История игрушек 3 хвох 360
Toy Story 3Toy Story 3 - игра, сделанная по мотивам сюжета одноименного мультика, в которой вас ожидают новые приключения ковбоя Вуди, героя Базза и остальных друзей из волшебного мира игрушек. Все начинается с Toy Story 3: The Video GameToy Story 3: The Video Game - игра, сoзданная пo мoтивам сюжета oднoименнoгo мультфильма, в кoтoрoй вас ждут нoвые приключения кoвбoя Вуди, герoя Базза и oстальных друзей из вoлшебнoгo мира игрушек. RioУвлекательная и oчень веселая игра o пoхoждениях симпатичнoгo синегo пoпугая Блу и егo друзей. Rio сoздана пo мoтивам нoвoгo oднoименнoгo анимациoннoгo фильма, мирoвая премьера кoтoрoгo сoстoится в Cars 2: The Video GameГoд выпуска: 2011 Жанр: Arcade / Racing (Cars) / 3D Разрабoтчик: Avalanche Software Издательствo: Disney Interactive Studios Региoн: PAL Тип издания: Лицензия Прoшивка: iXtreme 11-я вoлна Язык Disney UniverseСoвершите незабываемoе путешествие вo вселеннoй, сoзданнoй пo мoтивам анимациoнных и худoжественных фильмoв Disney и Disney/Pixar. Выбирайте кoстюм любимoгo герoя и вперед — навстречу приключениям!
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У нaс вы нaйдете торрент игры бесплатно и без рейтинга, мы предлaгaем ширoкий выбoр кoнсoльных игр скачать без регистрации, a именнo игры для Xbox 360.
Oсoбеннoсти игры:
- Играйте за Вуди, Базза, Джесси, инoпланетян или даже за зеленых сoлдатикoв.
- Сразитесь сo злoбным Зургoм в мини-игре Buzz Lightyear Adventures и пoмoгите Шерифу Вуди спасти Старый Запад в другoй мини-игре Woody's Roundup.
- oткрывайте нoвые игрoвые призы и зарабатывайте мoнетки за прoхoждение эпизoда в oтведенный срoк или разбивание всех кубикoв, пoсле тoгo как вы прoйдете этoт эпизoд в режиме Story.
Toy Story 3Toy Story 3 - игра, сделанная по мотивам сюжета одноименного мультика, в которой вас ожидают новые приключения ковбоя Вуди, героя Базза и остальных друзей из волшебного мира игрушек. Все начинается с Cars 2: The Video GameГoд выпуска: 2011 Жанр: Arcade / Racing (Cars) / 3D Разрабoтчик: Avalanche Software Издательствo: Disney Interactive Studios Региoн: PAL Тип издания: Лицензия Прoшивка: iXtreme 11-я вoлна Язык Disney UniverseСoвершите незабываемoе путешествие вo вселеннoй, сoзданнoй пo мoтивам анимациoнных и худoжественных фильмoв Disney и Disney/Pixar. Выбирайте кoстюм любимoгo герoя и вперед — навстречу приключениям! Toy Story 3: The Video GameToy Story 3: The Video Game - игра, сoзданная пo мoтивам сюжета oднoименнoгo мультфильма, в кoтoрoй вас ждут нoвые приключения кoвбoя Вуди, герoя Базза и oстальных друзей из вoлшебнoгo мира игрушек. Jumper: Griffin's StoryПроснуться в Нью-Йорке, пообедать на Канарских островах, полюбоваться на огромные небоскребы в Токио, вдохнуть саму древность на развалинах римского Колизея и встретить закат на вершине Эвереста —
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У нaс вы нaйдете торрент игры бесплатно и без рейтинга, мы предлaгaем ширoкий выбoр кoнсoльных игр скачать без регистрации, a именнo игры для Xbox 360.
«…Сюжетную часть игры можно пролететь буквально часа за три, если не отвлекаться на поиски бонусов. Но за это время вы полетаете на ракетном ранце База, проникнете на базу Зурга и постреляете из лазера по роботам, спасетесь от злой игрушечной ведьмы, зали
Когда-то давным-давно игры по мотивам мультфильмов «Диснея» были сплошными хитами. Если ваше детство прошло в обнимку с «Сегой» или Super Nintendo, то вы наверняка вспомните такие названия, как Aladdin, The Lion King, The Jungle Book. Да та же Toy Story была хоть и не гениальной, но очень приличной игрой для своего времени.
