We bear bears игрушки
That is why they are generally sold in the market with the name of Giant Teddy Bear. Due to their cuddly and soft stuff, kids find it joyful playing with these teddies.
Actually, they got loved by all age group people. Placing one or two big teddy bears in the room can completely change the atmosphere of the room.
They can refresh the mood of people too. Also, having a huge teddy bear in a room makes the look more decorated.
Comparison with Other Toys
There are a few toys as iconic as the life-size stuffed Bear. It belongs alongside red wagons, rocking horses, as well as rattles. Though their simplicity outlasts them since they represent as a charming gift.
The first Teddy Bear made was over many years ago, and they have been a collectable item ever since. These stuffed bears are life-size which gets prepared with soft materials.
With soft toys, people can play with them, use them as a pillow or even cuddle them too. These are also much more popular than any other kind of soft toys as they look cute.
These teddies also have many varieties like colours, sizes, etc.
Why is Huge Teddy Bear special?
Whenever you need a gift, this cute life-size stuffed teddy bear is a perfect choice for all the ages. They are also best for other occasions.
You can look for a 6-feet teddy bear as a grand gift. For any other smaller options, there is a range of stuffed teddy bear sizes.
These ranges are to help in the proper selection and to show your love for someone special.
What is Giant Teddy Bear made of?
Focusing on its quality and soft fur, this life-size stuffed teddy bear got made with a lot of attention. They got manufactured with detailed as well as the adorable design.
The cuddly kindness of any teddy bear is difficult to resist. Moreover, when you are dealing with a huge teddy bear, the cuteness increases itself.
They are big, soft, and cuddly in a way to get appreciated by the customer. If it is a gift, think about what you had like it to get used to.
For children, you may want to focus on those teddy bears that are soft as well as cuddly. Those huge teddy bear with an open, pillow body to ease cuddling and hugging too.
What is the biggest teddy bear you can buy?
The biggest life-size stuffed Teddy Bear is about 7 to 8 feet in height. Even you can also get some teddy bears above 8 feet height with your own customizations.
There are different types and sizes of teddy bears available in the market.
- Made-up of the high-quality polyester materials.
- Available in different sizes and varieties.
- Soft, fluffy, and lightweight.
- Giant paws as well as the big cuddly body.
- Perfect gift for your children or special ones.
- Cute face with an adorable smile etc.
It can be beneficial in many ways:
- This stuffed animal is a perfect gift for Valentine’s Day.
- Gift for Birthdays.
- A fabulous and lovely gift for anniversaries.
- Soft stuff and cuddly.
- I can take it with you on holiday.
- It is a perfect toy for getting your mood refreshed and many more benefits.
What we have?
We have a variety of Teddy Bears including various size, body, and color. We even have soft teddies holding a soft cushion with written text over it.
When you are looking for some fun and thoughtful way to spread some joy. Then show your loved ones that you care. You can find various soft toys here.
Whether you are looking from a giant teddy bear holding a heart. Find your best friends here with our cute and cuddly lineup of soft toys.
A giant teddy bear is a classic choice as a gift. One can also customize the text over the cushion of his own choice. Also, we are having various types in our collection such as:
We have a color variety including brown, pink, white, Panda (black and white), light brown, red, grey, etc.
We have a size variety too for the products from 4ft to 8ft. You can find a teddy of all sizes in our collection. We also have some semi-giant teddies whose sizes are 1ft, 2ft, etc.
Body Types
Teddies of all sizes are available in various colors. We have some featured giant teddy bears collections too. Some soft toys are simple, cute, and large in looks.
While others are holding a cushion of different shapes and some random texts too. Cushions are available in the shapes of heart, single cushion, many other cushions, etc.
You can also find some text printed like happy birthday, love, and much more. There is a colorful ribbon also tied with the neck of some giant teddies.
What do we offer?
If You are looking to buy a giant teddy bear for cheap. We offer free shipping for the USA. We also offer a 50% off sale, especially for Valentine’s Day. Boo Bear Factory is based out in California and delivers all around the world. We also offer other soft toys along with the giant teddy bear.
