Transformers siege war for cybertron игрушки
War for Cybertron: Siege is a subline imprint of the Generations toyline, and the first portion of the War for Cybertron Trilogy.
First revealed in mid-2018 at San Diego Comic-Con, War for Cybertron: Siege, in keeping with the installments of the Prime Wars Trilogy, features a line-wide gimmick: weaponry. Most Deluxe, Voyager, and Leader Class figures each come with at least one or two weapons that can transform, combine, and/or be placed into any C.O.M.B.A.T. System posts, 5 mm posts littered all over their bodies, essentially an updated version of the Powerlinx system and Takara's previous Arms Micron play system. Another line-wide feature is battle-damaged paint jobs on Deluxe-and-up figures to fit with the gritty "war" aspect.
Returning to this toyline are Micromasters, which are bundled in two packs, replacing the Legends Class of the last half-decade, and are now able to combine into large weapons as well as transform into their vehicle form. This size class is also used for Soundwave's minions, who can turn into cassettes or be used as a shield with fold-out pegs.
Replacing the Prime Masters from the last toyline are "Battle Masters", small Targetmaster-type figures that can combine with other weapons and figures. They include additional "Fire Blast" effect pieces that can be placed onto other weapons included with other size classes, as well as hardpoints on the figures themselves to simulate being 'shot' or on the back of vehicles to simulate "rocket boosters" or "speed", depending on the effect part. Each effect part attaches via a 3 mm hole, or in most cases, 5 mm posts too.
Some Deluxe Class figures are classified as "Deluxe Weaponizers," which can be disassembled into multiple weapons to be used in the C.O.M.B.A.T. System. Leader Class figures are very similar to Power of the Primes, in which smaller figures come with additional armor that can be added to vehicle mode or robot mode to increase their size to become the height of a Leader Class figure. This is likely due to robot mode scale playing a much larger role in this series than in the past, with characters sticking reasonably close to their relative heights in the original cartoon.
The boxes of the figures have black-light revealed cybertronian script on them which can be put into the "Found a hidden code?" game on the Transformers website, which unlocks various images, stop-motion videos, and Teletraan-1 Data Files. [1] They, along with the instructions and Siege webpage, [2] also introduce a military insignia system for the Autobots and Decepticons.
Siege was followed by War for Cybertron: Earthrise in 2020, as well as a concurrently-available War for Cybertron Trilogy toyline based on the Netflix show of the same name.
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Перед Вами недорогая игрушка трансформер Локдаун (Lockdown).
Материал: ABS пластик + металл (части тела)
Высота робота: 20,2 см
Высота трансформеров по отдельности от 14 до 17 см
Сделано из пластика.
Каждый робот в отдельной упаковке
Особенности продукта:
Высота 12 см (Делюкс класс)
Материал: пластик
Игрушка по мотивам Трансформеры: Последний рыцарь
Десептикон Баррикейд - разведчик, полицейская машина.
Материал: АБС пластик, металл
Высота: 18 см
Увеличенная версия Оптимуса Прайма серии Война за Кибертрон.
Высота: 23,7 см
Сделано из пластика
Конструктикон - Девастатор. Трансформер игрушка из первого Поколения
Трансформер Девастатор. Высокий робот, после объединения: высота 32см.
Каждая из 6 игрушку может трансформироваться отдельно.
Игрушка подходит для детей и коллекционеров.
Высококачественная версия Нитро Зевса от Black Mamba
Материал: ABS, литье (ножки)
Высоты робота: 27 см
Длинна самолёта: 32см
Трансформация в 31 шаг
Размер упаковки: 25 x 33 x 15
Вес: 1,1 кг
Не дорогой, но большой набор из истребителей трансформеров.
Высота: 32 см (в комбинированном режиме)
Материал: Сделано из пластика.
Особенности игрушки:
Высота робота: 32 см.
Длинна в режиме грузовика 30 см.
Трансформация за 31 шаг.
Материал: Пластик, металл, резина.
Размер упаковки: 38 х 27,6 х 17,2 см
Шесть Трансформеров в наборе - Конструктиконы.
NBK-01 Скребок / Скрапер
NBK-02 Экскаватор / Скевенджер
NBK-03 Бульдозер / Боункрашер
NBK-04 Автобетоносмеситель / Миксмастера
NBK-05 Самосвал / Лонг Хоул
NBK-06 Кран / Хук
Фигурка Премиум класса Studio Studio 08 Blackout
Особенности продукта:
Высота: 22 см
Сделано из пластика
По мотивам фильма «Трансформеры 2007 года»
Шагов трансформации: 23 шагов
Саундвейв превращается из робота в магнитофон.
Mech Planet H.S 03
Материал: пластик ABS
Высота: 12 см
Поставляется с THS-04, кассетой "Laserbeak", предназначенной для установки в деку Саундвейва.
Laserbeak - Кассетник десептикон, напоминающий птицу.
