Flippy flip антистресс игрушка
Warnings: Content Warning, Trigger Warning, Copyrighted, Spoilers.
Notices: Stub, Upcoming Content.
This article contains content that may bring users with past trauma, to something that might cause a physical and/or mental reaction. Viewer discretion is advised!
Reason: Flippy suffers from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), which may be depressing to some users/people. Also, the tone of Fallout (and parts of Slaughter) can hit hard.
This article contains potentially sensitive content that may be discomforting or upsetting to certain users. Viewer discretion is advised!
Reason: Flippy comes from Happy Tree Friends, a gory show disguised as a children's cartoon rated TV-MA, and frightening & intense scenes on IDMB, [1] despite this, the show is rated TV-Y on YouTube (however, one episode was removed from Youtube due to themes related to suicide). In the mod, Fliqpy's icons have blood, and in Slaughter's background, blood and organs are seen. Also, KAPOW contains A LOT (and yes, we mean a LOT) of gore.
Ai'ight, let's see what you got. but we're using Vs Flippy: Flipped Out!'s music. - Neon
This article contains copyrighted music, files, or other copyrighted assets that can claim copyright infringement.
Reason: Happy Tree Friends is owned by MondoMedia
Unfinished Page
. (How is someone this short older than me?) - Abigail
This article lacks content, whether it be lacking Assets, Trivia, Music, or something else. You can help Funkipedia Mods Wiki by expanding it with more info! Thank you!
Reason: The remaining assets that are NOT on this article:
- All of Boyfriend & Girlfriend's poses
- Fliqpy's spritesheets in Overkill and Slaughter
- Any leaks founded on the Flipped Out! discord server
- All of Fliqpy's upcoming poses
Upcoming Content
>implying that wasnt just a warm up you cum guzzling midget - /v/-tan
This mod has upcoming content that is confirmed to be in development, either confirmed on a livestream, a tweet, or any other verified source of information! This article likely has placeholder content. Please refrain from adding any false or unconfirmed information. Remember to stay patient with the mod creator(s) and don't repeatedly ask them when the next update will come, since mods take time to make.
Upcoming: This mod is now officially being merged with Vs. Flippy: Fallen Soldier, which was originally made by previously former members of this mod. Aside from that, quite a few songs will be replaced (since Seberster left the team), there will be art style options, and more to come.
Major Spoilers Ahead!
Listen to me. There are a lot of things you don't know about this place. - eteled
This page contains spoilers that may ruin the player's experience. View at your own risk or after playing the mod itself!
Reason: Contains spoilers about Happy Tree Friends.
For other characters named Flippy, see Flippy (disambiguation).
Vs. Flippy: Flipped Out!
FPS Plus (Demo 1/2, Dev Build)
Psych Engine v0.4 (Guerrilla Dev Build)
Psych Engine v0.5.2h (Upcoming Update)
System requirements
Vs. Flippy: Flipped Out! (previously Vs. Flippy: Full Metal!) is a mod that contains different versions of Fliqpy from Happy Tree Friends, which runs on FPS+ (Psych Engine in the upcoming update) [2] . The demo currently has 13 songs. (not counting "Two Trucks" and "Flugh")
In this mod, Boyfriend and Girlfriend go on a picnic in the forest. Then we see Flippy, Flaky and other friends playing hide and seek but Flippy lost his tags. So Flippy told his friends to help him find them.
While Flippy was still for looking it then he saw a butterfly, which landed on his index finger, causing him to brighten up. Suddenly, a loud sound is emitted due to Boyfriend trying to fix his microphone. This triggers Flippy's PTSD and Fliqpy takes over, confronting Boyfriend. However, it reveals that Fliqpy sees Boyfriend as a Blue Tiger Soldier instead. The battle ensues after Fliqpy whips his signature bowie knife out and laughs menacingly.