Whether you prefer a particular color or size, we give options for finding your choice. We have covered with our selection of some charming new soft toys.
When you choose a giant teddy bear from us, we ship them straight at your doorsteps. Hence, our teddy bear delivery adds a smile on your face. We also customize the texts on teddies. From the message of greetings to the birthday wishes and of love etc.
How much does it weigh?
It depends on their heights. For instance, in the case of giant teddy bear 6ft to 8 ft life-size, the weight is near about 9 kg or a little more.
Safety Information
A Giant Teddy Bear is a safe toy for all ages. But, teddy bears over 38 inches or 3ft are not recommended for children under 2 years of age. Children under 1 year should be under supervision at all times during playtime or sleep.
Each life-size stuffed Teddy Bear gets made of high-quality plush fabric. Also, they guaranteed for 6 months, from their buying date.
The guarantee is against any kind of defects in material & workmanship.
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Интересно посмотреть, как такое делается. И - сколько по времени.
А если бы белый был сверху,то автора обвинили бы в расизме.
Белый не улыбается.
Я б наверно тоже не улыбался если бы на меня забрались два медведя.
А можно пост с процессом?))))
С удовольствием куплю,если автор поста будет делать на заказ) Очень круто выглядит.
Как будут деньги - обязательно закажу такую круть)
Нигер стоит на азиате, а он на белом. Больное мое воображение.
Скажи, а ты можешь слепить такое?:
Скульптура песьей головы
Это будет аниматроник в дом с пугалками
Большой, смешной, зубастый =))
Шестой (сумасшедший)
У Шестого ключ на шее, вместо пальцев писчие перья, а сделан он из полосатой ткани, напоминающей тюремную робу или смирительную рубашку.
Сумасшедшая кукла. Он без конца рисует изображения артефакта, о природе которого, в отличие от собратьев, знает, но не помнит. Имеет глаза разного размера. В интерпретации Глуховского в Шестого вложили воспоминания о несчастном инженере, включившего машину
Фигурка Джотаро Куджо
Моя первая полноценная фигурка на каркасе)
Конечно же все шло не как по маслу)
пару раз пришлось переделать голову,пару раз перерисовать лицо)
но в итоге, результат очень даже похож на оригинальный nendoroid
Цепочку делала тоже из глины, каждое звено отдельно)
Я думаю не сложно догадаться для кого создавалась фигурка ;)
материалы: подставка из фанеры,полимерная глина,проволока,акрил,акриловый лак,фольга
Мамонт на стиле
Доброго всем вечера! Выпал я из контент-плана, да и фиг бы с ним.
Спешу поделиться с почтенной публикой новой своей работой, которая должна стать началом целой серии.
Я тут уже не раз писал о том, что керамика меня интерсует прежде всего как материал для создания сложных форм и мелкой пластики, а вот кружки и чайники я делаю скорее по необходимости. Я думаю, что посуда должна быть простой и удобной и превращать её в сложное и хрупкое изделие - плохая идея. Но как-то так получается, что именно такое хрупкое и сложное мне обычно и заказывают. И вроде бы заказы это же хорошо, но радости от работы всё меньше и меньше и даже деньги уже не мотивируют как раньше. Кто попадал в похожую ситуацию меня поймёт, это очень плохое состояние. И вот я таки решился из него выходить. В ближайшие пару недель планирую закрыть долги по заказам и уйти на какое-то время в реализацию накопившихся задумок.
Ну, и наконец-то немного о самой фигурке.)
Как всегда - полностью ручная лепка из керамической массы. Фигурка пустотелая с тольщиной стенки около 2,5 мм. Прошла два обжига 1060/1080 градусов. Декорирована тонировкой глазурью. Идея и дизайн полностью мои.
Если интересно, куда заведёт меня кривая дорожка творческих поисков, подписывайтесь и заходите в гости: ВК, ТГ
Спасибо за внимание!
