Alien swarm reactive drop читы
4 мар. 2019 в 4:10 Server Cheats
The server settings overriding the challenge is not something new, but it used to not be used much.
Since last week, whenever I join a server, I see they are playing ASBI with inf medgun/regen/etc. Sometimes it's no challenge but 50 beacons / 50 ammo pack, etc.
Thing is, there is a challenge made for this exact purpose (of changing server settings), it's called phenix custom challenge.
Yet instead of using such challenge, people use other challenges/no challenges and get into leaderboard with those server cheats.
I'm pretty sure I will get some "hurr durr no one cares about leadeboard", but the question remains, if not for leaderboard, why would people not use the phenix custom challenge? The only reason I can think of is the leaderboard.
Last time I joined a VanASBI game, and noticed too late that there was small regen/inf medgun (I took jag). Sadly, on the first try, we got the top time world-wide, and when I saw the inf med on next map, I felt dirty. I just cheated a time without even knowing, and I would like that to never happen again.
Would it be possible to make any game with unofficial server settings NOT count towards leaderboard?
4 мар. 2019 в 5:18 Shame on you! You cheater! 4 мар. 2019 в 7:36 Damn someone ban this cheater guy 4 мар. 2019 в 9:05 That's exacly the reason why good players doesn't care about the leaderboard. It's easy to cheat everything. The only times worth something are those with demo recorded or even better, records directly from the run with programs like shadowplay. Отредактировано Booyah; 4 мар. 2019 в 9:06 4 мар. 2019 в 9:18But wouldn't it be possible to add some "check" to the server settings ?
For instance, I heard that if you put sv_cheats 1 (or 0, whatever is the option to enable cheats), the time won't get on leaderboard.
Would it be possible to force server settings change with a command like that ? (maybe sv_serversettings 1 or something)
Then, if that variable is 1, time won't get into leaderboard.
Seems easy enough (I assume it's harder than that, but still, shouldn't be THAT hard, right?)
edit : to me it's a real shame that leaderboard is so screwed. I often go for leaderboard, and I love being able to see my friends time, trying to beat them, etc. Gives some objectives in the game. I always looked up on the leaderboard, seeing ppl soloing with good times, looking at the weapons, finding the most efficient strat (saw or nade to crush doors? etc). Yes, Sueko glitch allowed unbelievable times, but those are so easy to spot it doesn't matter. When some good player make times using insta-hack/regen/etc. you can't know for sure if he hacked or not. Was the hack insta done/very easy (it happens sometimes) or did he use command? Did he make an almost perfect run or was the regen so high he couldn't die when hit? Was his nade aim so good or did he had infinite ammo and just nade constantly? etc.
The server cheats are so much harder to spot when used so it really screws up leaderboard legitimacy much more
Далее идут читы
Консольные команды на изменение скорости в зависимости от уровня сложности.
Для Игроков
asw_marine_speed_scale_easy 1.1
asw_marine_speed_scale_normal 1.1
asw_marine_speed_scale_hard 1.1
asw_marine_speed_scale_insane 1.1
Для Чужих
asw_alien_speed_scale_easy 0.1
asw_alien_speed_scale_normal 0.1
asw_alien_speed_scale_hard 0.1
asw_alien_speed_scale_insane 0.1
(Эти коды нужно вводить после каждого старта уровня)
Далее Хаки (больше патронов\урона\скорость перезаряки)
Для оружия
Идем в папку "SteamApps\common\alien swarm\swarm\scripts" и делаем ее сохранения перед тем как редактировать.
Файлы которые мы будем редактировать будт выглядеть так "asw_weapon_*******.тхт" принцип редактирования, такой-же как и в Half-Life 2
(ПРЕДУПРЕЖДАЮ, после изменения, вы ни с кем не сможите играть, если только у него будет такиеже настроки как и у вас)
В этих файлах, есть значений
*значения можно как увеличить, так и уменьшить тем самым усложняя игру
Разсмотрим самое перовое оружие в списке выбора в игре (asw_weapon_rifle.txt)
Первичное, в данном случае патроны.
"clip_size" "98"
"default_clip" "98"
Второстепенное, в данном случае гранаты
"clip2_size" "8"
"default_clip2" "5"
Скорость перезарядки
"reload_time" "2.2"
Повреждения оружия
"base_damage" "5"
Скорость стрельбы
"fire_rate" "0.07"
asw_weapon_ammo_satchel.txt - ящик с патронами
тоже самое
Первичное, в данном случае количество ящиков.
"clip_size" "3"
"default_clip" "3"
Если в значении есть "-1" [ "clip2_size" "-1" ] значит у этого оружия нет вторичной атаки, и ставить туда свое значение не только бессмысленно но может быть и опасно, так как приведет к переустановке игры (если вы не сделали резервную копию).
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