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PRE-ORDER 2022.04.28 3PM - 2022.05.12 8PM (KST)
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В коробку вошли наборы №28 (частично), №57, №58, №75, №76, №77, №89, №91, №93, №95, №96, №99, №100 (частично), №107, №108, №113.
Ateez greeting, SKZ greeting, ODDINARY soundwave, разборы карт 29,30,31, 33, TXT. Разборы: мембершипа Stray kids, SKZ greeting, ODDINARY lim, ODDINARY Jewel, SKZ Chocolate Factory. Цена доставки позиции в комментариях.
Дедлайн оплаты до 18 июня 18:00 по МСК.
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71 Екатерина Фоминых карта разбор 29 - 70₽
72 Юлия Агеева Фотофильм 2шт - 140₽
73 Karl Lagerfeld рандомная карта - 70₽
74 Лиза Петрушкина Мембершип SKZ VLIVE - 1100₽
75 Polina Belova Постер, сет карты - 200₽
76 Лера Барыгина Экологичная минисумка - 200₽
77 Анастасия Соловьёва Мембершип SKZ VLIVE - 1100₽
78 Азиза Куанышева Мини календарь, стикеры, стики для записей, магниты - 300₽
79 Дарья Лугачёва альбом 3 шт, Коробка, настольный календарь, дневник, сет карты 2 шт, карта разбор 30 - 3180₽
80 Дарья Лугачёва SKZ factory фотобук - 90₽
81 Алина Очирова рандомная карта, фишки + стикеры - 140₽
82 Алина Очирова SKZ factory фотобук - 90₽
83 Алёна Картавых карта разбор 30 - 70₽
84 Анастасия Ковбасюк альбом - 750₽
85 Anastasia Dementeva Коробка, настольный календарь, дневник - 600₽
86 Юлия Митрофанова карта разбор 31 - 70₽
87 Дарья Ткачева сет карты, cложенный постер - 200₽
88 Юлия Макарова кейс+фотобук рандом+CD+предзаказ. mini фотобук 2 шт, Постер, сет карты 2 шт, Стенд для полароидов, фишки + стикеры - 920₽
89 Маша Мухамова Stray Kids seasons greetings - 1200₽
90 Ксюша Семёнова сет разбор 33 - 130₽
91 Александра Долганова альбом 2 шт, сет карты 2 шт - 1760₽
92 Александра Долганова SKZ factory фотобук - 90₽
93 Dark Horse Юнитные фотокарты - 70₽
94 Rina Romanova ID, Тикет - 105₽
95 Полина Акерман Ateez greeting - 1000₽
96 Юлия Смыслова Специальное поло - 70₽
97 Regina Anderson рандомная карта - 70₽
98 София Нестеренко Брелок на ключи для ID - 100₽
99 Julia Doroshok Коробка, фотобук, Минибиндер ,сет карт - 580₽
100 大社の ボタン сет карт - 130₽
101 Каролина Галкина карта разбор 31 - 70₽
102 Виктория Брезгина Экологичная минисумка - 200₽ до 20.06
103 Alina Magomedova ID - 35₽
104 Настя Хенминова Мини календарь, стикеры, стики для записей, магниты - 300₽
105 Вика Санникова ID - 35₽
106 Катя Князева Стенд для полароидов - 100₽
107 Рита Царёва альбом, джевел - 1100₽
108 Banks Lennon Минипостер 2 шт, сет карт - 230₽
109 Виктория Лукьянчук карта разбор 30 2 шт - 140₽
110 Анастасия Добровольская карта разбор 31 - 70₽
111 Валерия Удалова ID, Тикет - 140₽
112 Darya Piotrovich карта разбор 30 - 70₽
113 Софья Мигалина Специальное поло - 70 ₽
114 Мария Теришина сет карты 2 шт - 260 ₽
115 Виталия Федотова альбом - 750 ₽
116 Марина Левицкая сет карты 2 шт, Сложенный постер, Фотофильм 2 шт - 470₽
117 Рина Олитт сет карты 2 шт - 260₽
118 Настя 'коулсон ID - 35₽
✅119 Елизавета Комарова Постер, сет карт - 200₽
💔120 Sanu Shinazugawa карта разбор 29 3 шт - 210₽
✅121 Рин Кито альбом 3шт - 2250₽
✅122 Ольга Литвиненко Юнитные фотокарты 3 шт - 210₽
✅123 Ольга Литвиненко ID 2 шт, Тикет 2 шт - 210₽
✅124 Лера Преображенская фишки + стикеры - 70₽
✅125 Арюна Жапова сет карты, сложенный постер - 200₽
✅126 Соня Оли Специальное поло -70₽
✅127 Крис Бан альбом 2 шт- 1500₽
128 Александр Бёрг Минибиндер - 250₽
✅129 Jesse Julian джевел - 350₽
✅130 Юна Юна Постер, Стенд для полароидов - 170₽
✅131 Лиза Кржывдзиньска джевел - 350₽
💔132 Chae Hyungwon Тикет 2 шт - 140₽
✅133 Юлия Пащенко-Витык ID, Тикет - 105₽
✅134 Анастасия Марутик карта разбор 30 3 шт - 210₽
✅135 Анастасия Марутик SKZ factory фотобук 2 шт - 180₽
✅136 Оля Савичева сет карты - 130₽
✅137 Алтана Анджаева рандомная карта 2 шт, фишки + стикеры 210₽
✅138 Оля Ниимура карта разбор 29 - 70₽
✅139 Даша Цыганец SKZ поп арт карта, альбом - 820₽
✅140 Анастасия Смирнова Коробка, фотобук - 200 ₽
✅141 Аня Молокова Сет мембера 2 2 шт, постер - 310₽💔
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Best Selling in Stray Kids Merch
Shop by Stray Kids Characters
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Bang Chan Merch (52)
Lee Know Merch (19)
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Han Merch (26)
Felix Merch (47)
Stray Kids Hoodies
Stray Kids T-Shirts
Stray Kids Figures
Stray Kids Posters
Stray Kids Accessories
Stray Kids Shoes
Stray Kids Blogs
Top 3 Best-selling Enhypen T-shirts For Any Fan
So you’re looking for an Enhypen T-shirt of your own? Well, fortunately for you, there are plenty of great options on the market. However, if
Top 5 Trendy T-shirts For Kpop Fans
1. Stray Kids Members Classic T-Shirt. Top 5 Trendy T-shirts For Kpop Fans While you’re seeking a straightforward however pleasurable strategy to categorical your passion
