Trico the last guardian игрушка
The Last Guardian, released in Japan as Hitokui no Ōwashi Trico (人喰いの大鷲トリコ, Hitokui no Ōwashi Toriko, literally "The Great Man-Eating Eagle Toriko") is the third game created and developed by TeamICO, although released under its daughter studio, GenDESIGN. The Last Guardian features elements from both Ico and Shadow of the Colossus—Team Ico's past two games—though it is unclear whether the events of The Last Guardian are chronologically related to either one. The game was released on December 6th, 2016, exclusively for the PlayStation 4 and its subsequent versions.
Click here to view full credits for The Last Guardian.
The Last Guardian is a third-person perspective game that combines elements from both the action-adventure and puzzle gaming-genres. The player takes control of the Boy who, being unarmed himself, utilizes objects within his environment to move undetected or assault the game's enemies, the Armored Soldiers. Although the guards are slower-moving than the Boy, they are still capable of capturing him and, if the player is unable to free the Boy in time, the player is defeated and the game ends. To escape these adversaries the Boy can run, jump, climb, and perform other various actions quite similar, in fact, to the gameplay featured in both Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.
The player's movements are augmented by interaction with Trico, a large mythological beast whom the Boy can climb upon and ride as a mount. As stated by the game's creator Fumito Ueda, Trico is driven by its own instincts, and the player must figure out how to harness these to complete the game's puzzles. For example, if the player must have access to a high ledge, they can coax Trico into approaching said location via what looks like a game of Simon Says or by the placement of "treat"-filled barrels scattered strategically around the playing area. These barrels are of high interest to Trico, and the beast will go wherever they are put, giving the Boy quite the asset in traversing the game's impressive terrain.
Speaking of Trico moving where the player will, the animal's tendencies to keep on the move are so strong that attempting to keep the creature still is a great challenge, as players will often utilize Trico's head and back as a platform to access high places. Similarly, the creature will try to move ahead of the player's current progress, and calling the great beast back is another challenge to overcome.
Despite these gameplay hindrances, Trico provides the Boy with a very powerful tool: summoning lightning strikes from the creature's tail. Early on in the game the Boy comes across a mirror-like shield, which, when introduced to his feathered friend, results in the shocking removal of several tons of rock from a caved-in doorway. This keeps gameplay fresh while still requiring the player to work through properly communicating with Trico, as the lightning can only be summoned if Trico is nearby.
The player will be able to discern an idea of what Trico's current mood is not only by its general body language but by the color of its eyes, ranging from a cautious whitish-yellow to a resentful and even violent purple-red. It is essential that the player understands these moods as the creature's response to stimuli in its surroundings will vary depending on what instincts are overriding its thought processes.
The player will also have to care for the creature, either by feeding it or removing spears and arrows that are lodged in its feathered hide. This is coupled with learning how to communicate effectively with the creature, creating a trial-and-error bonding experience between Trico and the Boy that Ueda considered equivalent to training a pet. Initially, Trico will choose to wander off as it finds the chained cauldron more interesting than a little boy shouting at it. Similarly, Trico will refuse to eat food it thinks smells badly, or it will go to sleep when the Boy needs it most. Later in the game, the player discovers ways to communicate their wishes more efficiently to the beast, and the player will then acquire much better, albeit never perfect results. This is because Trico is a very realistic specimen of A.I. (artificial intelligence) and Ueda stated as much: "Each player will have a different Trico to work with depending on how he or she chooses to interact with him."
However, the player may still want to take advantage of the creature's natural habits; the game includes sections where by letting Trico roam free, new areas for exploration may open up.
The game's story is framed as a flashback narrative; an older man is recounting the experiences he had with a giant, griffin-like creature while still a young boy.
It opens with a brief prologue, showcasing a shimmering, disk-like object half-buried in dirt. The open ambiance of a peaceful village is interrupted by the giggling of many playing children; their shadows pass over the shield before a third, much taller shadow approaches.
A young boy wakes up from a dark dream to find himself in a strange cave, just feet away from the unconscious body of a large, man-eating beast known as Trico. A chain binds its neck to the floor, its wings, horns and armor are damaged, and several spears protrude from its back and shoulder. The Boy stands and examines himself, finding intricate marks covering his entire body; how, why or when these markings appeared he does not know, but they are strange to him and he does not understand their meaning.
