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- Бумажные модели
- Издания из картона
- Canon из бумаги, шаблоны и схемы для сборки макетов своими руками
Бумажное моделирование (конструирование) - это познавательное и увлекательное хобби. Для моделистов на сайте представлены масштабные модели из бумаги и картона для склеивания, шаблоны которых они могут скачать бесплатно. Здесь можно найти бумажные модели машин и автомобилей, чертежи самолетов и вертолетов, развертки танков и оружия, картонные модели кораблей и парусников, выкройки паровозов и бронепоездов, сборные макеты домов, схемы замков, фигуры роботов и человечков. Для новичков и детей есть несложные поделки из бумаги, которые легко собрать и склеить. Трехмерные открытки, объемные картины, бумажные игрушки и украшения, цветы и животные. На форуме можно узнать как сделать своими руками понравившуюся бумажную модель, мастер-классы с подробным описание процесса сборки, фото инструкции. Papercraft, paper model free download template.
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You may enjoy making your own birds out of paper through Canon's Creative Park website, which offers free downloads to create a wide variety of paper craft items.
Canon Creative Park
We offer many free printing designs, for paper crafts and scrapbooks.
You can enjoy many printing designs, for paper crafts and scrapbooks, with your family.
There are many designs that include birds, including paper crafts, craft cards, greeting cards, and others.
Bird-themed paper craft projects
Blakiston's Fish Owl
With a length of about 70cm, and a wingspan reaching roughly 180cm, Blakiston's Fish Owl is one of the largest birds in Japan.
In the past the owl could be found throughout Hokkaido, but today it can only be seen in certain areas of eastern Hokkaido. With its population now numbering around one hundred and several tens of birds, Blakiston's Fish Owl has been designated as an endangered species.
Although the owl usually builds its nest in the hollow of a tree, the number of large trees that serve as nesting spots has declined in recent years due to deforestation. It is reported that the declining bird population is due to reduced fish stocks, its main food source, which has resulted from various large-scale public works projects, such as the repair of erosion control structures in rivers and waterways, and the construction of dams. To protect the owl from extinction, organizations such as the Ministry of the Environment and the Wild Bird Society of Japan are carrying out various conservation activities, including the installation of artificial nesting boxes and the man-made feeding grounds.
With a wingspan of over two meters, the Albatross is the largest seabird in Japan.
Believed to have at one time numbered in the tens of thousands, the Albatross was brought to the edge of extinction by the trade in feathers. The current population stands at a mere 4,500 birds. It is said to have gotten its ignominious Japanese name of ahodori, which literally means “stupid bird,” from the fact that it does not fly away when humans approach and it is easy to catch.
The majority of Albatrosses live on the uninhabited island of Torijima in the Pacific Ocean, roughly 600 kilometers south of Tokyo. Since Torijima is a volcanic island that could experience an eruption, the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology is moving forward with an experimental translocation project to expand the bird's breeding grounds, the results of which have been published.
Common Kingfisher
Common Kingfisher, a small bird measuring around 17 centimeters in length, belongs to the Alcedinidae family of the Coraciiformes order.
It inhabits coastal areas, rivers, ponds, lakes and marshes in Europe, India and southeast Asia, hunting for prey as it perches on a branch or rock at the water's edge. Once it spots something to eat. It dives into the water and catches its prey using its long bill.
Common Kingfishers also hunt from the air and have a very distinctive, high-pitched call that they let out as they swiftly fly along the water's surface. Their wings are beautifully glossy and can appear blue or green depending on the reflection of the light. Males are easy to distinguish from females, the male having a black bill and the female having a red lower bill.
Shoebill is a big bird that measures some 120 centimeters in length and weighs around 5 kilograms.
It has an enormous beak and, when hunting, is able to remain still for several hours at a time. It lives in marshes and meadows in western and central Africa and feeds on fish, frogs, snakes, the chicks of water birds, and, in rare cases, small animals. It is a proficient flyer with a wingspan that can reach an impressive 200 centimeters.
Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine Falcon is a type of raptor with a medium-sized body, similar to North Goshawk.
Male falcons grow to a length of approximately 42 centimeters and females to approximately 49 centimeters. Both have a light gray back and a white belly with greyish-black stripes. Its habitat covers a wide geographic range that includes Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Americas. In Japan, a limited number of falcons live throughout the main islands spanning from Hokkaido to Kyushu.
Capable of flying extremely fast, falcons can reach speeds in excess of 200 kilometers—sometimes even clocking in at 300 kilometers per hour—when diving, making it the fastest among modern birds. They take advantage of their speed when hunting, preying mainly on medium- and small-sized birds.