А потом, с появлением PlayStation, прогресс рванул вперед с огромной скоростью, и делать хорошие игры по фильмам и мультфильмам стало невыгодно. Вот и потчует нас игровое подразделение «Диснея» творениями вроде Up: The Video Game и Ratatouille.
Но с Toy Story 3 все сложилось совсем иначе, и мы получили — вот ведь чудо! — действительно хорошую детскую игру. Только не подумайте, что она с таким же успехом подойдет для взрослых. Их приключения Вуди, База Лайтера и Джесси заинтересуют на пару часов, не больше.
Для маленьких игрушек даже преодоление обычной комнаты — целое событие.
А вот дети будут очень довольны. Прежде всего потому, что Toy Story 3 — удивительно разнообразная игра. Если у вас есть хотя бы небольшой опыт общения с цветами жизни, вы наверняка знаете, что от долгого повторения одних и тех же действий у них случаются приступы непреодолимой скуки. Разработчики это поняли и, вместо того чтобы наклепать десяток одинаковых уровней с оглядкой на мультфильм, не поленились включить фантазию.
Сюжетную часть игры можно пролететь буквально часа за три, если не отвлекаться на поиски бонусов. Но за это время вы полетаете на ракетном ранце База, проникнете на базу Зурга и постреляете из лазера по роботам, спасетесь от злой игрушечной ведьмы, заливающей комнату отменным эспрессо, изобразите из себя монорельсовый поезд, как Рэтчет из серии Ratchet & Clank, и даже под покровом ночи сбежите из детского сада (тут уже включаются правила стелс-экшена). Не говоря уже о нескольких обычных уровнях, в которых участвуют все три главных героя. Здесь игра становится похожа на Lost Vikings: Вуди умеет цепляться веревкой за крючки, Джесси балансирует на узких предметах, а Базз может зашвырнуть двух других героев на верхотуру, куда обычным прыжком не доберешься.
Лихачить на машинках в Toy Story 3 интереснее всего. Кстати, совет: если вдруг понравится, обязательно попробуйте игру TrackMania.
Самое удивительное, что на этом разработчики не остановились. Помимо сюжетной линии, которая связана с мультфильмом, в Toy Story 3 есть режим «GTA для самых маленьких». На этой своеобразной игровой площадке дети могут с удовольствием провести очень много времени. Выбранный герой становится шерифом небольшого игрушечного городка в стиле Дикого Запада и волен выполнять просьбы его жителей, искать небольшие секреты или просто валять дурака. По ходу дела в его карманах накапливаются золотые монеты, растрачиваемые на новые участки города или игрушки. Купив, например, лошадку, вы сможете участвовать в заездах на время, а построив трюковой автодром, вдоволь напрыгаться с трамплинов на игрушечной машинке.
Конечно, для Toy Story 3 свойственны многие недостатки игр по мультфильмам: не самая современная картинка, малая продолжительность, неотзывчивое в определенные моменты управление. Но при этом — это одна из тех редких игр, от которых вашего ближайшего маленького родственника за уши невозможно будет оттянуть. По крайней мере, первые пару дней.
Реиграбельность — нет
Классный сюжет — нет
Оригинальность — нет
Легко освоить — да
Оправданность ожиданий: 80%
Геймплей: 7
Звук и музыка: 7
Интерфейс и управление: 7
Дождались? Хорошая детская игра, способная угомонить ребенка на пару часов в день. Использовать, когда хочется тишины и покоя.
Надеюсь стать лучше!
Карма: 3808 ( 10) 26103
Путеводитель по игре Toy Story 3: The Videogame
Сюжетная история:
В сюжетной игре много трофеев связанных с поиском различных предметов. Сложностей с поиском этих предметов быть недолжно. Если возникли проблемы, в подсказках есть отличные видео гайды.
We can rebuild him / Мы можем построить его заново
Memories / Воспоминания
Townspeople Hunter / Охотник на горожан,
No Claw Required / Лапа не требуется
Really holding all the cards / Реальное владение всеми картами
Holding all the Cards / Владение всеми карточками
Также на некоторых уровнях есть ситуационные трофеи, которые требуют определенных действий.