The wounded creature soon wakes and is initially hostile towards the Boy; on trying to remove the spears, Trico dashes the Boy against the wall, knocking him unconscious each time. However, as the Boy successfully removes each of the remaining spears and provides the injured beast with barrels of food, Trico begins to trust him.
Removing the chain and shattered armor, the two set out through the tunnels to find their way out. Along the way, the Boy finds a mirror, and upon directing its light, discovers he can use it to summon lightning from Trico’s tail, thus providing a means of eliminating obstacles. Not all obstacles, however, could be approached by both the Boy and Trico both; strange, eyespot-like talismans are scattered throughout the landscape, each with the mysterious power to put Trico into a fearful trance. Only the Boy can break these.
Finally finding a way into the open air, the Boy attempts to leave Trico behind in search of his home village. But, the beast has bonded to him and so refuses to stop following. Together they then navigate both open and closed spaces, such as tunnels, clearings, cliffs, and caves, throughout which the Boy continually entices Trico to advance with barrels of food or by simply being separated, which will prompt separation anxiety in Trico. However, upon nearing a peculiar room with strange apparatus on the walls, Trico will advance no further; something is dreadfully wrong and only Trico, evidently, can sense it. A magic response suddenly triggers with the beast's first steps into the cage, and Trico enters a ballistic trance, attacking the Boy and swallowing him whole. While unconscious, the Boy remembers flashes of what happened before coming to the cave, although nothing is clear. He wakes up sooner or later, having been regurgitated by Trico; the beast is fast asleep and cannot be roused from slumber. Additionally, the mirror-shield is nowhere to be seen, and the Boy must now go on without it.
While making a second attempt at escape, the Boy is attacked by seemingly living suits of armor who attempt to seize him. Fortunately for the Boy, Trico suddenly wakes up and defeats them, showing that both its affection for and recognition of the Boy have returned since being enchanted. As the pair progress, they defeat more soldiers that try to subdue Trico with talisman shields and spears, which the Boy must remove after each attack in addition to calming it down via petting.
Trico and the Boy encounter more dangerous terrain in the form of rickety wooden bridges over massive chasms, crumbling castles, and increasing numbers of soldiers, and the two often barely escape death. In attempting to escape a falling tower, Trico and the Boy briefly encounter another Trico-like beast in full armor, who violently knocks Trico off a cliff. Despite the fall, the two survive and enter a set of flooded tunnels. Here the Boy nearly drowns and subsequently becomes separated from Trico.
In the Boy's search for Trico, he once again encounters the armored beast. This time, however, he does not have his giant friend with him and must face the beast alone, trapped within the confines of an iron cage. Just as death is certain, the beast is called away by unknown means, and the Boy is left to wait "for what seemed like an eternity". Nonetheless, Trico comes in search of the Boy and happily finds him, breaking open the cage.
Now together again, the pair take up their quest to escape the valley, hoping the remainder of the journey won't be so difficult. Their hopes, however, crumble; stumbling upon yet another room with a magical apparatus, Trico turns violent and again swallows the Boy as if he never knew the human child.
In a flashback, Trico--with majestic wings, complete horns, and full armor--arrives at the Boy's village in the dark of the night. From the silence of its approach, all are oblivious to the danger of the situation, giving Trico just enough time to enter its head into a room full of children. There, asleep, lies the Boy in a frightening dream; he wakes only to be put into a stupor by the beast above him. At this point the villagers discover what had just come into their community, and they surround Trico inside the building and out with brandished spears and torches. Trico swallows the stunned boy and takes flight.
Flying in the stormy skies, Trico attempts to make the final approach to "The Nest", a massive valley surrounded by towering, unscalable cliff-faces. But its landing is cut short; a lightning bolt strikes Trico, knocking him unconscious, and he falls into the valley below, breaking its wings by the many impacts. The animated suits of armor find the unconscious beast and chain it up in the same cave where the game began. The Boy is regurgitated, now suddenly covered in the tattoo-like markings.