The size of this paper craft is half the size of an actual falcon.
Toco Toucan
Toco Toucan's habitat is in the tropical rainforests of South America.
Toco Toucan, the largest species within the toucan family, has an enormous bright yellow beak that can grow to a length of 55 to 65 centimeters. Toco Toucans mainly eat fruits and insects and are a popular attraction at zoos because they are friendly to humans.
The size of this paper craft is half the size of an actual Toco Toucan.
Love Birds
Parakeets are also called “love birds” because of the strong friendships that they are known to form with one another.
Another reason why they're called love birds is because, if shown proper affection, they will are also known to form strong bonds with humans.
This paper craft depicts two Peach-faced Lovebirds sitting together happily on a perch.
Whooper Swan
Whooper Swan is a large swan that comes to Japan from Siberia, Russia, as a winter bird.
Full-grown Whooper Swans can measure 140 centimeters in length and have a 60 centimeter wingspan. Some have a yellowish-brown patch on their head and neck. Although there is no color differentiation between males and females, Whooper Swan chicks younger than one year old have yellowish-gray feathers and a white beak that is light pink on the upper part. They can weigh more than 10 kilograms—the maximum weight for flying animals—which is why they must get a running start when preparing to take off for flight.
They breed in Northern Eurasia and Iceland. In Japan, they spend the winter in such locations as Furenko and Tofutsuko in Hokkaido, Ominatowan and Nobejiwan in Aomori, the mouth of the Mogami River in Yamagata, and Izumuma in Miyagi.
The size of this paper craft is half the size of an actual Whooper Swan.
Green-winged Macaw
An inhabitant of the lowlands of tropical rainforests in Central and South America, Green-winged Macaw is second in size among parrots with Black Macaw being the largest.
It has a wingspan of 125 centimeters and measures 100 centimeters in length. They live in pairs within their flock and, if well fed, can live a long life with an average lifespan of from 50 to 60 years. Its colorful plumage enables it to camouflage itself against threats in the natural environment of the Amazon. They are very popular as pets and have a big, strong beak that they can use to easily crush hard nuts. With a tongue similar to a human tongue, they are able to repeat and mimic human speech.
The size of this paper craft is half the size of an actual Green-winged Macaw.
Snowy owl (male)
In Japan, the owl, pronounced fukuro in Japanese, has long been held in high esteem. By using various combinations of Chinese characters that can be pronounced in the same way, fukuro can convey such meanings as “no hardship,” “abundant happiness” and “fortunate elder.” Also, Japanese view the owl as a symbol of knowledge and good luck. In the U.S. and Europe, the owl has long been considered a god of the mountains, symbolizes knowledge and is believed to bring happiness.
Snowy Owl is a large-sized owl covered by white feathers. Its habitats include tundra areas of the North Pole. It can turn its neck 270 degrees to survey wide areas. It has white down feather that extend down to its feet and even surround its small beak.
The size of this paper craft is half the size of an actual Snowy Owls.
Snowy Owl (female)
Females are bigger than their male counterparts, making it is easy to distinguish between males and females.
Snowy Owl is unique because it is active during the daytime. This is because its habitat at the North Pole is subjected to non-stop daylight during the summer months. It perches in high locations offering a clear view of its surroundings and hunts for food. Its habitats include tundra, meadows, marshes, and rocky areas. It hunts in the morning and in the evening but is also very active during the daytime. The owl usually feeds on small mice but, on occasion, will also eat ducks.
The size of this paper craft is half the size of an actual Snowy Owl.
Indian Peafowl
Indian Peafowl is the national bird of India. Its habitats are in South Asia, including India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
The male Indian Peafowl will spread its large and colorful ornamental feathers when it approaches a female in the spring. The feathers are very vivid in color and are often used for craft projects. Many people consider Indian Peafowl to be a beneficial bird, mainly because it catches poisonous insects, including scorpions and poisonous snakes.
Bald Eagle
The Bald Eagle is a large eagle measuring from 76 to 92 centimeters in length with a wingspan of 200 centimeters.
They have brown feathers but are white from the shoulders to the head. Bald Eagle is the national bird of the United States and is very popular because of its special appearance. Main habitats include waterside areas in the Americas, including seashores, riversides, marshes, and lakes.
Bald Eagle is protected by the Bald Eagle Protection Act of 1940 and the Migratory Birds Treaty Act of 1918. Many Native American tribes consider Bald Eagle to be a sacred animal, and incorporate the bird or its feathers into their ceremonial clothes and formalwear. The Bald Eagle can symbolize superior wisdom, authority, power and, sometimes, peace and friendship.