- Triggered
- Triggered (Alt, Upcoming)
- Slaughter
- Overkill
- Fallout
Lumpy (REALLY wants to kill)
Flaky (Best Friend)
Soldier (Formerly)
Unintentional Serial Killer
War Veteran
Nuclear Waste Trucker (Remains To Be Seen)
Carnival Worker (Double Whammy)
Librarian (Random Acts of Silence)
Biographical information
Date of death
Physical description
Eye color
Fur color
Created by
Voiced by
Appears in
Character Icons
― Fliqpy, Hiding
Want to learn more about Flippy and Fliqpy?
Flippy, or Fliqpy for that matter, is the main antagonist of the Happy Tree Friends TV show who has rare appearances, but makes a huge impact on the other main characters when he does appear. In every episode Fliqpy's in, he usually ends up killing most, if not all of the characters in traumatizing, but creative ways.
He appears to be a small green bear with yellow eyes wearing a military uniform, but in this version, he has an even more aggressive expression. His uniform is slightly different from his original design and his dog tags seem to be missing. He also seems to be wearing a pair of dark green pants as well. He is also holding a walkie-talkie in his left and a knife in his right. In Slaughter, he is now covered in blood, his mouth has widened, his pupils look more crazy, and he no longer wields a walkie-talkie. During Overkill, his eyes become black with red pupils, and he no longer wields a knife, leaving his hands empty. During Fallout, he has the same appearance that he did in Overkill, except Flippy is trying to regain control of his body and prevent himself from harming Boyfriend and Girlfriend.
Flippy, for the most part, is anything but predictable. As Flippy, he is a kind bear who is easily fascinated by his surroundings, such as a butterfly. However, whenever there is something that reminds him of the trauma he endured during the war, he flips to his alter ego, Fliqpy, who is a dark, blood-hungry individual who kills anything that moves in a brutal, yet creative way based on the surroundings. Despite this, he does not kill for kicks and giggles, because as Fliqpy, he is under the illusion that he is back in the war and is facing his enemies.
Есть на Кикстартере парочку, так называемых, кинетических игрушек Flipo Flip, Quad and Hexo, из алюминия и дюрали. Игрушки на данный момент доступны по пресейлу по цене от $22, и тут я натыкаюсь на их аналоги на Алике по каким-то копеечным ценам. Особенно не вчитываясь в описание, заказываю оба варианта. И вот, собственно, они и у меня.
Сначала рассмотрим то, что предлагают канадские ребята на Кикстартере. Это цельно металлические игрушки из алюминия или латуни в форме выпуклых квадрата и гексагона. Ценник на эти игрушки довольно не гуманный, но несмотря на это, они смогли привлечь восемь с половиной тысяч спонсоров и собрать более полумиллиона канадских долларов. На картинке под спойлером будет полный прайс на игрушки.
На странице продавца с Али игрушки тоже выглядят плюс/минус так же. Только китайцы разнообразили цветовую гамму. Ну и на несколько месяцев опередили со стартом продаж, авторов этой идеи.
В общем я заказал серебристый квадрат и чёрный гексагон, которые как я подумал что будут из анодированного алюминия. Каково же было моё разочарование, когда взяв в руки посылку, я уже по весу понял, что никаким алюминием, там явно и не пахнет. Так оно и оказалось. Игрушки выполнены из ABS-пластика, о чём и сообщено на странице продавца. Сам виноват. Нужно читать описание.
Вот собственно и игрушки
Размеры у квадратной игрушки 40х40х12.5 мм
Размеры у гексагона: сторона — 23 мм, диаметр вписанной окружности — 40 мм, диаметр описанной окружности — 45 мм, толщина 13 мм
Вес у квадрата — 13 г
Вес у гексагона — 12 г
Как я уже говорил выше, игрушки пластиковые. Серебристая из матового пластика, чёрная из глянцевого. Внутри возможно есть металлический сердечник, но если это и так, то металл этот не магнитится. Проверял неодимовым магнитом.