Back in the present, Trico and the Boy wake up. To the Boy's surprise and delight, Trico regurgitates the mirror-shield, returning the Boy's ability of the power of lightning. The Boy realizes now that the only way out of The Nest is by the air, but with Trico's wings not yet fully healed, they go in search of the highest place possible: the Sentinel Tower near the valley's edge. During their trek, they are ambushed by a large number of the suits of armor, and the Boy is paralyzed and seized. While initially stunned by the talismans, Trico overcomes its fear and rescues the Boy, using its partially-healed wings to glide to safety.
Finding another way into the tall tower, the Armored Trico attacks again. It ignores Trico until it steps in and defends the Boy, at which point the armored beast quickly gains the upper hand. Strangely, their enemy is called away, just as when it attacked the Boy in the cage, and Trico just barely manages to keep its life.
Trico and the Boy finally manage to gain entrance to the Sentinel Tower, defeating the horde of Soldiers guarding it. Inside, they discover the Master of the Valley, an evil being resembling an orb of both darkness and pale light, who controls the soldiers and the other Trico-beasts. It is revealed that the beasts are made to bring children to the Master, who consumes them to keep itself alive. Sensing a threat, the Master summons a large number of armored beasts to the Sentinel Tower, and the Boy is attacked. Valiantly standing up for its little friend, Trico moves in to turn away the other beasts, only to be savaged itself, and it loses the end of its tail in the process.
Temporarily ignored, the Boy watches as the severed tail falls into the Master’s chamber. Knowing what he must do, the Boy uses the mirror to destroy the Master, releasing control on the Trico-beasts forever. As the other beasts, horribly disoriented, fall from the sky and stumble backwards off the Sentinel Tower, a badly-wounded Trico stands over the unconscious boy and decides that it is time to return him to his home village. Weakened, but able to truly fly with fully-healed wings, Trico barely clears the valley walls, carrying the Boy home.
Crash-landing in the village, Trico gives the Boy back to the elders as the warriors surround it with spears in-hand. Knowing Trico will be killed if it stays, the Boy, before passing out again, orders it to leave. Trico flies away, and the Boy, narrating as an older man, states he feared Trico would not live much longer, concluding the telling of their “extraordinary story”.
Some time later, several village children find the mirror in the dirt. The Boy, now a man, takes the mirror and summons its light. Zooming through the sky and clouds, the scene returns to the Nest and winds through now-familiar caves into the cave where the adventure began. In the shadows, two pairs of large, green eyes appear, one smaller than the other, and it is possible that one can hear the voice of a little Trico.
The Last Guardian
Привет, пикабушники. Сегодня я хочу с вами поделится своей радостью, по поводу приобретения коллекционного издания The Last Guardian. С бесчисленными переносами даты релиза я ждал эту игру без малого семь лет и вот наконец заветная коробка у меня.
Под основной упаковкой находится коробка из плотного картона, стилизованная под деревянный ящик.
Открыв коробку первое что бросается в глаза, артбук в твердом переплете и приятный на ощупь.
В состав издания входят: артбук, steelbook в картонном рукаве, набор наклеек, цифровой саундтрек и фигурка Трико с мальчиком на голове.
Фигурка Трико выполнена из пластика. Было бы на много круче если фигурка была бы сделана из полистоуна, но тогда издание стоило бы на порядок выше.
В саму игру еще не играл, но на мой взгляд это должно быть приключением года.
The Last Guardian — уникальная игра. Она не о долгом ожидании и не о витиеватом сюжете с открытым финалом. Она про улыбку, появляющуюся на вашем лице во время игры с грозным внешне, но бесконечно добрым внутри зверем. Она. в вашем сердце, если хотите.
— игровой журнал «Игромания»
Спасибо за внимание. Всем добра, позитива и хороших видеоигр.
Трико. Фан арт на игру The Last Guardian
Привет, дорогие пикабушники!
На выходных закончила новую каркасную игрушку -- Трико.
Это грифоноподобное существо из игры The Last Guardian -- верный друг и защитник маленького мальчика, с которым они по ходу игры обретают глубокую взаимную привязанность и любовь. Оцените, каким он получился у меня)
Это большая каркасная игрушка -- примерно 90 см от кончика носа до хвоста. В работе использована полимерная глина Sculpey Living Doll, ювелирная эпоксидная смола, искусственный мех а так же натуральные перья.
