didn't want to change for Team Player, as I have to get player_ids after I get team_id and loop through the function to give everyone in your team 5000 resources, is the Resources script; besides, there's like 1 mission where you can control your ally - The Brothers Stormrage - and I figured all the other scripts should be enough, no need to boost Malfurion's resources)
→ the only script you can activate from [ Player ] section is Hook Player, to enable access to resources for your player and map revealing (via same hotkeys, Numpad 3 and Numpad 6)
→ Download table
→ Run game
→ Making sure you have Cheat Engine installed ("file doesn't open for me, halp!"), open the table you just downloaded
→ Target 'War3.exe' process
→ Enable the scripts you want and enter a mission (scripts can be enabled any time)
Now, based on the numbers you see in the above screenshot:
[1] Health (player sided)
Does what it says. Enable the script and you won't take any damage from an AI different than yourself (note you will get hurt by your own catapults or hero spells/skills). By default, script will set Damage multiplier value to 12. See 2) below.
[2] Damage (player sided)
Allows you to change the multiplier of the damage you deal. Say one of your units deals 30 damage. Changing multiplier to 10 gets you 300 damage. For some units, this is near instant kill. If, however, you want that instant kill, change the multiplier to a huge value (e.g.: 100, 500, 1000 etc.).
[3] Fast Build/Research (player sided)
Does exactly what it says. Will change the normal build factor to (float)16.0, thus increasing the build speed and decreasing build time. It's not an instant build option, though given how fast it works, I doubt you want instantaneity.
The script will hook a certain location in Game.dll that always grabs the pointer to player's structure. This pointer is then used in the hook, when using below hotkeys:
[5] Resources+5000 (Numpad 3) (player sided)
With each press you get 5000 gold and lumber. If option doesn't work and you see "Resources+5000 (Numpad 3)" value stuck at 1, just move the mouse around or hover it over your units. Note this will not boost the resources of your allies (e.g.: in "The Brothers Stormrage" mission the option will not boost Malfurion's resources), although it sounds nice to try Wink
[6] Reveal Map Toggle (Numpad 6)
Pressing the key will toggle map revealing on/off. If option doesn't work and you see "Reveal Map Toggle (Numpad 6)" value stuck at 1, just move the mouse around or hover it over your units.
[7] Unlimited Mana (player sided)
[8] Disable Spells/Skills Cooldown (player sided)
Script will disable cooldown for player skills/spells. Note this works just for your player, hence, for example, you'll still have to wait for Goblin Merchant items to cool down.
→ Added Toggle Reveal Map
→ Added Unlimited Mana. Just enable script and never worry about depletion. Player only.
→ Added Disable Cooldown (for player Spells only). What script does is to hook two locations inside the spell casting routine, one that grabs mana cost (as DWORD) and NULLs it - therefore no mana penalty when casting - and the other that grabs cooldown time (as FLOAT) and NULLs it - therefore no delay between casts. Player only.
→ Removed any scripts that use arrays of bytes (aobscanmodule), as I am pretty certain if game updates, so will the code/registers and these will fail to work.
→ Boosted Damage float to 12. Should allow you nearly instant kills.
→ Revamped the resourcing system a bit, as I realized using a thread will often crash the game (happened in 2 missions so far, just Reign Of Chaos). Now it should be stable. Enable Resources+5000 script, select anything that's yours in-game or just hover mouse over it, then use Numpad 1 as previously to boost both Gold and Lumber.
→ Once more, this table is just for If game updates, you can easily find the offsets using this version's Game.dll linked here.
I'll keep you posted if I encounter any more issues.
→ Added Health and control of damage you deal.
→ You'll have to activate [Enable] script first, then Health script. If you want to multiply the damage you deal, change 1.0 value to the multiplier you want (e.g.: I use 10 or 20). Increase to 100 or more if you want instant kill. (Note: you will still take damage from your catapults, so be cautious.)
→ Added resourcing system working only for the player. Enable Resources + 5000 script and hit Numpad 1 to add 5000 of each resource (Gold, Lumber). Works even in maps where you don't have a base Smile
[ 07.05.2016 - First Release ]
Quick table that is going to be updated. So far it features Fast Build script that works for player only (by 'build': units, structures, researching - or anything that passes through the Build function). If you need it adjusted to increase speed, let me know. Default value is 16.
Warcraft 3: Reforged: Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 24.06.2020]Бесплатный чит или таблица для Cheat Engine к игре Warcraft 3: Reforged позволяют добавить в игру преимущественные привилегии, которые значительным образом будут влиять на весь игровой процесс в целом.
- Current features:
+Edit Camera Zoom Level (Default value 1650) // Ред. Приближение Камеры
Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, Load и выбрать таблицу
2. Select a process to open, выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.
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