Надувные игрушки для бассейна для детей
Набор для весёлого времяпрепровождения для детей и взрослых на воде. Полный комплект и компактный размер позволяет брать набор с собой. А яркие цвета будут радовать Вас в солнечный день.
Отличительные особенности:
- Мяч в комплекте
- Предохранительные клапаны
- Подходит и детям, и взрослым
Набор для весёлого времяпрепровождения детей летом, выполненный в виде забавного кита. Полный комплект и компактный размер позволяет брать набор с собой.
Сделайте лето ребёнка незабываемым!
Отличительный особенности:
- Дизайн в виде кита
- Клапан для шланга
- 3 мяча в комплекте
- Надувная бейсбольная бита в комплекте
- Ремонтная заплатка в комплекте
Многофункциональный набор для весёлого времяпрепровождения детей летом, сочетающий в себе бассейн, фонтанчик и кольцеброс. Полный комплект и компактный размер позволяет брать набор с собой.
Сделайте лето ребёнка незабываемым!
Отличительный особенности:
- 2 в 1: бассейн и игрушка
- Встроенный разбрызгиватель
- Клапан для шланга
- Ремонтная заплатка в комплекте
- Вместимость: 270 л
- Для детей от 3-х до 6-ти лет
Матрас для плавания с яркими "тропическими" иллюстрациями - беззаботные дельфины, дивные цветы и гавайское приветствие ALOHA!
Детский игровой центр "Волшебный замок" - это игровой комплекс для настоящих принцесс и маленьких рыцарей.
Комплекс представляет собой сухой бассейн с башнями, крепостными стенами и арочным входом. В комплект входят 10 шариков для бассейна и надувная игрушка - фигурка волшебного единорога.
Бассейн каркасный Intex - это яркий, сделанный из прочного материала бассейн, который принесет море прямо к вам на задний двор, а также улыбку на лице детишек.
Для детей от 3-х лет
Объем бассейна (90%): 1899 литров
Размеры бассейна: диаметр 244 см, высота 51 см
Бассейн с надувным бортом — это универсальное изделие для всей семьи. С ним вы сможете разнообразить привычные будни и освежиться после трудового дня или работы в огороде. Вместительный бассейн объёмом в 6665 л позволит разместиться внутри 5 людям сразу и насладиться досугом всем вместе.
- Модель Spider-Man для мальчиков, с изображениями Человека-паука
- Модель Disney Princess очень понравится девочкам -украшена изображениями принцесс из мультфильмов Диснея.
Упрочненный и при этом тонкий винил делает плавание с надувным кругом Intex 58854 максимально комфортным и безопасным. У него два независимых надувных отсека, каждый из которых имеет двойной клапан. Круг имеет очень удобные прочные ручки
Он может похвастаться экстремально широкой встроенной подушкой под голову и удобным подстаканником на левом борту.
Каждый взрослый знает, какую пользу несут занятия с мячом для аэробики. Но для детей это скучно и неинтересно.
Игрушка детская-попрыгунчик «ВЕСЁЛАЯ ЛОШАДКА» – это весело и очень полезно!
Яркий надувной плот с удобными пластиковыми ручками подарит возможность комфортного и приятного отдыха на воде.
Универсальный игровой центр, который можно использовать и на воде, и на суше - отличная находка для детского досуга! Домик может как плавать по воде, так и расположиться на газоне - в любом случае малышам будет очень весело кататься с мягкой горки, которую при желании даже можно отсоединить и использовать отдельно.
Надувное кресло изготовлено из ПВХ.
Прекрасно подойдет для использования в бассейнах, открытых водоёмах, на даче или дома
Артикул: 57555
Модель 57555 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Ширина,длина: 170х191 см
Толщина материала: 0,30 мм
Два надувных отсека.
Артикул: 57530
Модель 57530 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Ширина,длина: 135х201 см
Толщина материала: 0,30 мм
Артикул: 57524
Модель 57524 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Ширина,длина: 150х127 см
Толщина материала: 0,25 мм
Артикул: 56524
Модель 56524 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Ширина,длина: 170х191 см
Толщина материала: 0,30 мм
Два надувных отсека.
Артикул: 58546
Модель 58546 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Ширина,длина: 86х168 см
Толщина материала: 0,25 мм
Артикул: 57527
Модель 57527 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Ширина,длина: 152х114 см
Толщина материала: 0,25 мм
Артикул: 56569
Модель 56569 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Ширина,длина: 138х91 см
Толщина материала: 0,25 мм
Артикул: 57563
Модель 57563 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Два надувных отсека.