Вот такой он большой -- для понятного масштаба у меня на руках.
А еще я сделала специально для Трико кулон, который напоминает о лете и хранит в себе немного магии)
Как видите, он очень идет малышу)
Всем спасибо за внимание, надеюсь вам понравился кусочек моего творчества)
Скульптура "Трико" из полимерной глины
Вебинар «Зарабатывать на текстах и креативе — а так можно?»
Хотим позвать вас на вебинар Pikabu Study, который будет состоять из двух частей.
Сначала мы расскажем о том, кто такой коммерческий редактор и чем он занимается (обещаем не затягивать!), потом займемся практикой: будем давать вам разные каверзные задания, связанные с текстами и знанием русского языка — примерно как в этом посте. А еще поговорим про нативную рекламу (например, такую), которая вам иногда нравится, а иногда бесит.
Если вы хотите прокачать навыки письма или редактуры, узнать больше о том, как зарабатывать на текстах и где в принципе можно работать в 2022 году, — приходите! Вебинар проведут редактор Пикабу и куратор курса «Коммерческий редактор».
Встречаемся 21 июня в 20:00 по московскому времени. Оставьте свою почту в форме ниже, и за час до встречи мы пришлем ссылку на Zoom.
Трико из игры The Last Guardian
Я уже хвасталась этой игрушкой, теперь у меня дошли руки до съемки процесса вязания. Петли не считала, и подробной схемы нет, т.к. работу повторять не собираюсь )по крайней мере не в таком масштабе), но вдруг кто захочет и себе такую зверюгу=)
Блокнотик с Трико из The Last Guardian
Трико(The Last Gurdian)
Материал: Бархатный пластик, акриловые краски, люминофор.
Как Трикоха в парке гулял :D
И просто как бонус: у Трико светящиеся рога ^^
Вебинар «Зарабатывать на текстах и креативе — а так можно?»
Хотим позвать вас на вебинар Pikabu Study, который будет состоять из двух частей.
Сначала мы расскажем о том, кто такой коммерческий редактор и чем он занимается (обещаем не затягивать!), потом займемся практикой: будем давать вам разные каверзные задания, связанные с текстами и знанием русского языка — примерно как в этом посте. А еще поговорим про нативную рекламу (например, такую), которая вам иногда нравится, а иногда бесит.
Если вы хотите прокачать навыки письма или редактуры, узнать больше о том, как зарабатывать на текстах и где в принципе можно работать в 2022 году, — приходите! Вебинар проведут редактор Пикабу и куратор курса «Коммерческий редактор».
Встречаемся 21 июня в 20:00 по московскому времени. Оставьте свою почту в форме ниже, и за час до встречи мы пришлем ссылку на Zoom.
Откуда-то сверху пробиваются яркие лучи солнца, разрезая тьму и ложась пятнами на гигантские цепи, что обвивают пол в пещере. Над ними порхают бабочки, не обращая никакого внимания на исполинских размеров животное, что окутано этими цепями словно змеями. Существо лежит, не шевелясь, оно ранено: из-под окровавленных перьев торчат два копья.
Но оно все еще дышит, и как только я начинаю приближаться, зверь поднимает свою голову, уставляет на меня полный волнения взгляд и наблюдает за моими перемещениями из стороны в сторону. Ему явно очень больно, и я решаю все-таки забраться на него и избавить от этих копий, которые выступают ниже сломанной бронепластины на спине.
Я долго пытаюсь их вытянуть, и, наконец, у меня получается. Зверь воет от боли, разворачивается ко мне и ударом когтя отбрасывает к стене пещеры. Я теряю сознание.
Standing on Trico's back preparing to pull out a spear.
Все это происходит в самом начале The Last Guardian. Как и в Ico, другой необычной работе Фумито Уэды, вы играете за маленького мальчика, путешествующего на пару с необычным созданием – дружественным, но во всех смыслах непонятным. В данном случае это гигантская химера: частично птица, частично собака, частично не пойми что.