Что бы было понятно как с этими штуками играться, я прикреплю гифки с Кикстартера
На анимация с Кикстартера всё выглядит довольно просто и прикольно. Но китайские то пластиковые и не имеют таких ровных поверхностей. Поэтому на ребре они стоять не могут, и остановить игрушку на ходу тоже не получится, ну только если случайно или в результате долгих тренировок. Трюк с подбрасыванием я даже и пробовать не стал. В общем в результате проб, ошибок и тренировок, максимум, что я смог выдавить из этих штук показано на гифках
Если честно так себе. У канадцев всё выглядит намного веселее. Квадрат ещё куда не шло, а вот запустить нормально гексагон очень редко удаётся. Крутятся волчком игрушки тоже не очень
На Кикстартере показан ещё способ запуска игрушек на наклонной плоскости. Такое я тоже решил попробовать. Взял узкую длинную доску ДСП, положил на моток скотча и запустил по ней игрушку. На удивление получилось с первого же раза. Игрушка докатилась до самого конца доски. А вот когда я решил это заснять на видео, пришлось повозиться. Игрушка постоянно норовила соскочить с боковой грани доски, либо останавливалась на середине
А вот с гексагоном ничего не получилось как я не мучался.
Вращение волчком на плоскости я даже не снимал, такая себе забава.
В общем что мы имеем в итоге? Игрушка по большому счёту бессмысленная и ожидать от неё каких-то невероятных ощущений не стоит. Скажем так, самый простенький спинер и то интереснее.
Как в этом плане ведёт себя оригинал я не знаю и вряд ли узнаю, потому что покупать подобную фигню за 22$ мне как-то не хочется. Хотя не так давно я наткнулся на Али на такую же игрушку, но уже точно металлическую, а не пластиковую. И стоит она в четыре раза дешевле оригинала. Так что кто знает…
На оригинал кстати можно посмотреть здесь.
На смену поп-иту и симпл димплу пришла новая антистресс-игрушка под названием сквидопоп. Юные блогеры тратят сбережения на полоску с присосками, имитирующую щупальца осьминога, создают самодельные аналоги сквидопопа и жарко спорят об оригинальных и поддельных игрушках.
Весной 2022 года пользователи тиктока и Likee нашли для себя новую антистресс-игрушку — сквидопоп или Squidopop. Игрушка представляет собой полоску из силикона с присосками, которые можно приклеить к любой гладкой поверхности, а после чего медленно оторвать. Звук отрывающихся «щупалец» и стал антистрессовым.
В онлайн-маркетах сквидопоп можно купить за 349 рублей, а в маркетплейсах вроде «Вайлдберриз» и Ozon от 66 рублей и выше.
Ажиотаж вокруг сквидопопа происходит в приложении Likee, которое известно тем, что до блокировки тиктока в РФ его основными пользователями были юные блогеры от 8 до 15 лет. Дети и подростки показывают, какой сквидопоп им удалось купить и сколько они потратили на него денег. Например, игрушка бывает не только в виде полоски, но и в образе Хаги Ваги из хоррор-игры Poppy Playtime.
Распаковка сквидопопа, это Хаги Ваги. Прикольно. Послушайте его звук «Тр-р-р».
У блогерши с ником Алтынсу сквидопоп был в виде силиконовой руки, которую она то приклеивала, то отрывала от пластиковой поверхности, предварительно помыв игрушку.
Похоже, что любимым местом игры со сквидопопом стали окна, деревянная мебель и кафель в ванной. Блогеры давали советы, как пользоваться игрушкой — например, если полоска не прилипает, то возможно, она будет приклеиваться только к полированной поверхности и стеклу.
Некоторые пользователи Likee делали сквидопоп вручную, используя «Скрепышей» из игры Brawl Stars.
Другие блогеры показали эконом-вариант самодельного сквидопопа из бумаги и скотча. Сначала ребёнок нарезал разрисованную бумагу на квадратики и склеивал их прозрачным скотчем, добавляя двусторонний, чтобы имитировать присоски.
Также в комментариях к видео о сквидопопах порой разгораются дискуссии — оригинальную ли игрушку показывал блогер. Некоторые пользователи пишут, что неоригинальная полоска будет хуже прилипать.
Ранее Medialeaks рассказал про снапперс — антистресс-игрушку, которая напоминает эспандер для рук.
В другом материале Medialeaks можно прочитать о фиджет борде — юные рукодельники приклеивают на доску подручные предметы и создают коллажи.
