Дисней пиксар карс игрушки
World of Pixar Cars Russia запись закреплена
В том же, 2016-м году, вышла и небольшая линейка "Super Chase 2016". И в очередной раз, как и в 2014-м, мы получили разрозненный набор, в данном случае из трёх машинок, где две из первой части, а третья - из второй части франшизы.
Если логика первых двух персонажей ещё понятна хоть как-то в особой серии, то присутствие здесь Мэтра из "Тачек 2" выглядит довольно странно. Судя по всему, он должен был выйти пятым супер-редким персонажем в серии "2014", но по каким-то причинам задержался аж на 2 года. Тем не менее, следует признать, что сама машинка "Мэтр с заклеенным ртом" весьма интересна сама по себе.
Изюминкой "Super Chase" 2016-го года, конечно же, является микрик Бад. Он интересен тем, что на задней стенке у него спрятана пасхалочка на другую короткометражку Пиксар, которая, в свою очередь, весьма иронично была переснята потом с заменой её персонажей на тачки. Кто не видел, - категорически рекомендуем посмотреть!
World of Pixar Cars Russia запись закреплена
Продолжая линию "красных картонок", осенью 2015-го года Маттел выпустила в продажу очередную серию тачек - "2016".
Надо отдать должное компании Маттел, в серии "2016" мы получили много новинок, а также перевыпуски редких моделей, которые давно уже не выходили.
Показать полностью.
Не смотря на идентичный дизайн упаковки, состав серии довольно сильно отличается от выпуска "2015". Здесь мы видим много новых подсерий. Ну а ключевым визуальным отличием линейки "2016" является реклама приложения для iOS в виде жёлтого "банера" на лицевой стороне картона. Однако, такой элемент присутствует хоть и на большинстве машинок "2016", но всё же не на всех. Поэтому главными внешними отличиями серии являются логотипы подгрупп, которые получили другой дизайн даже, если такая подгруппа была в ряду тачек "2015".
Итак, в основной линейке серии "2016" нам представили 12 мини-серий:
95 Returns.
Cruisin' Tokyo.
Dinoco Daydream.
LA Speedway.
Oil Rig Getaway.
Paris Parts Market.
Piston Cup (продолжение линейки из 2015).
Radiator Springs (продолжение линейки из 2015).
Rust-Eze Racing.
Sheriff's Impound Lot.
WGP (продолжение линейки из 2015).
WGP Pit Crew.
По традиции, какие-то из подгрупп развивают ранее выпущенные серии, но есть и такие, которые мы увидели впервые в 2016-м.
На фото представлен вариант упаковки для международного рынка. Здесь вместо названия персонажа мы видим его изображение, отсутствует название мини-серии (есть только логотип в правом-верхнем углу), а также жёлтый рекламный банер стал шире, т.к. на нём информация подана на нескольких языках. Именно в таком виде тачки "2016" продавались в наших магазинах.
World of Pixar Cars Russia запись закреплена
Представляем очередную модель из новой серии - "Cars 2022".
И это очень приятная новость, т.к. у нас запланирован выпуск Barney Stormin. Так, на минуточку, мы его не видели уже более 10 лет новинках от Маттел! И вот - переиздание. И, разумеется, сейчас это - новый вариант из Тайланда. Так что, даже, если у вас уже есть Барни, но вы коллекционер, собирающий все варианты, то самолётик в блистере 2022 тоже обязателен к приобретению.
Новая линейка "Deluxe" очень радует.
World of Pixar Cars Russia запись закреплена
Продолжаем знакомить вас с машинками из новой серии - "Cars 2022".
Как видим по картинке, линейке "Deluxe" в новом году также быть!
World of Pixar Cars Russia запись закреплена
Наш новый рассказ будет про Круз Рамирез - персонажа, всегда мечтавшего о гонках, но ставшего только тренером; тренера, ставшего учеником; ученика, ставшего, наконец-то, гонщиком.
Сегодня на обзоре версия "Диноко", которую Круз получила в конце третьей части франшизы "Тачки".
Показать полностью. Но это не просто Dinoco Cruz Ramirez, а её самый новый и самый красивый вариант, выпущенный по новой технологии на заводе в Тайланде, куда компания "Маттел" вернула своё производство после начала торговой войны между США и Китаем.
