Candy box 2 читы
Oh yeah, I was all about the cheats, although mine was basically just rolling on candies.setNbrOwned(10000); just to fast-forward that process without cheating TOO much.
Garrett Miller: An Honorable Cheater
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Candybox 2 allow you to export and import your game as text. Thus, allowing you to modify whatever you wish by reimporting a modified saved game.
Saved data
The data look like a key-value store separated by comma.
- bool value can be changed using "true" or "false" value
- number value take a number.
- string value take a string. Warning, if you put random string it may break things.
Those values manage your candies. You can change the gameCandiesCurrent value to increase or decrease your candies. It seems that there are no check between the accumulated ones and your current. (ie.: your current can be greater than the accumulated ones):
- number gameCandiesAccumulated
- number gameCandiesCurrent
- number gameCandiesMax
Player HP
- number playerHp
Getting the items you wish
By changing those value to "true", you will get the associated item:
- bool eqItemWeaponWoodenSword
- bool eqItemWeaponIronAxe
- bool eqItemWeaponPolishedSilverSword
- bool eqItemWeaponTrollBludgeon
- bool eqItemWeaponMonkeyWizardStaff
- true eqItemWeaponEnchantedMonkeyWizardStaff
- bool eqItemWeaponTribalSpear
- bool eqItemWeaponSummoningTribalSpear
- bool eqItemWeaponGiantSpoon
- bool eqItemWeaponScythe
- bool eqItemWeaponGiantSpoonOfDoom
- bool eqItemHatOctopusKingCrown
- bool eqItemHatOctopusKingCrownWithJaspers
- bool eqItemHatOctopusKingCrownWithObsidian
- bool eqItemHatMerchantHat
- bool eqItemHatSorceressHat
- bool eqItemBodyArmoursLightweightBodyArmour
- bool eqItemBodyArmoursKnightBodyArmour
- bool eqItemBodyArmoursEnchantedKnightBodyArmour
- bool eqItemGlovesLeatherGloves
- bool eqItemGlovesRedEnchantedGloves
- bool eqItemGlovesPinkEnchantedGloves
- bool eqItemBootsLeatherBoots
- bool eqItemBootsRocketBoots
- bool eqItemBootsBootsOfIntrospection
All other keys
Finish the game
Enter this code to finish the game.
Begin the game
If you want to reset the game - maybe you screwed it up - to it's original state, use this code:
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