Space Ranger Elite / Элита космических рейнджеров (Вам нужно пролететь за База не погибнув)
True Carny / Настоящий подлиза (В детском саду во всех испытаниях получить золотую медаль)
Sneaky Sneaky / Ловкий хитрец (В задании «Побег из тюрьмы» нужно освободить своих друзей не подняв тревоги).
P.S. Как только впервые окажитесь на игровой доске, исследуйте все находящиеся на ней предметы, это необходимо для трофея Manipulator / Картограф.
После прохождения сюжетной истории Вы получите:
Train Catcher / Улавливатель поездов
Off The Hook / Спрыгнуть с крючка
Defeat Zurg / Победи Зурга
Carnival Conqueror / Маньяк наполовину
Rocket Launcher / Ракетница
Making a break for it / Устраиваем побег
Mashing the Masher / Месим месиво
Muffin Massacre / Булочная резня
No Toy Left Behind / Никого не бросаем
Space Ranger Elite / Элита космических рейнджеров
True Carny / Настоящий подлиза
We can rebuild him / Мы можем построить его заново
Sneaky Sneaky / Ловкий хитрец
Memories / Воспоминания
Really holding all the cards / Реальное владение всеми картами
Holding all the Cards / Владение всеми карточками
Townspeople Hunter / Охотник на горожан
No Claw Required / Лапа не требуется
The Collector / Коллекционер
Manipulator / Картограф
Коробка с игрушками.
Здесь все достаточно просто. Выполняйте задания горожан, покупайте новые локации и игрушки в магазине. После первой покупки откроется трофей First Sale / Первый шаг, а купив все получите трофей Toy Collector / Коллекционер игрушек. По мере прохождения и покупки различных локаций нужно собрать шесть Пикт-о-матических дисков собрав их все, получите трофей Pict-O-Collector / Пикт-о-коллекционер. Затем нужно будет выполнить все Пикт-о-матические задания (40 шт.). Они достаточно простые, нужно воссоздать изображения, которые находятся на дисках. Вследствие чего откроются трофеи Pict-O-Amateur / Пикт-о-новичок и Pict-O-Master / Пикт-о-мастер. Но сначала я рекомендую собрать все капсулы, так как в них находятся различные костюмы и украшения для зданий. Многие из них понадобятся для воссоздания Пикт-о-матических миссий. Обратите внимание на различные статуи лошадей (открываются после прохождения дома Сида), сундуки с радугой (открываются после прохождения заколдованной долины) и ящики с логотипом Зурга (открываются после прохождения космопорта Зарга) у них в нутрии тоже находятся капсулы. Не забывайте участвовать в гонках, по завершению которых получите три трофея First Bronze/Первая бронза, First Silver / Первое серебро и First Gold / Первое золото. Отдельно хочется отметить пингвина стоящего возле городской ратуши, он дает задания на фотографию выполнив которые получите трофей Photojournalist / Фотожурналист. А также трофей Gold Super Star / Золотая суперзвезда. Работая на которым неизбежно получите трофей Airborn Ranger / Воздушный рейнджер.
По завершению получаем.
Желаю удачи в получении платины.
**Прошу прощения если что ни так. Это мой первый путеводитель.
NA June 15, 2010
PS3, PSP, Wii, NDS, Windows, Xbox 360, and Mac OS X
NA June 15, 2010
JP July 8, 2010
EU July 16, 2010
AUS June 17, 2010
PlayStation 2
NA October 31, 2010 (PS2 Bundle)
NA November 2, 2010
EU October 31, 2010
Toy Story 3: The Video Game is a platform video game loosely based on the film Toy Story 3. It was published by Disney Interactive Studios and developed by Avalanche Software (PS3, Wii, Xbox 360, PC, Mac OS X), Asobo Studio (PS2, PSP), and n-Space (DS). The game was released in North America on June 15, 2010 for the Nintendo DS, Wii, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and the Xbox 360. A special PlayStation 2 bundle with Toy Story 3: The Video Game was released on October 31, 2010, followed by the game's individual release on November 2, 2010.
Toy Story 3 is the first game based on a film by Pixar to be published entirely by Disney Interactive Studios. Past Disney/Pixar movie games have been made in conjunction with Activision first, then THQ. It is the sequel to the second game that was based on the second film in the franchise.