Такая вариация выпускается с 2019-го года и имеет название "Eyelid line variant", что означает наличие ключевого элемента на "ветровом стекле" - линии, имитирующей тень от век на белом поле. Давайте расскажем немного подробнее про этот элемент.
Дело в том, что раньше такую тонкую детализацию невозможно было сделать на существующем тогда оборудовании. Поэтому у машинок переход между "белком" глаз и "веком" был резким и контрастным. Для гонщиков первого поколения в самом начале (с 2006-го года) даже делали особый молд с объёмными веками, чтобы как-то выделить этот переход. Теперь же, благодаря технологии печати прямо на модели, стало возможным имитировать тень под веками. Такую особенность имеют все модели, выпущенные в Тайланде начиная с 2019-года, и они являются вариантами своих клонов, изготовленных ранее в Китае.
Да, Диноко-Круз ошибки тоже не обошли стороной. В самом начале, в 2017-м году в первом тираже было допущено сразу две ошибки, которые, правда, довольно быстро исправили. О них мы расскажем в другой раз. А пока предлагаем знатокам тачек от Маттел написать в комментариях, какие ошибки были допущены на первой партии Диноко Круз Рамирез.
Ну, а на сегодня всё. По традиции отмечайтесь в комментариях, у кого есть такой экземпляр в коллекции, и пробуйте ответить на вопрос об ошибках, заданный в этой статье!
Электронная мастерская для диагностики машинок со звуковыми и световыми эффектами и со съемным тестером.
Высота мастерской - 52 см.
Up Next
Cars Invitation – Customizable
Cars 3 Piston Cup Champions Tee for Kids – Customizable
Cars 3 – 4K Ultra HD
Cars 2 Blu-ray + Digital Combo Pack
Cars 3 DVD
Cars 3 Blu-ray Combo Pack
Cars Racing Insignia T-Shirt for Adults – Customized
Cars Legacy Sketchbook Ornament – 15th Anniversary – Limited Release
Cars 3 Piston Cup Champions Mug – Customizable
Cars 3 Rust-eze Tee for Girls – Customizable
Cars Disney Gift Card
Cars 2 DVD
Cars Blu-ray and DVD Combo Pack
Cars DVD – Widescreen
Cars 3 Piston Cup Pattern iPhone 6/6S Case – Customizable
Cars 3 Piston Cup Champions Tee for Men – Customizable
Cars 3 Mousepad – Customizable
Cars Pullback Die Cast Racer Multi Pack
Cars Raglan T-Shirt for Kids
Cars Pullback Die Cast Set
Cars Stainless Steel Water Bottle with Built-In Straw
Radiator Springs Metal Sign – Cars
Rust-eze Metal Sign – Cars
Mater Remote Control Vehicle – Cars
Lightning McQueen Remote Control Vehicle – Cars
Lightning McQueen Canteen for Kids – Cars
Mack Carrier Stunt Race Playset – Cars
Red Fire Engine Bath Play Set – Cars
Ralph Carlow Pullback Die Cast Racer – Cars
Lightning McQueen Light-Up Bubble Wand – Cars
Sheldon Shifter Pullback Die Cast Racer – Cars
Cam Spinner Pullback Die Cast Racer – Cars
Lightning McQueen Push&Go Talking Vehicle – Cars
Cruz Ramirez Water Bottle – Cars 3 – Customizable
Lightning McQueen Water Bottle – Cars 3 – Customizable
Smokey's Garage Morphing Mug – Cars 3 – Customizable
Jackson Storm Tee for Kids – Cars 3 – Customizable
Rust-eze Tee for Kids – Cars 3 – Customizable
River Scott Tee for Kids – Cars 3 – Customizable
Hudson Hornet Tee for Men – Cars 3 – Customizable
All of Radiator Springs comes out to watch Doc and Lightning’s big race.
Team McQueen cheers on Lightning during the first leg of the World Grand Prix.
Lightning’s new road inspires everyone in Radiator Springs to spruce their town up.
Be sure to stop at Flo’s V-8 Cafe for the finest fuel on Route 66.