Габариты: 201х191 см
Толщина материала: 0,30 мм
Вес: 1,9 кг
Артикул: 57534
Модель 57534 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Длина,ширина,высота: 180х94х71 см
Толщина материала: 0,35 мм
Вес: 2,4 кг
Артикул: 57537
Модель 57537 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Ширина,длина: 132х130 см
Толщина материала: 0,25 мм
Артикул: 57516
Модель 57516 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Ширина,длина: 84х109 см
Толщина материала: 0,25 мм
Артикул: 56508
Модель 56508 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Ширина,длина,высота: 239х64х91 см
В комплекте надувной мячик.
Артикул: 57501
Модель 57501 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Ширина,длина,высота: 267х51х91 см
В комплекте 3 летающие тарелочки.
Артикул: 58504
Модель 58504 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Ширина,длина,высота: 67х55 см
В комплекте надувной мячик.
Артикул: 57502
Модель 57502 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Ширина,длина,высота: 104х97х208 см
Нижний отсек для устойчивости заполняется водой.
В комплекте 2 надувных мяча.
Артикул: 56514
Модель 56514 без насоса (приобретается отдельно)
Длина/ширина/высота: карета 145х135х104 см лошадка 124х58х66 см
Вес: 6 кг
В комплекте заплатка-самоклейка, коробка.
Submarines, diving rings, and more toys extend kids' water fun
Katrina Cossey is a freelance writer covering topics ranging from local and national news as well as writing and researching for parenting content.
Verywell Family content is rigorously reviewed by a team of qualified and experienced fact checkers. Fact checkers review articles for factual accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. We rely on the most current and reputable sources, which are cited in the text and listed at the bottom of each article. Content is fact checked after it has been edited and before publication. Learn more.
Elaine Hinzey is a fact checker, writer, researcher, and registered dietitian.
We independently research, test, review, and recommend the best products—learn more about our process. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission.
Pool toys are a great way to make pool time more engaging, especially if your little one is just learning how to swim or is looking to further their swimming skills. The best pool toys are durable, easy to clean, and are safe enough to match your child's swimming level.
Reviewed & Approved
Our top pick is the Waboba Splash Water Bouncing Ball due to its affordability, durability, and ability to entertain kids of various ages. If you're looking for toys for advanced swimmers, try the Intex Underwater Diving Pool Balls.
From splash balls to squirters to noodles to diving rings, there's a pool toy out there for every child. Finding the perfect one can be difficult since every kid's swimming abilities are different. We considered price, design, durability, and safety when reviewing pool toys.
Based on our research, these are the best pool toys for splish-splashing fun.
Waboba Splash Water Bouncing Ball
Courtesy of Amazon
In terms of affordability, durability, and versatility, this classic pool toy takes the top spot. Available in a single or double pack, this ball can inspire many fun ball games like simple catch, a competition to see who can bounce it the highest, pool lacrosse, and more. It's recommended for ages 6 and up, so it's great for the whole family to use. It's made with the brand's signature gel core, so it's soft, squishy, and safe for kids to throw and bounce around in the pool, ocean, and lakes. However, it's important to note not to try and bounce the ball on hard surfaces as this could tear the outer fabric since they are for water use only.
For cleaning, just simply ring them out and set them out in a well-lit and dry place, and let them dry completely to prevent mold from forming on the inside.
Intex Underwater Diving Pool Balls
Courtesy of SwimOutlet
For kids as young as 6 years old who can safely swim underwater, these diving balls always make for a good time. They come in a set of three brightly colored balls attached to streamers that sink quickly and are easy to grab onto.
3C4G 3D Unicorn Confetti Beach Ball
Courtesy of Amazon
We love that this beach ball’s design is nothing short of magical with its colorful unicorn friend inside. Once inflated, the ball is beautiful to watch, as the confetti flies every time it's hit. Simply deflate it for easy storage or wipe down clean with a cloth.
Frontgate World’s Finest Pool Noodle
One pool toy that will never go out of style is the noodle. This one is available in several color opinions and is made from durable vinyl and foam. It has a 7.5-inch diameter and measures 46 inches long, is designed to float in both saltwater or chlorinated water, and it won’t sink even if it’s punctured.
As great as this toy is at providing some floating support, Emily Samuel, program director of Safe Kids Worldwide, warns: “It is important for families to keep in mind that swimming aids and toys, such as pool noodles and inflatable water wings, do not help prevent drowning” and should not be used as a replacement for a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket for your child.