Вы приходите в себя в пещере, не имея ни малейшего понятия, как сюда попали и что за странные отметины у вас на руках. “Зверь-людоед” Трико лежит рядом, не в силах встать от боли; вокруг его шеи висит тяжелый ошейник, а его лоб и спина покрыты бронепластинами. Не имея другой возможности отсюда сбежать, а также из чувства сострадания, вы решаетесь – даже не смотря на размеры этого зверя и его репутацию – ему помочь.
The player character in The Last Guardian.
Одной из ключевых тем The Last Guardian является доверие, и именно на этом близком взаимоотношении будут строится первые часы игры. Трико невозможно приручить, но в те моменты, когда он будет враждебен к мальчику, вам необходимо будет решить, каким способом лучше задобрить зверя.
Ну, не совсем так. Сюжет The Last Guardian имеет границы повествования, которое ведется приятным голосом – главный герой, но уже в преклонном возрасте, вспоминает все произошедшие события – таким образом давая нам подсказки насчет того, что нужно делать дальше. И это совсем не плохо, так как механика приручения Трико выглядит не так захватывающе, как само взаимодействие между мальчиком и зверем; эти моменты являются основополагающими и способны показать, насколько правдоподобен Трико как животное, и какая у него убеждающая анимация.
Есть причина, по которой начало игры происходит в пещере – окружение, наряду с сюжетом, концентрируют все внимание на двух главных героях. Это значит, что вам придется наблюдать за тем, как Трико реагирует на ваше отношение к его самочувствию и ощущению голода. Лучше всего вы сможете оценить его размеры, когда он встанет во весь рост прямо перед вами. А как обычное живое существо он раскроется перед вами, когда будет почесывать себе ухо, принюхиваться к вам или проламывать стены сбегая на ваш крик.
Позднее, когда вы выйдите в открытый мир, чувство масштаба многократно усилиться.
The boy standing on Trico's back.
Начальный этап игры выглядит так, как я себе его представлял: завоевание доверия Трико, скармливание ему целых бочек с едой, вылечивание его ран и совместный поиск пути к недосягаемым местам. Стоило мне пролезть сквозь небольшой разлом на выступе и спустится вниз к скальному ущелью, как на меня свалился валун.
Очнулся я в каком-то примитивно обустроенном храме: большая округлая комната с высоким куполообразным потолком, в центре которой был неглубокий бассейн с водой, светящийся необычным синим цветом. Именно здесь я нахожу зеркало, сделанное из магического вещества и, стоило мне его подобрать, как глаза Трико сразу на это отреагировали, начав расширяться и переливаться разными красками. В тот момент я понял, что его глаза отражают эмоциональное состояние – красный, например, означает гнев или настороженность – мол, на этот предмет надо обратить внимание.
The boy with the mirror device on his back.
Я поднимаю над собой зеркало, из которого бьет зеленый луч, направляю его на преграду из камней, и тут же из хвоста Трико бьет красная молния, которая уничтожает препятствие.
Вот этого я не ожидал.
В это мгновение все мои знания о The Last Guardian перевернулись с ног на голову.
Боевая броня, раны – я-то думал, что у Трико печальное прошлое, а выходит, что этот зверь на самом деле является оружием, которым владеет тот, у кого в руках зеркало? Именно по этой причине у него такая устрашающая репутация? Получается, что та легенда о монстре, которую мой персонаж слышал “много раз от старших” расходится с тем, что я знаю о нем. А ведь до этого момента он было довольно робким и даже игривым.
Trico attacking a village.
Значит, и наши отношения также в корне изменяться: теперь уговоры и крики, которым раньше можно было охарактеризовать наше сотрудничество, сменяются командами, которые я буду отдавать Трико, а он будет беспрекословно им подчиняться. Это очень резкая перемена, и я не совсем уверен, что должен чувствовать, обладая такой властью – даже если я просто использую ее только для уничтожения преград на нашем пути.
Оно предназначено для демонстрации силы и потенциальной жестокости Трико, и для того, чтобы игроки по-другому взглянули на своего компаньона. Это решение продиктовано сюжетом, а не игровым дизайном, поэтому не удивлюсь, если игрок будет лишен возможности использовать зеркало большую часть времени.