"Fire fried food is a feast for a famished soldier." ―The description alliteration in the intros in late season 3-season 4.
Flippy is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends, its spin-off series, Ka-Pow!, and a playable character in the False Alarm video game, along with being the final boss of Deadeye Derby.
Character Bio
Looking cool (for a head start anyway).
Flippy is a green male bear. He wears dog tags around his neck and a green beret with a checkered crest on his head. He is a retired veteran soldier in the Army. He fought in the Weaponized Animal Regiment (The W.A.R), and has an obsession with making booby traps inspired by the Viet Cong, as well as a flashback of his experience of being held captive by them (as seen in Easy For You to Sleigh episode). In addition, his attire seems to resemble the U.S. Army Special Forces, which played a role during the Vietnam War. As he fought for years, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. According to writer Warren Graff, Flippy is mostly inspired by and based on John Rambo. During the internet and TV series, it is unknown if Flippy has retired from the Army or if they are simply in a time of peace. Flippy rarely appears in the series, most likely due to his repetitive behavior in most of the episodes in which he appears. Lumpy most likely has even more kills than Flippy, since he has below 150 kills and has only appeared in 23 episodes so far.
Flippy is the only character in the series to cause the deaths of other characters on purpose in every episode which he appears, at least when he "flips out" (except for Without a Hitch and Happy Trails Pt. 2: Jumping the Shark, where he never flips out for real, and Autopsy Turvy (Double Whammy Part II), where all of his kills happen by accident). He has a severe case of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Whenever he sees or hears something that reminds him of war (e.g., gunshot-like sounds or crackling campfires), he becomes delusional and extremely aggressive, often killing everyone in sight. (It's possible he also has dissociative identity disorder as a result of his experience in war, judging from him basically becoming someone else in most of his appearances and the few instances he resisted his evil side during Double Whammy and Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow, much like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde complex). He also might "flip out" due to anger or stress as seen in Random Acts of Silence and Happy Trails Pt. 2: Jumping the Shark. While flipped-out, several physical features about him change: His eyes turn a different color, usually green or yellow, his voice changes from high and cute to deep and evil, and his teeth become sharp. In the early internet shorts, his teeth simply became crooked. There has even been one instance where his eyes became small, circular, and with a light blue iris (Remains to be Seen). If he is in his evil state, he (along with Lumpy, The Mole, Cro-Marmot, and Nutty) doesn't have Pac-Man shaped pupils. When he is flipped out, he is known as Fliqpy.
Although Flippy can be the cruelest and most dangerous character in Happy Tree Friends when "flipped out", in his normal state, he is considered to be one of the most sociable and kindest characters. This is proven in several episodes where he is seen doing social activities with some of the other characters, such as going to the movies and playing hide and seek. In most of the episodes where he appears, he is shown as a friendly individual before he goes insane, or as many people say, "flipping out", hence his name. Additionally, when he "flips out", he doesn't remember the bloody rampage that follows. However, in Double Whammy Part I, (and possibly Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow, when he resists his evil side for the first time) he finally realizes his problem and goes to Lumpy the psychiatrist for answers. After three attempts to cure him, Lumpy fails. At the end of the episode Autopsy Turvy (Double Whammy Part II), Flippy finally cures his post-traumatic stress disorder, but is run over soon after by a chicken truck.
He appears to be good friends with Flaky, as they are shown doing activities together like playing hide and seek, and going camping. Although Flippy has killed Flaky several times (even once on purpose in non flipped out state in Happy Trails Pt. 2: Jumping the Shark) he doesn't kill her in Party Animal or Random Acts of Silence, while she is vulnerable. Flaky's scream snapped him out of his flipped-out mode in Double Whammy Part I. Despite that they appear to be good friends, Flaky develops a phobia of him in the later episodes. She gets so scared of him that she gathers the courage to kill him, going to the point where she stabs him in fear when he tries to help her in Without a Hitch. As of Random Acts of Silence, Sniffles and Nutty also seem to be aware of Flippy's flip-outs, when they tried sneaking out of the library as Flippy got agitated by Mime.