Aqua LEISURE Aqua Stingray Underwater Glider
Courtesy of Amazon
This stingray toy is perfect for a game of chase, or for just keeping your kids entertained. It can glide up to 60 feet underwater, where it will turn, spin, and even boomerang back based on how its adjustable wings are configured. It measures 8 inches long and 10.75 inches wide and is best for kids 5 years old and up.
FUNBOY x Barbie Malibu Private Jet
Courtesy of FUNBOY
Kids 14 years old and up will have a blast floating along on this raft that measures 95 by 90 by 26 inches. Designed for one person, the brightly colored float is modeled after the iconic Malibu Barbie jet. Equipped with two handles and a cup holder, your teens and tweens can sip on a juice pouch while they float around all afternoon.
Melissa & Doug Spark Shark Fish Hunt
Courtesy of Amazon
This game comes with eight pieces, including two sharks and six fish (three orange, three yellow). Each of the fish quickly sinks to the bottom of the pool and then it’s a race to see which swimmer can scoop up all of theirs with the shark net first. Kids who are able to safely swim underwater and who are at least 6 years old can safely play this fun game.
What Experts Say
“Parents and caregivers should choose a properly fitted, U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket appropriate for their child's weight and water activity.” —Emily Samuel, Program Director, Safe Kids Worldwide
BANZAI Spring and Summer 3-Piece Magical Mermaid Dolls
Courtesy of Amazon
Who doesn’t love a good mermaid toy? This set is available with either three or four dolls which measure around five inches tall. Unlike most dolls, these mermaids have plastic hair that won’t get debris in it or become a tangly mess when wet. Kids as young as 5 years old can play with dolls in the pool, and if they’re able to swim underwater they can also use the dolls for diving games.
JOYIN Inflatable Pool Float Set Volleyball Net & Basketball Hoops
Courtesy of Amazon
With two options of play, we think this inflatable volleyball net and basketball hoops set is perfect for the whole family to enjoy. Safe for children ages 3 and up, kiddos can play basketball or volleyball, but keep in mind an electric pump is needed for inflation first. Once inflated, you can weigh the pieces down with bags (that are included!) to keep anything from flying out of the pool.
Stream Machine Water Sports Swim Thru Rings
Courtesy of Dick's Sporting Goods
Use these rings to create an obstacle course underwater. Each pack comes with three rings that are collapsible and have a 31-inch diameter. They have adjustable air chambers in them so that you can change how much the rings float/sink and have cute little sea animals on them for a little extra fun. This set of rings is great for kids who are at least 8 years old and can safely swim underwater.
What Experts Say
“Teach children how to swim. Every child is different, so enroll children in swim lessons when they are ready. Consider their age, development, and how often they are around water.” —Emily Samuel, Program Director, Safe Kids Worldwide
Toyssa Swimming & Diving Toys Pack
Courtesy of Amazon
In this pack, you get four diving rings, four water torpedoes, five diving sticks, 16 diving gems, and one bag to collect and carry the toys when they’re not being used. The toys are safe for kids as young as 3 years old to play with above water, or underwater once they are able to do so safely. The durable and brightly colored toys are packed full of endless fun and can keep a group of kids entertained.
Green Toys Submarine
Courtesy of Amazon
Whether they’re in a kiddie pool or venturing into something larger, kids as young as 6 months old will have a ball playing with this toy submarine. There is a little spinning propeller on the back of the boat, it has a flat bottom for sturdy floating, and it is designed with a handle and an opening in the front for kids to scoop and pour water to their heart’s content. You can opt to purchase this boat on its own or in a pack with either a seaplane or tugboat.
SwimWays COOP Hydro Lacrosse Game Set
Courtesy of Swimways
Engage in a little friendly competition with this water lacrosse set. It comes with two catcher nets and a foam ball that floats for easy retrieval while playing. The catchers have a foam-padded handle for comfort and grip and the set available in three color options. The best part is that this game can be played either in the pool or in the backyard and it’s safe for kids as young as 5 years old.
FUNBOY Tie-dye Giant Inflatable Tube
Courtesy of Amazon
With a 50-inch radius, this oversized one-person tube is the perfect place for a teen (14 years old or older) to lounge for an afternoon of sun. In addition to its brightly colored tie-dye design, the tube also features a reinforced cup holder and can be inflated or deflated in only two minutes.