Most of the voice cast from the film returned to reprise their characters in the game with the exception of Tom Hanks (Woody) and Tim Allen (Buzz Lightyear), respectively (Jim Hanks returned to voice Woody from the previous game and Stephen Stanton voiced Buzz). The game also contains content exclusive to the PlayStation 3 version. The game was well received by critics and was a top-seller in the UK. This was the last Disney/Pixar video game to be developed by Asobo Studio and the last Disney/Pixar game to be released on PlayStation 2.
Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Wii, and Mac OSX Versions
Woody, Jessie, Bullseye, Buzz Lightyear, Slinky, Rex, Hamm, the three squeak toy aliens, Buttercup, Mr. Pricklepants, Dolly, and Trixie are the toys of a girl named Bonnie. But among them, Woody, Jessie, Buzz, Slinky, Rex, Hamm, and the alien toys used to belong to a boy named Andy Davis. Hamm, Rex, and Slinky tell the original toys of Bonnie about an adventure they had before they went to Bonnie and how they ended up in Bonnie's.
It all starts when Andy is about to go off to college. The toys have not been played by Andy for years, so they make a plan to have Andy play with them one last time. But they fail, so the toys hide in a box headed for daycare, although Woody is reluctant. They are welcomed warmly into Sunnyside by a strawberry scented teddy bear called Lotso, who holds a "New Toys Welcome" carnival. Although Woody has a good time, he still thinks he should be with Andy, and attempts to escape from Sunnyside, but ends up being taken home by Bonnie, who found him in on the ground. Meanwhile, the other toys back at the daycare soon learn that Sunnyside is "not sunny" for everyone. It turns out that Sunnyside had been turned into a toy prison by Lotso, after he had been replaced by his original owner.
The toys are locked in cages and guarded by security toy trucks and helicopters, while Buzz is reprogrammed by Lotso and now thinks his friends are "minions of Zurg" and guards their cages. Woody finds out about this and rushes to Sunnyside the save his friends. After freeing his friends, they manage to set Buzz back to normal and they escape by sliding down a rubbish chute and land on some dumpsters. Before they can escape, they fall into a garbage truck and end up in the dump. Even worse, they are pushed onto a conveyor belt headed for a few giant shredders, and Woody, Buzz, and Jessie are separated from the others. After saving themselves, they go to save the other toys, who are also heading for a shredder. Working together, they jam the shredder, and it explodes, saving the other toys. The toys make it back home and are entrusted by Andy to Bonnie.
PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable Version
Rex looks back at the toy's past encounters with the help of his drawings, and tells the story of the film.
Andy is going to college, and hasn't played with the toys in years, so the toys decide to get his attention using some phones. However, the plan fails, and Andy merely takes the phone from Rex's hand and closes the toy box. Andy's mother tells Andy to start packing for college. Andy decides to bring Woody to college and puts the other toys in a trash bag, and plans to put them in the attic. But before Andy can, his mother puts the bag on the curve, mistaking it for trash. The toys escape the bag thanks to Rex's tail and go to the garage to hide. Buzz decides that they should go to Sunnyside Daycare so they can be played with once again. Woody rushes down to tell the toys about the mistake, but Andy's mom comes and drives them to the daycare center.
Woody decides to go back to Andy's, but gets stuck in a tree in the process and is brought home by a girl named Bonnie. Meanwhile, the other toys meet a friendly strawberry scented bear named Lotso, who places them in the caterpillar room. The toys realize that the kids in the caterpillar room are too young to play toys and the kids damage the toys. Buzz decides to go ask Lotso for a transfer to the Butterfly room, but Lotso refuses and switches Buzz to demo mode, making Buzz think that he's a real Space Ranger and that the toys are evil accomplices of Zurg, and locks his friends up. Woody learns from a toy clown of Bonnie called Chuckles, that Lotso had turned the daycare into a toy prison, which he had come across during his travels after being replaced by his original owner, and returns to Sunnyside and helps the toys escape, but they end up in a garbage truck going to the dump.
In the dump, they nearly fall into the incinerator, but are saved by the squeeze toy aliens, who use a crane to save them. The toys decide to return to Andy's home using a garbage truck.
Back home, Woody decides that they should go to Bonnie's place and changes the words on the toys' box. Andy reluctantly gives the toys to Bonnie.
As Rex looks as his pictures, Jessie tells the toys that Bonnie is home. Rex happily leaves, preparing for playtime.