Something's fishy on this Halloween night.
He also has an allergic reaction to peanuts (or venison) just like Flaky (if his allergy to peanuts is true). The Blurb version of Remains to be Seen also states that he is allergic to chocolate and candy corn. However, like most Blurbs, most of the info mentioned isn't considered canon until approved, so this may not be true. Flippy also appears to be an extremely heavy sleeper, as seen in Easy For You to Sleigh and Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow.
Flippy is one of the more popular characters in the series. In spite of his position as a seldom-occurring character, the reception for Flippy seems to be rather positive. Additionally, Flippy is also a fan favorite of many viewers. For example, he won the Best Happy Tree Friends Character Tournament.
He has his own action episode called W.A.R. Journal, part of the Happy Tree Friends Action Series: Ka-Pow! show. According to the first episode, Private Flippy didn't start out as a well-honed killing machine. He accidentally threw a slice of pizza at the enemy commander rather than his knife, demonstrated an inability to throw his knife straight while under pressure, killed both of his teammates, and hid in the carcass of one of his dead teammates in fear. He flips out for the very first time when he hides inside his comrade's dead body to avoid being killed by the Tiger Army. He ended up losing his hands in a fight with the Tiger General, but he was apparently able to reattach them some time between the events of W.A.R. Journal and the regular Happy Tree Friends series (unless these episodes, like the regular Happy Tree Friends series, revert everything back to original at the start of each new episode).
Flippy rarely dies in the series. When he does die, his deaths usually involve vehicles, machinery, Lumpy, and explosions. The only episodes where Flippy dies are Happy Trails Pt. 2: Jumping the Shark, Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow, Autopsy Turvy (Double Whammy Part II), Without a Hitch, and Breaking Wind (Debatable).
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Demon eyes (Fliqpy x Flippy)
Due date - 5/15/98.. The test worked.. Heh kidding! This may or may not be updated a lot due to my more.. popular, i dare say, book. Enemy love, love crossed its edge.
Maid Flippy x fliqpy
Fliqpy makes flippy his maid and something happens this is to my wolf clan friends WARNING THIS CONTENTS YAOI GAY SEX IF YOU HATE IT THEN FUCK YOU.
flippy x fliqpy smuts
when I was on Google I searched this and this is from happy tree friends if you don't know what that is it's a vilonte show with blood guts and core so yeah I hope you enjoy this. WARNING THIS IS A YAOI SMUT IF YOU HATE IT THEN SUCK A DICK.
Sonic and Manic vs Lifty and Shifty
(They are all in Sonic version) twins Sonic and Manics battle was finally finished. But little did everyone know that someone else called first dibs on them being their arch enemies (2 someone's) when they took a vacation to soleanna along with his friends and sister things take a gruesome turn. (Featuring the HTF cas.
The War Inside
A Splendid x Flippy/Fliqpy fanfic. Splendid just found a nice home in a quiet town to settle down. But he soon learns that this small town had some horrible secrets and there's no where to run. Everyone is hiding a terrible secret and no one is talking. Can Splendid crack them and get the people to talk, or is he goi.
My Best Side ÷Fliqpy x Flippy÷ (HTF)
No matter how hard Fliqpy tried he couldn't hurt Flippy. A force was stopping him. A force called love.
Alternative Answers
(Aah Yeap. Fliqpy x Flippy. Don't judge.) For years I've put up with him. For years I've learned to let him to do his own things when he takes over. But. then something happened. Those monsters who experimented on me. They did a horrible thing. They separated us.
The disaster
zarastardune helped me make this story so go check her out please
Flippy X Flipqy
It's a flippy x Flipqy don't judge it might have some lemon k
Flippy x Flipqy (fanfic)
So, Sniffles manages to separate Flippy and Flipqy. Flipqy gets drunk, and starts acting. Weird. Flippy, however, is not in the mood for this crap. What will happen? Read and find out. (Includes mature content)(this story is very old, I'm sorry I created this T-T) **THIS IS MY FIRST STORY** it may not be that good.
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