Пробираясь по развалинам, мы идем вдоль неосвещенных и каменистых проходов, и, наконец, выбираемся на открытую местность: мы остановились на площадке в огромной пещере, внизу расположилось подземное озеро, а рядом с травянистой поляной шумел водопад, освещаемый лучами солнца.
Entering a large cave with a lake.
Другого выхода нет, поэтому я прыгаю в озеро, и, вынырнув, подзываю Трико. Зверь наклоняется вперед, будто бы готовится к прыжку, вцепляется в утес когтями, но так и не решается сделать шаг вперед.
Trico on a ledge overlooking an underground lake.
Тут я вспоминаю демоверсию, показанную на прошлогодней Е3, во время которой мальчик прыгал на месте, заставляя Трико перепрыгнуть через пропасть. Так что я решаю ему помочь, и, снова поднявшись на утес, я забираюсь к нему на спину. В этот момент оказывается, что ему не очень нравится, как я ползаю по его голове. И он скидывает меня. В последнюю секунду он умудряется поймать меня за шиворот. Все это выглядит настолько круто, насколько вы можете себе представить.
Он в шутку бросает меня обратно в озеро.
Swimming in the underground lake.
Так как я все еще не сдружился с Трико настолько, что могу творить с ним что захочу, то я начинаю осматриваться. Используя магию зеркала, я уничтожаю деревянные балки, заграждающие путь к другой местности, и с помощью еды заманиваю бестию в воду.
Вид существа таких размеров плавающего в озере действительно захватывает дух, а я в это время стараюсь удержаться за него, пока мы не оставляем позади ущелье и не попадаем в еще один проход.
Climbing through a narrow, rocky passage.
Мы достигаем конца пути, и мальчик протискивается сквозь щель, идя навстречу солнечному свету. Но перед этим он оборачивается, чтобы попрощаться, и на его лице видна и нежность, и печаль.
Он думает, что их пути теперь разошлись, но стоит ему выйти на свежий воздух, как Трико продирается сквозь дыру в скале и следует за мальчиком. Объединившись снова, мы взбираемся на утес и осматриваем обширные развалины. Вдали возвышается гигантской высоты башня, а вокруг нее парят загадочные символы. Трико обеспокоенно встает на задние лапы и завывает.
Trico howling.
Вид действительно пугающий, и я рад, что Трико на моей стороне. Видимо, он единственный, на кого я смогу положиться в этом неизведанном месте.
Trico (トリコ, Toriko) is the name of the griffin-like beast in The Last Guardian and the deuteragonist of the game. It looks like a combination of a dog, bird, and a cat. The mysterious masked knights searching for the Boy are no match for its power and ferocity. The boy will need to take care of Trico, both by feeding it mysterious barrels and removing spears from its hide.
Trico is a large, hybridized beast with the face of a dog, the ears, body and tail of a cat, and the beak, wings, talons and feathers of a bird. It also sports a pair of horns on its head. Its feathers are a grayish blue with darker feathers on its tail, wings, and nose, while having lighter feathers on its face. The beast's eyes change colors depending on its mood.
Trico's appearance also changes over time. At the beginning, its wings are in tatters, and the horns are broken. By the end of the game, the wings are fully healed and its horns are about a foot long and slightly curved forwards.
The gender of Trico has been a debated topic, with some people saying it is male and others female. However, there is no confirmed answer and Fumito Ueda himself has touched on this subject in an interview found on GenDesign's website:
Ueda: From a creator point of view, there isn't much benefit in limiting it to one or the other. Besides, the biggest reason was that we didn't want to restrict the freedom of ideas in gameplay by giving it a specific sex. We didn't want to restrict the way players understood it. And there's also the fact that we wanted people to feel that the virtual character was appealing and realistic as a living creature.
Masami Tanji: I see, you didn't want to limit the possibilities by deciding of the sex.
Ueda: In that way there’s a big advantage because both sexes can be included; you can make players feel that it is strong like a father, gentle like a mother, cute like a girl, and innocent like a boy.
Trico first appears in the cave with the boy, unconscious and wounded. After the Boy cares for the creature, the two start to bond and Trico follows the Boy around.