Сайдсвайп из Трансформеров 1984 г., Lamborghini Countach LP500S
Высота робота: 16 см
Сделано из пластика
Трансформируется за 26 шагов
Содержимое коробки:
Трансформер Автобот Сайдсвайп, ракетная пусковая установка, бластер, карточка героя и инструкция.
General Information:
Release Date: December 2019 (Estimated Arrival Date)
Price Point: $19.99 (depending on retailer)
Retailer: General (Amazon, BigBadToyStore, Entertainment Earth etc.)
Accessories: W-35 LR Doomblast Forge Launcher
Note: I received this figure during Hasbro's 2019 unboxing event. Unfortunately the packaging was tossed out and official photos of the packaging are not on any major retail sites associated with BWTF yet so I will post those images once they are available.
The Deluxe Class WFC-S49 Crosshairs figure comes with a converting W-35 LR Doomblast Forge Launcher weapon accessory with 2 weapon modes: blaster and hammer modes. Figure features multiple C.O.M.B.A.T. System weapon ports to attach weapons, enabling custom configurations in bot and vehicle modes.
In 2018 the "Power of the Primes" line finished off the "Prime Wars Trilogy" which had begun with "Combiner Wars". To kick off a whole new G1 inspired series of "Generations" figures, a new line known as "War for Cybertron: Siege" started in late 2018 (with a planned wide release in 2019). The traditional Deluxe Class of figures continues in "Siege".
Crosshairs was first introduced in 1987 as part of the "Headmasters/Targetmasters" era of G1. The character was paired up with the Targetmaster Pinpointer, who transformed from a small figure into a weapon for Crosshairs. This new version of the character is a retool and redeco of Siege Ironhide so you may want to check out that review before reading this one. This review will focus on the changes made to the figure for this release.
Taking a cue from "Studio Series", the Deluxe figures in "Siege" are packaged in boxes instead of the traditional bubble card used for Deluxe Class figures. These boxes are beautiful featuring an unusual shape with one flat side and one angled side. While elements of previous packaging are still found on the boxes (ex: the vertical Transformers logo, the "Generations" logo, a largely black background etc.) there is a lot more added on. First, the background is not solid black. There are designs on it that look like sparks or perhaps embers from flames On the angled side is the character's package art. In Crosshairs' case, it looks like he is aiming his weapon at (presumably) a Decepticon that is "off screen". The figure itself is in robot mode behind a clear plastic window. To the left is a chevron with the character name. Below that is the "War for Cybertron: Siege" logo.
The back of the box features Crosshairs in both modes indicating a 14 step transformation. It also shows him holding Smashdown. Smashdown and Caliburst are both listed as cosells.
Like Ironhide, Crosshairs includes a "W-35 LR Doomblast Forge Launcher". This is a fancy way of saying "Awesome Looking Rocket Launcher". The front appears to be an oblique homage to the rocket launcher built into G1 Ironhide's trailer vehicle. Like that rocket launcher this one is rectangular in shape, but instead of just one rocket in the front it has tubes for six. The weapon is long, extending back with what looks like a handle/shoulder rest in the back. There is some beautiful sculpted detail running along the sides and bottom.
This time out the Doomblast Forge Launcher is cast in black plastic. The "hammer head" end is painted red with silver in front. These colors align nicely with Crosshairs himself and it looks great.
The Launcher features three different 5mm pegs. Each allows Crosshairs (or any figure, really) to hold the weapon in various positions. It can be held like a blaster, or over the shoulder or even just to the side. The peg towards the back is used to hold the weapon as if it were a giant hammer. Just swing down the front end and now the weapon takes on an especially brutal configuration! Even more fun, the back of the hammer mode has two connector points for Blast Effects from Battle Master figures. That makes the hammer look "rocket powered" which is very fun. I really love how simple yet awesome this weapon is.
Some fans may not be thrilled that Crosshairs does not include a Targetmaster partner. It has been suggested that Trenchfoot is actually meant to be an updated Pinpointer, and the colors definitely work so feel free to pair up Crosshairs with that figure.
Update (10/14/19): Several fans reported to me that I had transformed Crosshairs' chest incorrectly when I failed to swing down the panel, then swing it up so the top slots into the grooves on the inside of the chest. These fans were absolutely correct. I have updated photos 1, 2, 4 and 6 below to reflect the correct transformation and added in a weapons storage photo as a bonus. Apologies for any confusion to my fellow fans. I hope you continue to enjoy my reviews.
Robot Mode:
Crosshairs is a retool and redeco of Siege Ironhide. The two figures share the same body, but Crosshairs has been given a new head. Instead of the head seen on the G1 toy, this head is based on the design of the head seen in the G1 cartoon. The two are very different. Whereas the G1 toy head had a face with two eyes, a nose and mouth, the G1 animation model featured a head with visor eyes and a mouthplate with horizontal tubes running across it. The sides of the head each have flat panels on them and there is a crest in the middle on top. The head sculpt looks fantastic overall.
The rest of the body is the same sculpt as Ironhide. Some fans may feel this is a bit of a "cheat", but personally I think it looks great. Like G1 Crosshairs he features a prominent windshield piece on his torso and the arms and legs have a "blocky" look to them that suits the character.