The size of this paper craft is half the size of an actual Bald Eagle.
Caribbean Flamingo
Flamingo is a large bird with a very long neck and legs. It has light pink or deep red feathers.
Flamingos can adapt to unique habitat conditions, such as water with high salt content like marshes, tidal flats and salt lakes, as well as lakes with alkaline water. They create huge flocks of from thousands to a million birds. Parent flamingos feed their chicks red milk, called “flamingo milk,” from deep in the throat.
This paper craft features Caribbean Flamingo, presented in three different poses so you can display them individually or in a group!
Москва, 3 апреля 2020г. В это неопределенное время, когда все сидят дома, становится все труднее находить интересные занятия для всей семьи — особенно если хочется научиться чему-то новому, занять руки и голову. Бесплатная служба Canon Creative Park, доступная через браузер и в виде мобильного приложения, предлагает тысячи шаблонов для поделок из бумаги, способных увлечь всю семью.
От персонализированных открыток и календарей до рамок для фотографий и объемных моделей — простые инструкции Creative Park делают создание творческих работ из бумаги простым и увлекательным. В Creative Park найдутся интересные и вдохновляющие проекты для людей всех возрастов и с любым уровнем навыков, от малышей до опытных мастеров. Все, что для этого нужно, — скачать и распечатать шаблон. Чтобы помочь вам начать, мы сделали подборку проектов Creative Park, от которых будет не оторваться всей семье.
Персонализированная открытка против одиночества. В период социального дистанцирования одиночество будет ощущаться особенно сильно. Зато сейчас как никогда просто показать, что вы думаете о ком-то, при помощи самодельной персонализированной открытки из Creative Park. Выберите из множества вариантов тот, который напомнит близким о вашей любви, даже если вы пока не можете быть рядом.
Открытка с гвоздиками добавит радостных красок в интерьер близкого человека, а если вы хотите, чтобы ваша весточка по-настоящему выделялась, — смастерите объемную открытку с сердцем.
Пробудите в своих детях любознательность. Пока школы закрыты и детям приходится сидеть дома, очень важно дать им возможность творчески проявить себя и научиться новому. Creative Park предлагает огромный выбор дидактических материалов, которые помогут поддержать развитие дошкольников и младших школьников. Такие увлекательные затеи, как объемный театр с волшебными сказками, игры с карточками, головоломки или игрушечные часы, понравятся детям разного возраста.
Превратите вечернюю сказку про Красную Шапочку в театральное представление, научите детей определять время по бумажным часам или выучите новые слова по карточкам с предметами повседневной жизни.
Домашние хобби. Многие люди сейчас наконец нашли время, чтобы сделать свой дом уютнее. От настенных украшений до декоративных цветочных композиций — Creative Park предлагает большой выбор шаблонов и выкроек, которые добавят оригинальные элементы в интерьер.
Приложение Creative Park открывает еще больше возможностей для творчества1. В нем вы легко сможете персонализировать проекты из бумаги, добавляя свой текст или фотографии. Скачайте бесплатное приложение, создайте учетную запись Canon ID — и вы погрузитесь в мир безграничного творчества. Скучать будет некогда!
Get stylish hand-made decorations, personalised greeting cards, paper crafts and more – all for free.
Craft. Create. Curate.
From house party decorations to everyday interiors, from easy craft ideas to origami-style 3D models – bring the paper fun into your daily life with family and friends.
Whether you look for some inspiration for party decorations or just want to have some fun with foldable paper models on a lazy afternoon, we have what you are looking for on the Creative Park app.
Try something new
Boredom is a thing of the past, thanks to the easy browsing function, newly added creative paper art designs and fresh craft ideas. Keep an eye out for updates each season and for special events!
Make it your own
Add a personal touch to your creations with the editing function. Customise the papercraft templates, add photos and text to make them special. Save your favourites and recreate them away from home.
Create with ease
Go directly from editing to printing without leaving the app. All you need is the compatible Canon InkJet printer and the Creative Park app. Just complete the simple registration process*, and you’ll be able to create your very own projects whenever and wherever you like.
Creative Park App Compatibility
This app is available for both iOS and Android devices, compatible with iOS 12.0 or later/Android OS 5.0 or later operating systems.
Available in English, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
*Creative Park is a free content service available exclusively for Canon printer owners. Create or log into your Canon ID account, register your Canon printer and download Creative Park app to use the editing and printing functions.
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