Grizzly, Panda and Ice Bear are three brothers trying to fit in and make friends. which can be kind of hard to do when you are a bear. Grizzly is the oldest bear, and leads his brothers with bounds of optimism. which only turn out disastrous some of the time. Panda, the middle child, is a hopeless romantic. Ice Bear is the youngest brother with a wild card personality.
Three bear brothers do whatever they can to be a part of human society by doing what everyone around them does.
1. Our Stuff
2. Viral Video
In Grizzly's desperate attempt to acquire more friends, the brothers attend Meme Con to become “internet famous”.
3. Food Truck
4. Chloe
5. Panda's Date
After accidentally consuming a food that he is allergic to, Panda is saved by a cashier whom he develops a strong crush on.
6. Everyday Bears
As bears start their day with their usual routine, they individually get caught into sticky situations; Grizz gets stuck in a tree, a mouse lands on Panda's computer and Ice Bear's new Roomba malfunctions.
7. Burrito
8. Primal
Grizz gets the bears lost in the deep forest to test whether or not they have lost their survival instincts in the modern world.
9. Jean Jacket
10. Nom Nom
After a recent meltdown, a bedraggled Nom Nom asks the bears to help him regain his spot as “cutest Internet star.”
11. Shush Ninjas
Tired of the decay of etiquette in movie theaters, the bears decide to shush people who ruin movies for others.
12. My Clique
13. Charlie
14. Brother Up
15. Occupy Bears
The Bears' home is threatened by a construction project and they must prove they own their place. They go through memories and records to try and save their home.
16. Panda's Sneeze
17. The Road
18. Emergency
Panda and Grizzly bring a crab as a pet and it bites Ice Bear. It's a race against time to take Ice Bear to the hospital.
19. Tote Life
20. Charlie and the Snake
When Charlie decided to bring the three bears on a party and try to get them food, he accidentally met a snake where they became friends and escape from photographers.
21. Video Date
When Panda start dating a french girl, Celine by video dating, his brothers agrees to help him but then each of them falls in love with Celine, as they try to impress Celine all at once.
22. Pet Shop
23. Chloe & Ice Bear
24. Cupcake Job
25. Hibernation
26. Charlie Ball
1. Yard Sale
2. Slumber Party
3. Slumber Party
4. Episode
5. Ranger Tabes
6. Rooms
7. Losing Ice
8. Cellie
9. Fashion Bears
10. The Island
10. Episode
11. The Island
12. Chicken and Waffles
13. The Audition
Panda needs to meet his bros at the hottest restaurant in town, but loses his contacts and can’t see how to get into the city.
14. Captain Craboo
15. Baby Bears on a Plane
16. Yuri and the Bear
17. Icy Nights
18. Everyone's Tube
19. Creature Mysteries
19. Episode
20. 20
20. The Library
21. 21
21. Grizz Helps
22. Christmas Parties
22. 22
1. Grizzly the Movie
Grizz gets cast in a movie about a grizzly bear, but soon realizes the movie's depiction of grizzly bears is not what he had in mind.
2. Subway
The Bears are stranded on a subway platform after missing their train and try to recover some lost items to pass the time.
3. Anger Management
In order to appear on a successful kids show, Nom Nom must successfully complete anger management, with Grizz as his partner.
5. 100 Dollars
6. Neighbors
7. Professor Lampwick
8. Ralph
9. Planet Bears
10. Coffee Cave
11. Charlie's Big Foot
12. The Demon
13. Panda's Art
14. Poppy Rangers
15. Lucy's Brother
16. Episode 16
16. Road Trip
17. Summer Love
17. Episode 17
20. Episode 20
20. Kyle
21. Citizen Tabes
21. Episode
22. Episode 22
22. Dance Lessons
23. Kyle
After talking about his lost family on a talk show, Nom Nom is met with another Koala named Kyle who claims to be his brother. However, Nom Nom's bodyguard begins to have his suspicions.
24. Citizen Tabes
After Ranger Tabes accidentally breaks a deer's antler, she quits her job and turns to an online craft service, the Bears do what they can to coax her out of retirement when they realize nature's not the same without her.
