Бан код 2106 стандофф 2
Once your account is banned/blocked you will not be able to log in on that account.
You can appeal the ban.
Any kind of hacking or cheating
This ban is issued manually on basis of complaints from other players containing direct evidence of the violation.
Ban code: 1001, 1002, 1003
Account editing
Editing the inventory of an account by adding medals or other items through experience cheats.
Event exp cheat
Regular exp cheat and Medals cheat
Ways to report players
Send your proof in the official Standoff 2 Discord server.
Cheat reports are only accepted through the @Comms Officer bot, which is open from 09:00 to 00:00 GMT + 3. Send your proof in your private messages with context of what happen, a mod will be answer you later
Note: if the video is too heavy you can upload to youtube in non listed and send the link to the bot.
Send your proof to the official axlebolt e-mail with context of what happened.
Если вы получили блокировку аккаунта, то ниже вы можете узнать - за что именно вас заблокировали.
Напоминание: некоторые причины блокировки противоречат не только правилам игры и компании Axlebolt, но и законам Российской Федерации
Материалы сообщества доступны в соответствии с условиями лицензии CC-BY-SA, если не указано иное.
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он же давно уже был
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Походу 3 сезон будет связан с пиратами и морем
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Артем, хм, а вы умнее всех оказались.
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Глеб, ты смог снять бан?
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На долго? Кто знает ? Куда писать?
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Marketplace/trade fraud
The ban is issued manually to organizers and participants of fraudulent schemes/bug abuse in trading/marketplace (for example: buy gold, buy skins, trade the skins to another account, refund the purchase of the gold)
Cheat/Fraud Popularization
the account will be banned for participation in the distribution of cheats and fraud methods
Organisation of fraudulent scheme
The ban is issued manually to organizers of fraudulent schemes
Participation in a fraudulent scheme
The ban is issued manually to anyone who participated in a previously planned fraud scheme
Using cheating software
The ban is issued automatically when detecting third-party interference in the structure of the game.
Changing values with third-party software
Changing the size of hitboxes
Damage hacking
Ammo hacking
Aimbot cheat
No-Recoil cheat
Changing game libraries
Evidence to report successfully
For all reports you need to take a video with a minimum resolution of 720p(HD) in which the suspect is cheating/abusing bugs. Evidence recorded with stretched screens will not be accepted. The ID of the suspect must be readable in the video (go to the chat if you dont die versus the cheater/if you are on the same team as the cheater)
Popularization of cheats
This ban is issued manually.
Making content by utilizing cheats
Publishing videos in which you cheat in the game or providing download links to cheating software.
Abusing bugs
Abusing ingame bugs to your own advantage.
Ban duration: 7 days
Decompetitive Attitudes
Players who commit disrespectful attitudes towards gambling policy, racism, chauvinism, among others.
Ban duration: 7 days to ∞ , depending on severity and/or amount of violations
Players who commit disrespectful attitudes like insult result a temp ban
Boost Rank
The account will be banned for helping to rank up with the use of cheats or also for receiving help from a cheater
NSFW Profile Picture/Name
The account will be temp banned for having an inappropriate profile picture, username or clan
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