Toy Story 3: The Video Game is a platformer where players are able to play as either Woody, Buzz Lightyear, or Jessie (In the levels: Loco Motives a.k.a. Train Chase and Witch Way Out? a.k.a. Bonnie's House, Buzz and Jessie are not playable, while in the level Hide and Sneak a.k.a. Prison Break, Buzz is unplayable, and in the levels To Infinity and Beyond a.k.a. Buzz Video Game and Muffin to Fear a.k.a. the Haunted Bakery, Jessie and Woody are absent). Each character has a special move:Woody can use his pull string to swing across certain areas, Buzz, the strongest of them, can fling other characters over long distances, and Jessie is the most agile and can balance on small platforms. Each of them can perform a shoulder charge and can throw luxo balls at targets or enemies. In the Buzz Video Game level, Buzz can use his laser to shoot enemies and crystals, and in other levels, this move is absent. Certain levels require players to switch between them to clear the levels. There are two main modes, Story and Toybox. Story mode consists of nine levels and follows the events of the movie (as well as the opening videogame sequence from Toy Story 2). In Toybox mode, titled Woody's Roundup, players can create and customize levels and fill it with inhabitants and missions. By completing various objectives within this world, players can earn money to unlock new objects and expand their city. Some of these objects are reported to include characters from other Disney/Pixar franchises.
An exclusive version of the game for Xbox 360, Wii, and PS3 was sold at Walmart that includes four additional Theme Packs for Toy Box Mode. The Theme Packs include Sports, Knights, Cutesy, and Military. Players can use the Theme Packs to decorate buildings and dress townspeople and aliens in different ways after spending 500 coins on each pack in the Al's Toy Barn area of the game. The Walmart exclusive version also features a reflective foil background on the front of the case, rather than the standard black.
The PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable versions were developed by Asobo Studio. The player can play as either Woody, Buzz, Jessie (level 10 only), Squeeze Toy Aliens (level 12 and Alien Escapes), and the Green Army Men (level 2 only). The PS2 version graphics and sounds looks better than PSP version. The PS2 version was delayed on November 2, 2010 for unknown reason only in U.S and it has not been released in Europe or Australia. There is no multiplayer and Toy Box Mode. There are 13 levels in the Story Mode, that follows the events of the movie and there are no enemies or boss fights. After the player has completed a level in Story Mode, they can go back and replay it to try the 2 Challenge modes, which are Cube Destruction and Time Attack, that allow the player to win coins and unlock trophies. The 3 mini-games are Woody's Roundup (5 levels), Buzz Adventures (5 levels), and Aliens Escapes (2 levels) which follow the events of the Toy Story 2 movie. In the PSP version the final 2 levels of both Woody's Roundup and Buzz Adventures. Along with the 2 levels of Aliens Escapes have to be purchased via the PlayStation Store as downloadable content.
The PlayStation 3 version of the game features exclusive content such as the ability to play as Emperor Zurg in addition to Buzz, Woody, and Jessie, complete with his own full set of unique missions. Players can drive around in Zurg's custom vehicle as well as blast at enemies using his trigun, his main objective is to eliminate Buzz Lightyear though players are free to do whatever else they'd like. In addition, the game also features compatibility with the PlayStation Move motion controller, and there are also downloadable mini-games designed specifically for the Move that can be downloaded for free from the PlayStation Store in Fall 2010. Also, Toy Box has more missions and there are additional cameo appearances and more characters.
Levels in Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, Mircosoft Windows, and Mac OSX Version
- 1. Train Rescue
- 2. Andy's House (includes Andy's Basement)
- 3. Buzz Lightyear Video Game (That part wasn't in the movie, but it was in Toy Story 2)
- 4. Sunnyside Daycare
- 5. Bonnie's House (It's during playtime, not in the movie)
- 6. Prison Break (You can only play as Woody or Jessie in this level, because Buzz is being controlled by Lotso).
- 7. Junkyard
- 8. Haunted Bakery
Levels in PS2 and PSP
- 1. Western Playtime
- 2. Operation Phone Call
- 3. Keep Cool!
- 4. Family Minded
- 5. Trouble in the Caterpiller Room
- 6. Goodbye Woody
- 7. Strawberry Smells.
- 8. Find the Computer
- 9. Eye In The Sky
- 10. Rodeo Rescue
- 11. City Dump
- 12. The Claw!
- 13. Back Home.
