Ares чит майнкрафт
Ares - это лучший боевой чит для PvP на серверах Minecraft! Чит-мод способен внести анархию и уничтожить любого противника. Ares Client хорош в мини игре бед варс, Quake, SkyWars, VampireZ. Гибкий функционал, глобальные настройки и приятный интерфейс чита, делают Ares годным под любые аспекты игры. В Арес есть чит KillAura позволит вступить в бой и одержать победу, AutoArmor для брони, PortalGodMode - режим бога в порталах, LiquidInteract чтобы ставить блоки на воду, Fly позволяющий летать и много читов для строительства, поиска руды и прочего читерства. Чтобы открыть меню чита нажмите Ж , сверху откроется GUI Ares, где вы можете выбрать и включить нужные читы. Открывается чит с помощью клавиши ":" или "Ж", можно перенастроить на любую другую "Click Gui" - "Bind".
Сборка читов на Ares Client
У Ares Client отличная подборка читов для сервер Майнкрафт, которая разделена на 7 блоков.
Click here to download v2.8
Fabric 1.16.4
Click here to download v2.8
Fabric 1.17.1 Beta
1. Download and install the recommended version of minecraft forge for 1.12.2 here
2. Download the latest version of Ares forge from this page
3. Move the downloaded Ares file into your minecraft mods folder (.minecraft/mods)
4. Run minecraft forge for 1.12.2
1. Download and install fabricmc for 1.16.3 or 1.16.4 here
2. Download the latest version of Ares fabric from this page
3. Move the downloaded Ares file into your minecraft mods folder (.minecraft/mods)
AntiDeathScreen: Prevents death screen from showing if player is still alive
Auto32k: Automatically place and dispense a 32k
AutoArmor: Automatically equips best armor
AutoCrystal: Automatically breaks and places crystals
AutoEz: Automatically ez people in chat
AutoSurround: Automatically enable surround in certain circumstances
AutoTotem: Automatically equips a totem when you pop one
AutoTrap: Automatically trap people in holes
BowRelease: Automatically release bow at a delay
Criticals: Allows you to always hit enemies with critical damage
HoleFiller: Automatically fills nearby holes
HopperAura: Break nearby hoppers
KillAura: Automatically hit nearby players
ObbyPlace: Places obby on left click while using tools
Offhand: Automatically puts an item in your offhand
OffhandGap: Eats a gapple in your offhand when you right click while holding a tool
Surround: Surrounds your feet with obsidian
TotemPopCounter: Counts the amount of totem pops a player has had in chat
CoordTpExploit: Will show you the new coords of any players within your render distance that tp
LiquidInteract: Allows you to place blocks on water
MultiTask: Allows the use of two items at a time
NewChunks: Highlights newly generated chunks
NoBreakDelay: Allows blocks to be broken instantly after one is broken
NoBreakReset: Prevents blocks from resetting break position
NoSwing: Prevents the swing animation for others
PacketCancel: Cancels certain packets
PortalGodMode: Become invincible while standing in nether portals
SecretClose: allows you to use illegals like 32ks
ServerCrasher: Methods of crashing servers
SoundPosLogger: Global sound events such as withers spawning will have their coords shown to you
Armor: Displays the armor you are wearing
ChestCount: Lists the amount of chests in your render distance
Coordinates: Display coordinates in HUD
CrystalCount: Displays how many crystals are in your inventory
ModuleList: Displays a list of all modules enabled
InvPreview: Displays a preview of your inventory on the hud
PlayerList: Shows a list of all players in render distance
PlayerPreview: Shows a preview of what your player looks like on the hud
Speedometer: Shows your speed in thousand blocks an hour
TotemCount: Displays how many totems are in your inventory
Watermark: Shows an Ares logo on the hud overlay
TextShadow: Sets HUD to use text shadow or not
AutoSprint: Makes player always sprinting in any direction
AutoWalk: Automatically walk in a direction
Baritone: Allows you to change the settings for baritone
Blink: Choke packets sent to server so you can move without anyone seeing
ElytraFly: Rockets aren't needed
EntitySpeed: Change speed of riding entities
Flight: Various modes of flying in survival
IceSpeed: Move faster on ice
InventoryMove: Allows you to move while in your inventory
Jesus: Walk on water
NoClip: Allows you to clip through walls
NoSlowDown: Prevents player from slowing down while eating and other events
PacketFly: Fly using packets
SafeWalk: Keeps you from walking off ledges
Strafe: Increase speed and control in air
Timer: Sets client side tps
Velocity: Change knockback values
FastPlace: Place blocks or use items faster
AntiHitbox: Ignores hitboxes for placing and breaking blocks
AntiHunger: Prevents hunger
HotbarReplenish: Automatically replenishes the itemstacks on your hotbar
AutoReconnect: Automatically reconnect at a specific interval
AutoSign: Place a sign automatically with text
ClickGui: Opens Ares Gui