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Travis Scott is a well-known rapper who has made a reputation for himself in the music industry. Travis Scott has established himself as a dynamic
Top 5 Must-have Sweatshirts For Daily Outfits
1. Stray Kids Sweatshirt. Top 5 Must-have Sweatshirts For Daily Outfits This unique design with a printed image of Stray Kids band is one
Welcome to Stray Kids Store – Stray Kids Fans Merch
This is a warm welcome to all Stray Kids fans who are looking to show their love through the Stray Kids Store. KPop idol group Stray Kids currently consists of 8 members Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N. The members are all young and enthusiastic guys. Stray Kids fashion has been known for its originality, youth and inspiration for many. At our Stray Kids Merchandise Store we stock the widest range of Stray Kids inspired items ranging from Stray Kids Accessories, Stray Kids Figures, Stray Kids Backpacks to Stray Kids clothing line including: Stray Kids t-shirts, Stray Kids Jackets, Stray Kids Shoes, Stray Kids Hoodies, Stray Kids Face Masks... Although in most places it is difficult to find the perfect Stray Kids Merchandise and its accessories, they are I offer them all!
You can also get creative with all the products in our collection as you can find everything here.
Why choose Stray Kids T-shirt or Hoodie?
Stray Kids started operating in 2018 under the management of JYP Entertainment. As such, Stray Kids also has a large fan base that many creators support for their characters’ styles, poses and dialogue, musical references, and more. People are looking for Stray Kids inspired merchandise everywhere, especially t-shirts and hoodies.
Many famous fashion brand manufacturers have adopted the Stray Kids style and created their own clothing collections. Here, we’re just trying to make it easier for everyone in the world.
A Stray Kids Merchandise Store – Our Collection
Our Stray Kids Merch Store is the perfect place to shop for Stray Kids Merchandise in a variety of sizes and styles. You can get t-shirts, hoodies, jackets or figures, stickers, and more, anything you can think of can be combined with our product series.
Discover your favorites here in our Stray Kids Merch Store, we ship worldwide fast and free, so you can order anything you see on the Store for wherever you are. You can buy it with peace of mind because it is always our top priority, our payment methods are trusted by the most reputable sources. Includes: Paypal, Credit/Debit Card (including but not limited to Visa, Mastercard, American Express)
Are you having problems with your delivery? Is your product late or damaged? Do you have any problems with payment? In any case, please contact us at [email protected] email.
Mission of the Stray Kids Store!
At the Stray Kids Store, everything we promise revolves around our mission to attract a large number of Stray Kids lovers that it is rare to find anywhere else that can sell a wide variety of products and all for good. We want to respect the art who created that masterpiece for us.
Our mission is to make it as convenient as possible for the fans and the community that they don’t have to work for it as much as they used to. We are committed that customer satisfaction always comes first, treat our customers with the utmost respect and provide them with the highest quality service they deserve.
Our entire website is designed to engage customers and make their shopping experience as comfortable as possible so that they can always find what they are looking for. Our customer support is always available to assist Stray Kids fans with any questions that may arise.
Who are Stray Kids?
Stray Kids (Korean: 스트레이 키즈; RR: Seuteurei Kijeu; abbreviated: SKZ) is a South Korean boy band formed by JYP Entertainment through the reality television show of the same name. The group currently consists of 8 members Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N.
In August 2017, JYP Entertainment officially announced that it would be through a reality show to debut a new boy group. On September 21, the company revealed the name of the show – Stray Kids – along with the logo and social media channel. A few days later, a music video titled “Hellevator” was released. The teaser images of the 9 members were also announced later. The show began airing on October 17, 2017 and ended with 9 members all debuting.
On January 8, Stray Kids officially released the EP Mixtape which includes 7 songs the group performed on the show and co-written by the members. The MV for the song “Grrr Law of Total Madness” was released. was also released on the same day, while a dance performance video for “Young Wings” was released a week later. Mixtape has earned 2nd place on Gaon and Billboard album charts
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