“The sixties weren’t good to you, were they?”
“What you really need is the sweet taste of my homemade, organic fuel.”
“Boy, I’m purty good at this lawyerin’ stuff!”
“Finn McMissile, British Intelligence.” “Tow Mater, average intelligence.”
To Mater, Lightning isn’t just a race car, he’s a friend.
Mater saves the day on the last stop of the World Grand Prix.
Lightning, Mater, and Finn McMissile are on the run from a couple of no-good lemons.
Mater learns an important lesson in Japan: wasabi is NOT pistachio ice cream.
If you need a paint job, Ramone will paint you up right. (He especially loves to paint flames.)
“If you keep talking to yourself, people will think you’re crazy!”
Lightning McQueen
Mater is the rustiest, trustiest tow truck in Radiator Springs. He loves tractor tippin’, helping out stranded cars, and most of all, hanging out with his best friend, Lightning McQueen. Mater is great at driving backwards, because he doesn’t need to know where he’s going as long as he knows where he’s been.
Sally is a beautiful baby blue Porsche who fell in love with small town life in Radiator Springs. She runs the Cozy Cone, is the town attorney, and is dedicated to preserving her favorite place to live. She loves cruisin’ in the slow lane with Lightning McQueen.
Luigi is a 1959 Fiat 500 who runs the local tire shop, Luigi’s Casa Della Tires, “Home of the Leaning Tower of Tires.” He loves changing tires for racecars like Lightning McQueen, but nothing makes him happier than when a real Ferrari comes through his door.
The filmmakers wanted the cars to look and feel authentic, so that the audience would relate to them as characters. A hotshot racecar was the early choice for lead character Lightning McQueen, and a rusty real-life tow truck found off Route 66 came to life as Mater. The Pixar team chose other cars to reflect people they had met on the road during their research for the film.
Lightning McQueen
Lightning McQueen is a hotshot, rookie race car, poised to become the youngest car ever to win the Piston Cup Championship. He has just two things on his mind: winning and the perks that come with it. But when he in-advertently gets lost in the town of Radiator Springs, he meets a new group of friends who challenge him to reconsider the car he wants to be.
Mater is a good ol' boy tow truck with a big heart and a lovable laugh to match. Though a little rusty, he has the quickest towrope in Carburetor County and is always the first to lend a helping hand. He's the sweetest, most loyal guy in town and the first to befriend newcomer Lightning McQueen.
Sally is a beautiful 2002 Porsche 911 from California who grew tired of life in the fast lane and made a new start in the small town of Radiator Springs. Charming, intelligent, and witty, she is the town's attorney and the car most dedicated to one day getting Radiator Springs "back on the map."
Doc Hudson
Doc Hudson is a 1951 Hudson Hornet, a quiet country doctor with a mysterious past. A cornerstone of Radiator Springs, Doc runs the local medical clinic and serves as the town judge. But when Lightning McQueen rolls through town, Doc's old competitive engine gets revved up once more.
Luigi & Guido
Luigi is a 1959 Fiat 500 who runs the local tire shop, Luigi's Casa Della Tires. Big-hearted, gregarious and excitable Luigi is assisted by Guido, a little Italian forklift, and together they serve up more than a new set of wheels for customers. Their positive energy and enthusiasm have a natural way of rubbing off on anyone who passes through their shop doors.
Fillmore is a 1960 VW Bus and Radiator Springs' resident hippie. A believer in individuality and all things natural, he brews his own organic fuel and preaches its many benefits.
Sheriff is a 1949 Mercury Police Cruiser. As Radiator Springs' resident peacekeeper, he takes his job very seriously. Between his law enforcement duties and the stories he tells about his beloved Mother Road, it is no surprise that Sheriff can often be found napping behind the Radiator Springs billboard.
Sarge is a 1942 Willys Army Jeep and a patriotic veteran to the core. He proudly flies the Stars and Stripes and begins each day with a rousing rendition of reveille. When he's not running Sarge's Surplus Hut, he can be found precisely manicuring the lawn in front of his Quonset garage into a perfect flattop.
Ramone is a 1959 Impala low-rider and the owner and proprietor of Ramone's House of Body Art, the local custom body and paint shop. Ramone has formed the habit of repainting himself daily because he hasn't had a real customer in years.