COOP Hydro Football
Courtesy of Amazon
You don’t have to be an athlete to enjoy tossing a football in a pool. This one measures 9.25 inches and is made from durable, waterproof materials, and features double-tuck laces to help you get a good grip. It’s great for kids as young as 5 years old and is available in three fun color options.
Plasmart Watermelon Ball
Courtesy of Amazon
This ball may look and feel like a real watermelon, but don’t let it fool you! After the ball is filled with water, you can push it back and forth underwater up to 10 feet, bounce it off the pool’s walls, or dribble it on the pool floor. Children ages 8 and up can safely play with this pool toy for some summer fun.
GoSports Splash Hoop Pro Basketball Game
Courtesy of Amazon
This water basketball set comes with a hoop, two balls, and an air pump so it is ready to be set up right out of the box. The high-quality, sturdy backboard measures 31 x 23 inches and features a 14-inch rim that is strong enough to survive outdoor weather and heavy play. The base of the hoop is weighted with water for stability and can easily be drained/refilled at the turn of the season.
Final Verdict
The Green Toys Submarine (view at Amazon) is a great toy for toddlers and younger kids, whether they’re in a kiddie or large-sized pool. For older kids who are able to swim underwater, you can’t go wrong with the Stream Machine Swim Thru Rings (view at Walmart).
How We Selected the Best Pool Toys
We chose the best pool toys by researching reviews from customers and competitors, and we studied the features of dozens of products on the market. We considered price, design, features, ease of cleaning, age recommendations, and material when deciding our picks. We also consulted with a pediatrician for any considerations or product recommendations while reviewing guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics on toy buying safety.
What to Look for in Pool Toys
When you're looking for a pool toy for your kids, do your due diligence and ensure it hasn’t been recalled and/or there haven’t been reports of major safety issues. Additionally, Emily Samuel, program director of Safe Kids Worldwide, reminds parents and caregivers to invest in “a properly fitted, U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket [that is] appropriate for their child's weight and water activity.” When you’re looking at pool toys, be sure they do not compromise your child’s safety or interfere with their life jacket.
A lot of outside toys ironically can’t stand up to outdoor weather and quickly fall apart. Consider whether or not you have a place to store pool toys when they’re not in use; if not, invest in high-quality and/or weatherproof products.
Age and Swimming Ability
Brightly colored pool toys can be very appealing to little kids, even if they aren’t quite big or skilled enough to use them yet. Consider your child’s age, size, and swimming ability when you’re looking for fun toys for them. Samuel stresses the importance of teaching children how to swim to ensure safety in the pool.
“Every child is different, so enroll children in swim lessons when they are ready," she says. "Consider their age, development, and how often they are around water.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Because it’s such a classic, the pool noodle is a popular, top-selling pool toy. The flexible, foam float offers many different ways to have fun, and it can be used by both children and adults. Whether the kids are having a pretend lightsaber fight or the parents are using them as u-shaped pool seats, they provide a versatile way to stay entertained in the water.
A pool toy is a toy specifically designed to be played with in the water. There are a variety of different options, including balls, floats, sports toys, dolls, and diving toys. Most pool toys are made of plastic or foam and can be used for relaxing or to help children learn how to swim.
Splash balls are made in a variety of materials, including foam and plastic. No matter which one you choose, they are designed to float on top of the water, even when they are filled up. This kid-friendly design eliminates the need to dive to the bottom of the pool to retrieve them.
Why Trust Verywell Family
Ashley Ziegler is a parenting writer and mom to a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old. She has personal experience in researching and purchasing a variety of children’s products. Key considerations she used when selecting these recommendations include expert advice, age appropriateness, and user reviews.
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Купить надувной игровой центр в Барнауле
Если вашему малышу скучно в бассейне, предложите ему поиграть в надувном игровом центре. Это настоящая игровая площадка с горкой, водяной брызгалкой и игрушками. Воды в нем помещается немного, так что ребенок случайно не захлебнется, зато сможет вдоволь наплескаться.
В магазине вы также найдете надувные мячи, игрушки для плавания и игр на воде. Плавать на огромной касатке или утенке можно в бассейне, озере или другом спокойном водоеме. На большой надувной игрушке-плоте поместятся трое детей! Вместе с друзьями кататься по воде намного интереснее! Надуйте игровой центр, батут, плот и игрушки и устройте веселье с водяными брызгами!
Вы можете купить надувной игровой центр, батут и игрушки в Барнауле в гипермаркете «Rich Family». Наши консультанты помогут выбрать надувную игровую площадку и игрушки.
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