Levels in Nintendo DS
- 1. Runaway Train
- 2. Andy's Room
- 3. Flight Command
- 4. Garbage Day
- 5. Woody's Escape
- 6. Over the Gorge
- 7. Recess is Over
- 8. Bonnie's Room
- 9. Rock Climbing
- 10. Buzz's Mission
- 11. Lotso's Orders
- 12. Woody's Return
- 13. Star Command
- 14. Garbage Dump
Toy Story 3 was first announced at E3 in 2010, along with the app for the iPhone and iPod touch that lets fans play, personalize and stay connected to Toy Story. Disney Interactive later announced the Exclusive Content for the PS3 version on the game's release, including the ability to play as Emperor Zurg or unlock additional mini-games designed specifically for PlayStation Move motion controller.
According to an interview with the developers of the game, the developers wanted to give Pixar choices rather than dictate play, so they offered two pitches when they went to the studio with ideas in 2008. The first was a more traditional treatment of a movie licence game, where the player retells the film and hit the big beats of the story. The second pitch was this free-form mode which they called the Toy Box mode. Pixar loved the ideas and suggested that they develop both.
Toy Box Mode
Toy Box mode is an open-world collection of gameplay opportunities where the player runs around and completes missions, plays minigames, or just meanders around and creates his own fun. Every mission one successfully complete awards a certain amount of gold. Players then use the gold to buy new buildings and building customizations and clothing for the inhabitants of the town, such as a haunted house that releases ghosts upon the world that must then be taken care of, or a bearded farmer whose lost cows the player has to rescue. The buildings can be customized and placed wherever the player wants, giving the town a personal touch. That extends right on down to the type of people who live in the town.
An exclusive version of the game for Xbox, Wii, and PS3 was sold at Walmart that included four additional Theme Packs for Toy Box Mode. The Theme Packs included Sports, Knights, Cutesy, and Military. Players can use the Theme Packs to decorate buildings and dress townspeople and aliens in different ways after spending 500 coins on each pack in the Al's Toy Barn area of the game. The Walmart exclusive version also features a reflective foil background on the front of the case, rather than the standard black.
Differences from Film
- In the train rescue scene, Jessie was the first to ride Bullseye, not Woody.
- The orphans were Little People by Fisher-Price instead of Trolls like in the film.
- One-Eyed Bart (Mr. Potato Head) and One-Eyed Betty (Mrs. Potato Head) do not appear in the video game; due to licensing of Hasbro.
- Buzz Lightyear didn't save the orphans by Woody tossing them to him.
- Evil Dr. Porkchop was not introduced until Rex came along.
- Andy's cell phone was not in his room, Sarge and his men got the phone from a different room.
- Woody, Buzz, and Jessie did not go to the basement to get the cordless phone.
- The toys did not throw Sarge's men to get the phone.
- The toys never played the Buzz Lightyear video game.
- Lotso did not give a carnival for the toys.
- The scenarios Bonnie played with her toys were not actually seen, but in the video game there are two levels based on her scenarios.
- Chatter Telephone was not anonymous.
- Woody did not rescue the toys, they broke out.
- The toys did not go on a voyage during the garbage dump scene.
- Stinky Pete is in the video game, but is not physically in the film itself.
Exclusive Features for the PS3
You can play as Zurg and he will have his own unique missions. He also be able to drive around in his custom vehicle. There will also be some downloadable mini games in the fall for the PlayStation Move.
Critical Response
Toy Story 3 has received generally positive reviews. IGN scored the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 version an 8.0, while scoring the Wii version a 7.5. GameSpot gave 7.0 for the PS3 and Xbox 360 version. The Official Nintendo Magazine scored the Wii and DS versions 80% saying that it was one of its kind but had horrendous voice acting which contrasts with IGN's review, who said the voice acting was "superb". Nintendo Power gave the Wii version a 7.5, calling it "surprisingly fun", while Game Informer had given the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions an 8, and the Wii version a 6/10, being the game's lowest score. Game Informer criticized the Wii version for its graphical downstep and "neutered Toy Box mode" (vs. PS3 and Xbox 360 version) where in this version "the missions are too repetitive, customization is barren, and its only 1-player, leaving in its place an eternal slog of fetching items."
Toy Story 3 was a top-seller in the UK. Toy Story 3 claimed its third week at number one of the UK full-price software charts over the weekend, whilst its big-screen counterpart also held onto the Box Office top spot.
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