25. Dance Lessons
Panda volunteers to be Lucy's partner for a dance contest to win a produce truck. But Panda doesn't have the heart to tell Lucy that she's a terrible dancer. His attempts to forfeit the contest soon hurt his friend’s feelings.
26. Icy Nights II
Ice Bear gets a sinister message from Barry (from “Icy Nights”) and must rescue his friend Yana. He falls into a trap and both he and Yana must escape.
27. Dog Hotel
While their cave gets fumigated for a cockroach infestation, the Bears check into the Waggington Dog Hotel for the night. Panda and Ice Bear leave due to disliking the hotel's rules, but Grizzly wants to stay. When he gets mistaken for a rabid dog, his brothers must save him.
28. Bear Lift
To raise money to save Darrell's store, the Bears use the stack as a taxi through a ride share app, eventually they run into Darrell's landlord and the Bears must outrun him before the landlord gets to Darrell's store and tears it down.
29. The Nom Nom Show
During Nom Nom's new TV show, all his special guests end up unable to appear, so Nom Nom hires the Bears as the replacements, but each act gets ruined by their antics.
30. Ice Cave
After being excluded from a board game with the Bears and Charlie because of his additude, Ralph takes over the Bear's cave overnight and turns it into a snowy fortress where he reigns as king over everybody.
31. Spa Day
The Bears have a relaxing day at the spa. Grizz tries to get everything the spa has to offer, Panda gets trapped in the steam room with an old man, and Ice Bear plays ping pong.
32. Charlie's Halloween Thing
Charlie tells a group of trick or treaters two scary stories for Halloween: The Bears buy three dolls that look like them that come to life and try to murder them and Grizz accidentally bites Chloe who slowly transforms into a werebear.
33. Bunnies
While the baby bears are on their way to the Denver Chocolate Fest, they encounter a burrow of bunnies who are constantly under attack by crows. Grizz and Ice Bear want to help them, but Panda is determined to get to the festival.
34. Pigeons
Grizz befriends a single footed pigeon named Brenda and her friends. When they ask him to help break out more of their pigeon brethren, Grizz is willing to help, only to discover that her fellow pigeons are the pigeon cartel from “Our Stuff”.
35. Tubin
In search of adventure, the Bears go tubing down a dangerous river. Panda dislikes it for a while, but Grizz and Ice are all about it, however, when Panda starts to enjoy it, the bears get separated and Panda ends up in a vegan tribe which Grizz and Ice must save him from.
Guest Star: Stephen Tobolowsky as Stephen
36. Panda 2
In a Chinese panda enclosure, baby Panda spends everyday doing the same thing without a care in the world. That all changes when a stuffed panda, dubbed Panda 2, arrives and “persuades” Panda to leave his boundaries and adventure outside.
37. Lazer Royale
When the baby bears hear about a lazer tag game that will win them an ice cream sundae, they decide to play. However, when they enter the room, they find it's not all it seemed when the game turns into a warzone.
38. Ranger Games
Ranger Tabes once again leads the Poppy Rangers in a kick ball tournament against their rivals Ranger Zhao and the Ivy Rangers. Grizz comes along as a cheerleader, but when Wallace hurts her ankle he gets promoted to player.
Guest Star: Ming-Na Wen as Ranger Zhao
39. The Perfect Tree
Chloe and Ice Bear drive up north to find the perfect Christmas tree and while looking for one, they stumble upon a wild turkey while Grizz and Panda are left in charge to decorate Chloe’s house but have a lot of trouble.
1. Bearz II Men
The Baby Bears help a teenager named Nate accomplish his dream of being a famous singer, but when he wants to enter a talent show but only can enter with the accompany of an adult, the Baby Bears disguise themselves as Nate’s dad.
2. Bro Brawl
The Bears participate in a brother-themed game show against Panda's BFF, Tom and his roommates Griff and Isaac for a brand new luxury apartment, but when Panda hears that Tom can’t afford his current apartment and that him and his roommates might split up, Panda might have to sacrifice the game.