As the two make their way through the Nest, Trico defends the boy from enemies large and small and helps him access areas and cover ground very quickly. Trico's bond becomes so strong that the beast would protect the Boy from seemingly anything.
It is discovered that Trico is one of many other beasts like itself and was once enslaved to an entity called the Master of the Valley, who controls the beasts and uses them to kidnap human children to sustain its own immortality. However, the Master's control over this creature was broken when Trico was hit by lightning after stealing the Boy. Fearing the power of the now independent beast, the Knights chained Trico up in the cave, hoping it would die from the wounds it sustained from the lightning and the long fall. However, Trico regurgitated the boy, who helped the beast recover and escape.
The two gain entrance to the Master's citadel tower. While Trico holds off a large pack of Armored Tricos, the boy destroys the Master. Badly wounded, Trico decides nonetheless that it is now time that the Boy returned to his village. Upon returning the Boy home, Trico leaves for its own safety, leaving the Boy to tell the story of their extraordinary adventure.
In the final cutscene, it is revealed that Trico not only survived its agonizing wounds but has gone on to sire a young Trico of its own, raising it in the cave where the whole adventure began. It still seems to remember the Boy fondly when it hears the call of the Boy's (now a man) mirror.
Trico looks down at the Boy.
Trico behaves much like a typical domesticated dog. At first, Trico does not trust the Boy, even swiping him into a cave wall when the Boy tries to remove spears from its body. However, after receiving food and care from the Boy, the beast trusts him enough to follow him around. As time goes on, Trico even seeks affection in the form of being fed or being petted, which calms it down after a battle. Trico will also bestow affection on the Boy, rubbing its head against him and nuzzling while making loving whines. Once Trico becomes fully bonded, the beast will protect the Boy without a thought to its own personal safety, even taking on a pack of Armored Tricos without hesitation.
Trico is a creature one would do best not to make an enemy of. When the Boy is endangered or it perceives a threat, Trico goes into a bloodthirsty rage, destroying said threat with vigor. Even if Trico is outmatched, the beast will still throw itself into the fray, fighting until either killed or knocked unconscious.
It is possible that Trico is a younger or less experienced beast, while quite effective against Knights, is easily overpowered by Armored Tricos, even in one-on-one encounters. It is also shown to be rather clumsy as, when kidnapping the Boy in his sleep, the beast gets its head stuck in a window and knocks over a pot, alerting the village to its presence.
This also is supported by how the Boy pronounces the creature's name (in spite of the subtitles reading "Trico"): "Toriko". This name has the suffix "-ko", which can refer to a child or a baby.
The first-ever screenshot for the game (and the only screenshot of the game released for well over two years) depicted a giant length of chain running into a hole in the ground. In the game's first trailer, the creature on the end of the chain was revealed to be Trico.
Powers and abilities
- Chimeran physiology: Trico can best be described as a chimera, a creature composed of several different animals. This gives the beast the abilities of all the species it embodies: the strength of a dog, the agility of a cat, and the flight of a bird.
- Enhanced strength: Because of its massive size, Trico is incredibly strong, capable of destroying stone structures and smashing groups of enemies with relative ease.
- Enhanced agility: Trico can climb and leap great distances that would be impossible for any other animal. This is embodied by its cat-like traits. Its large, tridactyl feet are also quite wide, making it an effective swimmer.
- Flight: Initially, Trico cannot fly because of the wounds that it has sustained, the wings having been badly hurt by lightning and fall damage. However, when its wings are fully healed, Trico can fly great distances and is able to achieve altitude to soar above the clouds. Even when the beast's wings are still healing, it can glide with them for a short period of time.
- Enhanced durability and healing: Trico can take massive amounts of damage. Swords do not affect the beast, spears only slow it down, and even serious wounds sustained by Armored Tricos, long falls, or being struck by lightning can be shrugged off in a short amount of time. Trico also seems to heal very fast, as it does not bleed very much from spear wounds and can quickly get up from even life-threatening wounds.
- Prehensile tail: Trico's tail acts as an extra limb. The creature mainly uses this ability to assist the Boy while its four feet are in use. While unable to grab the Boy using its tail, the beast can quickly position it to act like a rope to climb up/down.