Flo is a 1950s show car and the manager of Flo's V-8 Café, the only gas station for miles around. A sassy, no-nonsense lady, Flo serves all the folks in town the "finest fuel in fifty states."
Route 66
With a cast made entirely of cars, the world of Cars required a lot of road. Fast-track motor speedways would provide some of the pavement, but the story needed a sleepier locale. The filmmakers found it on Route 66, the fabled highway where American car culture took off in the 1950s. When the highway was replaced by the federal interstate system, hundreds of towns virtually fell off the map.
Radiator Springs
Memorable research trips along Route 66 led the Pixar team to create the town of Radiator Springs in a high desert setting somewhere between Gallup, New Mexico, and Kingman, Arizona, where towns of broken neon, peeling paint, and colorful denizens still exist. “We connected with the people and their towns and we really got it,” Co-Director and Story Supervisor Joe Ranft observed. “We found out that life out on that old highway is never predictable, and that is what makes the journey so much more memorable. We found the heartbeat of the Mother Road.”
It took three days to prepare the first drawings that would define the Cars landscape. Working from an early inspiration board of automobile and desert references, Production Designer Bill Cone came up with an idea; he spent the day, and that night, thinking of how it could work. Then he rendered several sketches to illustrate his concept that cars, like humans, would shape the world around them as monuments that echoed their likeness. That happened back in 2000, and twelve years later, the landscape became real for generations to visit at Disney’s
California Adventure.
The filmmakers knew no one would watch Cars with a keener eye than professional racing fans. Stock car legend Richard Petty was brought in to provide authenticity, then stayed around to provide voiceover for the 1970 Plymouth Superbird that shared his nickname “The King.” Pixar teams also took extended field trips to some of America’s biggest speedways, looking to capture the sensory overload of rumbling engines, blinding floodlights, and the smell of exhaust, burning rubber, and tailgate barbecue.
Graphics are not just creations made with words, names, numbers, letters, colors, and typeface—they are opportunities to include hidden stories. The world of Cars called for an unprecedented number of original graphics, split into three major categories: hometown, broadcast news, and stock car racing.
According to John Lasseter, more research went into Cars than any other project at Pixar to date. Field trips ranged from leisurely journeys across Route 66 to the fast lane of the Charlotte Motor Speedway, where a couple of infield fans named Larry and Mater would charm their way into the film. A Pixar team also traveled to the automotive mecca of Detroit to see how cars are designed and assembled from the ground up. Pixar artists used thousands of still photos and hours of car footage to give Cars the level of detail it would need on the big screen.
A colorscript is a sequence of small pastel drawings or paintings used to emphasize color in each scene and establish a film's visual language.
A car lost on a lonely road. A racer outcast within a packed stadium. Many key emotional scenes of Cars took place at night. Creating the paintings to define the lighting provided an interesting challenge. “Light is fictional at night,” explained Production Designer Bill Cone. Light sources that could illuminate the scene had to be invented and manipulated just enough to allow the audience to see what was important, and yet still produce colors that stayed true to a
scene's mood.
Academy Awards
Nominated for Animated Feature Film
John Lasseter
Nominated for Music (Original Score)
"Our Town" - Randy Newman
Annie Awards
Winner for Best Animated Feature Winner
for Best Music in an Animated Feature Production
Randy Newman
Nominated for Best Animated Effects
Keith Klohn
Erdem Hamsi Taylan
Nominated for Best Character Animation
in a Feature Production
Carlos Baena
Bobby Podesta
Nominated for Best Directing in an
Animated Feature Production
John Lasseter
Nominated for Best Production Design in an
Animated Feature Production
William Cone
Nominated for Best Writing in an
Animated Feature Production
Dan Fogelman
Broadcast Film Critics Association
Winner of Critics' Choice Award
for Best Animated Feature
Golden Globe Awards
Winner for Best Animated Feature Film
Winner for Best Song Written For Motion Picture,
Television or Other Visual Media
"Our Town"
Randy Newman, composer
Hollywood Film Festival
Winner for Animation of the Year
Motion Picture Sound Editors
Winner for Best Sound Editing Sound Effects,
Foley, Dialogue and ADR
for Feature Film Animation
Tom Myers
Michael Silvers
Jonathan Null
Bruno Coon
Teresa Eckton
Shannon Mills
Dee Selby
Steve Slanec
Christopher Barrick
Jana Vance
Dennie Thorpe
Ellen Heuer
Movie Guide
Winner for Best Family Film
National Board of Review
Winner for Best Animated Feature
People's Choice
Winner for Favorite Family
Movie Winner for Favorite
Song from a Movie
Life is a Highway,
Rascal Flatts
Winner for Favorite Remake
Life is a Highway,
Rascal Flatts
The filmmakers wanted the cars to look and feel authentic, so that the audience would relate to them as characters. A hotshot racecar was the early choice for lead character Lightning McQueen, and a rusty real-life tow truck found off Route 66 came to life as Mater. The Pixar team chose other cars to reflect people they had met on the road during their research for the film.