3. Hurricane Hal
Professor Lampwick covers how everything is connected to the Bears when a hurricane rolls in. When the Bears are in three different locations, Grizz looks after Ranger Tabes' Poppy Rangers, Panda is stuck with Charlie in his car in the forest, and Chloe and Ice Bear are in the Bay Area seeking a ride home.
4. Vacation
Nom Nom's stress levels spike due to an unexpected resurgence in his popularity. At the suggestion of his doctor, Nom Nom decides to take a vacation at a eucalyptus spa. His doctor assigns Grizz as his “comfort pet”, who must protect him from his ravid fans or else his stress levels will cause him to die.
Я понскому дизайнеру Акаши Тацухико удалось создать игрушку, которая стала культурным феноменом. С его медведем делают коллаборации крупнейшие бренды, компании и художники, коллекции с [email protected] анонсируют практически каждый день, а за релизами охотятся коллекционеры и хайпбисты во всем мире. DTF Magazine рассказывает, откуда взялись фигурки медведей и как им удалось стать настолько популярными
Случайная идея
История Medicom Toy началась в маленьком помещении площадью шесть квадратных метров. «Мы делили здание с рестораном, в котором продавали жареные свиные котлеты, и помимо нас там было еще много других арендаторов», — вспоминает основатель компании Акаши Тацухико.
Идея создать компанию игрушек возникла у Акаши спонтанно. До этого он несколько лет работал в IT-сфере, получая хорошую зарплату, но у него почти не было свободного времени, да и сам он не был уверен в том, хочет ли посвятить жизнь такой работе.
Однажды, прогуливаясь по улицам Токио, Тацухико увидел небольшой магазинчик с американскими игрушками. Акаши заглянул внутрь и понял, что хотел бы создавать нечто похожее: «Моя работа уже была связана с созданием продуктов, но я все чаще задумывался: а что бы я хотел создать самостоятельно? И как только увидел игрушки в ZAAP! (название магазина, — прим. DTF Magazine), я прозрел. Я был уверен: это то, чем я хочу заниматься». Больше всего Акаши впечатлили фигурки Бэтмена и Терминатора; в тот день он оставил в магазине все свои карманные деньги.
Вдохновившись идеей, Тацухико решил создать свой бизнес, уволился с работы и в 1996 году основал компанию Medicom Toy, заручившись поддержкой одного из бывших сотрудников компании LEGO.
Оммаж Стэнли Кубрику
Первая модель игрушки называлась Kubrick. Внешне она напоминала фигурки LEGO и тоже состояла из девяти частей: головы, торса, бедер, ног, рук и кистей. В терминологии LEGO элементы фигурок называются «кирпичиками», к этому и отсылает слово brick в названии Kubrick, а слово kyu на японском означает «девять». Однако такое совпадение получилось случайно; изначально Акаши назвал фигурку в честь режиссера Стэнли Кубрика. К Кубрику отсылал и логотип фигурок — в нем использовался тот же шрифт, что и в постерах фильма «Заводной апельсин». «Я хотел сделать что-то простое как реакцию на то, что уже было на рынке. Так появилась серия Kubrick», — объяснил дизайнер.
Для выхода дебютной серии фигурок Акаши заключил контракт с создателем аниме Neon Genesis Evangelion и выпустил коллекцию Kubrick с образами его персонажей. Фигурки сразу стали популярными, а на Medicom Toy обратили внимание другие бренды. Через год компания едва успевала выпускать новые партии для заказов. «К нам обращались из разных агентств с запросами в стиле: „Мы бы хотели использовать фигурки в качестве бонусов к предзаказам билетов. У вас есть три месяца“. Но этого времени было недостаточно, и уже тогда я задумывался о способе, который позволит нам менять лишь внешний вид фигурок, а не их форму», — вспоминает Акаши. Дизайнер хотел удовлетворять спрос, но создавать разные части фигурок для каждого заказа оказалось слишком дорого. Поэтому в Medicom Toy решили сделать один формат для всех.
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