FakeRotation: Spoofs player packet rotations
Freecam: Allows you to view the world from a free moving camera
NoForceLook: Discards server rotation packets
RotationLock: Prevents player from rotating camera
Scaffold: Automatically bridges for you
DebugCrosshair: Show f3 crosshair
AntiOverlay: Prevents some render overlays
BlockHighlight: Customises your block highlight
CameraClip: Allows the 3rd person camera to go through walls
Capes: Shows Ares capes
Chams: Render entities though walls
ChestESP: Highlight chests in render distance
ESP: See outlines of players through walls
ExtraTab: Sets the max players to render in the player tab higher or lower
FullBright: Lets you see everything with full brightness
HoleESP: Boxes holes near the client for crystal pvp
MapTooltips: Shows a preview of maps as a tooltip
MobOwner: Show you owners of mobs
NameTags: Replace vanilla nametags with better ones
NoArmorRender: Prevents armor from being rendered
NoFog: Prevents rendering of fog
NoHurtShake: Prevents camera from shaking on damage
NoRender: Stops explosions and particles from rendering
NoWeather: Stops rain from falling
Search: Allows you to see certain blocks through walls
Tracers: Render lines showing entities in render distance
Trajectories: Renders the projected path of throwables
AutoTool: Automatically picks the best tool for the job
BetterSign: A better sign gui
ChatSuffix: Adds chatsuffix to end of every chat message
ConstantQMain: Types /queue main in chat every 30s
DiscordRPC: toggle Discord Rich Presence
InfiniteChatLength: Allows you to scroll infinitely back in the chat
MidClickFriend: Allows you to add and remove people from friends list using middle click
MsgOnToggle: Sends a chat message when a module is toggled
PortalChat: Allows you to open guis while in nether portals
ReloadSoundSys: Reloads Minecraft's sound system
VisualRange: Alerts you when a new player enters your render distance
AutoArmor: Automatically equips best armor
AutoEz: Automatically ez people in chat
AutoTotem: Automatically equips a totem when you pop one
BowRelease: Automatically release bow at a delay
Criticals: Allows you to always hit enemies with critical damage
KillAura: Automatically hit nearby players
NoBreakDelay: Allows blocks to be broken instantly after one is broken
NoBreakReset: Prevents blocks from resetting break position
PortalGodMode: Become invincible while standing in nether portals
SecretClose: allows you to use illegals like 32ks
ServerCrasher: Methods of crashing servers
SoundPosLogger: Global sound events such as withers spawning will have their coords shown to you
Armor: Displays the armor you are wearing
ChestCount: Lists the amount of chests in your render distance
Coordinates: Display coordinates in HUD
CrystalCount: Displays how many crystals are in your inventory
ModuleList: Displays a list of all modules enabled
InvPreview: Displays a preview of your inventory on the hud
PlayerList: Shows a list of all players in render distance
PlayerPreview: Shows a preview of what your player looks like on the hud
TotemCount: Displays how many totems are in your inventory
Watermark: Shows an Ares logo on the hud overlay
TextShadow: Sets HUD to use text shadow or not
AutoSprint: Makes player always sprinting in any direction
Blink: Choke packets sent to server so you can move without anyone seeing
ElytraFly: Rockets aren't needed
Flight: Various modes of flying in survival
HighJump: Jump higher!
InventoryMove: Allows you to move while in your inventory
Jesus: Walk on water
NoClip: Allows you to clip through walls
NoSlowDown: Prevents player from slowing down while eating and other events
PacketFly: Fly using packets
SafeWalk: Keeps you from walking off ledges
Strafe: Increase speed and control in air
Timer: Sets client side tps
Velocity: Change knockback values
FastPlace: Place blocks or use items faster
AntiHunger: Prevents hunger
HotbarReplenish: Automatically replenishes the itemstacks on your hotbar
AutoSign: Place a sign automatically with text
ClickGui: Opens Ares Gui
FakeRotation: Spoofs player packet rotations
Freecam: Allows you to view the world from a free moving camera
RotationLock: Prevents player from rotating camera
AntiOverlay: Prevents some render overlays
BlockHighlight: Customises your block highlight
CameraClip: Allows the 3rd person camera to go through walls
Chams: Render entities though walls
ChestESP: Highlight chests in render distance
ESP: See outlines of players through walls
ExtraTab: Sets the max players to render in the player tab higher or lower
Как установить чит Ares Client
Ares Client устанавливается как обычный мод (.minecraft\mods), для этого у вас должна быть установлена версия Майнкрафт с Forge на 1.12.2.
Чтобы установить чит на TLauncher, запусти клиент, открой папку с модами
Далее перемести чит в папку mods
Все! Чит мод установлен, это можно проверить в окне всех функционирующих модов
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