- Enhanced senses: Thanks to its dog-like attributes, Trico has incredible senses of smell and hearing. This helps it find items of interest in the environment, but also serves to distract it when finding pots of the precursor material used to make the food to feed those of its kind, as it creates a miasma that keeps it rapt and oblivious to all else.
- Intelligence: Trico is rather intelligent, not only able to navigate its way around the environment of the Valley but also follow the Boy's simple directions. The Boy can direct Trico to where he wants to go, pointing out what he wants him to do, and even gesturing actions for Trico to perform like pushing, pulling, or jumping. Presented with a somewhat-complex concept - like stamping down on one end of a wagon to launch the Boy into the air - it can figure out what the Boy wants and perform it quickly and easily.
An example of Trico's eyes altering colors.
- Eyeshine: The color of Trico's eyes change depending on its mood. The huge eyes shine pink when aggressive or angry, glow white when excited or interested, are yellow when it sees a barrel, and when its eyes are dark green, Trico is calm and friendly. Its pupils will contract greatly when the creature is satisfied when being fed a barrel, closely resembling a more human eye.
- Electricity generation: Early in the game, the boy finds a mysterious mirror. Upon seeing the symbol produced by the mirror, Trico can fire a continuous bolt of electricity from its tail at the mirror's target, useful for destroying obstacles and enemies. However, when the mirror is lost, so is this ability. When the ability is regained later in the game, Trico now fires a built-up pulse of explosive lightning. Trico's tail can fire electricity even when severed from his body. This ability is not directly controlled by Trico.
- The Boy: First and foremost, Trico will do whatever it takes to protect the Boy, even if that means recklessly throwing itself in harm's way or against an overpowering enemy. While the beast has always survived, it nearly dies several times.
- Talismans: These huge, hexagonal stained glass panes evoke a strange, insurmountable fear in Trico-beasts. When the talismans come within Trico's eyesight, Trico's animal instincts become apparent, and the creature is unable to do anything but fearfully back away unless the offending pane is destroyed. These objects come in the form of small shields carried by Knights that they will aim against the animal, or as larger stationary ones, mounted on trolleys or suspended by chains. Most often they can be knocked over, broken by throwing a stone, or destroyed with Trico's ranged tail attack (when available).
- Armored Tricos: As powerful as Trico is, the beast stands little chance against even one of its own kind. While it fights bravely, it is always overwhelmed.
- Small spaces: Trico's size is not always an advantage, and the well-meaning beast has trouble squeezing into tight spots (although not from lack of trying). At one point, Trico valiantly attempts to squeeze into a mine tunnel, which causes the walls to collapse around it and the Boy.
Effects on gameplay
The gameplay of The Last Guardian stems around using Trico's natural instinct to the player's benefit in order to traverse the environment and solve puzzles. Trico reacts based on its surroundings and mood and cannot be controlled directly.
Examples of using Trico's animal instinct includes:
- When injured by spears, Trico's mobility is reduced or prevented, and the boy must pull them out in order for it to move.
- When encountered by the armor suits, Trico will become aggressive, destroying them, but, afterward, the boy must pet it to calm the beast down.
- The boy can feed barrels of food to Trico in order to keep the creature happy and to lure it to places it does not want to immediately go, such as jumping into a pool of knee-deep (to Trico) water.
- Standing on an upper ledge, getting Trico's attention, then jumping to demonstrate will motivate Trico to jump up to the ledge.
- After the boy gains Trico's trust, Trico will follow the Boy around and even follow his commands.
- Trico will occasionally defecate anywhere when left alone for a long period of time.
- Like a cat, Trico proves hesitant to jump into bodies of deep water.
Meaning of name
"Toriko" is the Japanese word for "prisoner", possibly given during the initial predicament. "Toriko" is also a combination of the Japanese words "tori" (bird) and "neko" (cat), and also has the suffix "-ko", which can refer to a child or a baby. Finally, Project Trico was the name for the game's working title, which is a combination of "Tri" and "Ico". This could be referring to the game itself, which is Team Ico's third release.
It is possible to navigate through the land on Trico's back to surpass obstacles or reach certain heights.
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