This time out, this sculpt is cast in black, red and blue plastic. The torso panel/windshield is made of clear plastic. The red, blue and black were all key colors of G1 Crosshairs and they look fantastic here. Paint details are done in red and silver colors. The lower legs feature a set of beautiful tampographed details based on stickers from G1 Crosshairs' leg stickers. These are among my favorite designs on this figure. They look awesome!
All the joints on my copy of this figure are nice and tight. This also includes the flaps that are attached to the sides of his legs. On Ironhide these flaps would come off if you looked at them funny (I exaggerate. but not by much). However on this figure they clearly did some work to make sure they held on tighter. I actually managed to pick up the figure by the flaps and they didn't come off! I am super happy about this.
Transformation to Vehicle Mode:
- Detach the launcher and set it aside for now.
- Straighten out the arms and legs.
- Swing the chest panel forward, swing the head down and close the cover.
- Swing the arms up and connect them together.
- Swing the back pack down.
- Rotate the chest piece with the arms attached around.
- Push the back pack piece against the chest/windshield section.
- Swing the front panels of each lower leg up.
- Push the two legs together.
- Swing the panels on the sides of the lower legs forward.
- Swing the panels from the front of the lower legs together.
- The weapon can be attached to the top of the vehicle.
Vehicle Mode:
Crosshairs was a Cybertronian dune buggy-like figure in G1. Here he looks more like a Cybertronian van or maybe even some type of troop carrier ATV. G1 purists will likely not be thrilled with this mode, but personally I dig it. To me it fits the "tough looking off-road" vehicle category that I picture Crosshairs being in.
All the colors from the robot mode carry over to this form, so there are few color surprises. There is some silver on the headlights and front section for "weathering" that is not prominent in robot mode. The silver details from the legs wind up on the sides here, looking almost like large window strips.
Just like Ironhide you have four 5mm ports on top and two on the back of the vehicle. You can also attach a Blast Effect to the top section of the windshield.
Final Thoughts:
Crosshairs is a super cool redeco and retool of Ironhide. The new head sculpt looks fantastic and the deco really helps make the body a convincing one for the character. Recommended!
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Sunday, June 30, 2019
Toy Review: Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Siege Cog (Deluxe)
Cog transforms into a long armored vehicle, although as you can tell from the look of things, it's little more than the robot mode lying down.
That being said, he is heavily armed and considering the amount of things that his figure has to do, this is a pretty good vehicle.
He has three pairs of rolling wheels, with smaller plastic wheels underneath the rear treads.
In term of size, he is the same length as previous Deluxes. Cog is actually one of the biggest Deluxes in the line, which is nice.
The vehicle mode is comprised of two pieces, which can be separated into two smaller vehicles that is inspired by the G1 character. The two smaller vehicles only connect via a small tab, so easily detaches when you're handling him.
A decent vehicle mode, although you have to give it some slack for being such a fantasy vehicle.
Unfortunately, being a Weaponizer, Cog utilizes partsforming in order to transform between his three modes. The two vehicles separate, with the back becoming the legs. Meanwhile, you detach the weapons on top of the front vehicle and then reattach them as the robot arms, before finally attaching the torso and legs together.
Cog's robot mode is definitely the better looking mode and he carries a distinct look thanks to the sharp silver paint, and a nice deep blue.
The figure itself is fairly hollow though as you can tell from the back so his weight doesn't match his size when you hold him in hand.
The headsculpt is classic G1 and looks good. It can only turn from side to side and since it's in the middle between two larger pieces of plastic, turning it can be annoying as you try to get your fingers to grip.
In terms of size, he's roughly the same height as standard Deluxes but again, feels noticeably lighter/hollow than you'd expect.
Cog has good articulation with joints for his shoulders, elbows, hips, knees and even ankle tilts.
Due to transformation, the shoulder is comprised of two joints so is not as versatile as a balljoint.
He comes with a pair of pistols that he can hold in either hand.
His arms and legs detach when forming his other modes, and during posing these can loosen and start to come off. This is the biggest detractor against his play value, but is nothing too bad.
As part of the Siege line, Cog has plenty of 5mm pegholes so you can add additional weapons or have a play around on how Cog wields his own weapons.
A fun and good looking robot mode.
Cog is part of the Weaponizer subclass, meaning that he can become weapons for other robots in the line. You detach the arms and legs, all the pieces ends up forming a shield, shoulder cannons, feet pieces and a pair of guns.
The default character to show off this mode is with Sideswipe and boy, do they look great combined.
While it's not as involved as an actual Combiner, the designers has done a great job in making these additional armor pieces compatible with the rest of the line, and this adds tons of playability.
The second mode for Cog is a shield and a bigger shoulder cannon.
This one isn't as integrated and the shield in particular looks weird. The shoulder cannons are pretty impressive though.
Cog presents heaps of play value, especially if you have at least one other figure in the Siege line. While his vehicle mode is fairly weak, the robot mode is solid and the Weaponizer options make him so much fun. Cog is highly recommended and is a well designed figure.
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