Lightning McQueen
Lightning McQueen is a hotshot, rookie race car, poised to become the youngest car ever to win the Piston Cup Championship. He has just two things on his mind: winning and the perks that come with it. But when he in-advertently gets lost in the town of Radiator Springs, he meets a new group of friends who challenge him to reconsider the car he wants to be.
Mater is a good ol' boy tow truck with a big heart and a lovable laugh to match. Though a little rusty, he has the quickest towrope in Carburetor County and is always the first to lend a helping hand. He's the sweetest, most loyal guy in town and the first to befriend newcomer Lightning McQueen.
Sally is a beautiful 2002 Porsche 911 from California who grew tired of life in the fast lane and made a new start in the small town of Radiator Springs. Charming, intelligent, and witty, she is the town's attorney and the car most dedicated to one day getting Radiator Springs "back on the map."
Doc Hudson
Doc Hudson is a 1951 Hudson Hornet, a quiet country doctor with a mysterious past. A cornerstone of Radiator Springs, Doc runs the local medical clinic and serves as the town judge. But when Lightning McQueen rolls through town, Doc's old competitive engine gets revved up once more.
Luigi & Guido
Luigi is a 1959 Fiat 500 who runs the local tire shop, Luigi's Casa Della Tires. Big-hearted, gregarious and excitable Luigi is assisted by Guido, a little Italian forklift, and together they serve up more than a new set of wheels for customers. Their positive energy and enthusiasm have a natural way of rubbing off on anyone who passes through their shop doors.
Fillmore is a 1960 VW Bus and Radiator Springs' resident hippie. A believer in individuality and all things natural, he brews his own organic fuel and preaches its many benefits.
Sheriff is a 1949 Mercury Police Cruiser. As Radiator Springs' resident peacekeeper, he takes his job very seriously. Between his law enforcement duties and the stories he tells about his beloved Mother Road, it is no surprise that Sheriff can often be found napping behind the Radiator Springs billboard.
Sarge is a 1942 Willys Army Jeep and a patriotic veteran to the core. He proudly flies the Stars and Stripes and begins each day with a rousing rendition of reveille. When he's not running Sarge's Surplus Hut, he can be found precisely manicuring the lawn in front of his Quonset garage into a perfect flattop.
Ramone is a 1959 Impala low-rider and the owner and proprietor of Ramone's House of Body Art, the local custom body and paint shop. Ramone has formed the habit of repainting himself daily because he hasn't had a real customer in years.
Flo is a 1950s show car and the manager of Flo's V-8 Café, the only gas station for miles around. A sassy, no-nonsense lady, Flo serves all the folks in town the "finest fuel in fifty states."
Route 66
With a cast made entirely of cars, the world of Cars required a lot of road. Fast-track motor speedways would provide some of the pavement, but the story needed a sleepier locale. The filmmakers found it on Route 66, the fabled highway where American car culture took off in the 1950s. When the highway was replaced by the federal interstate system, hundreds of towns virtually fell off the map.
Radiator Springs
Memorable research trips along Route 66 led the Pixar team to create the town of Radiator Springs in a high desert setting somewhere between Gallup, New Mexico, and Kingman, Arizona, where towns of broken neon, peeling paint, and colorful denizens still exist. “We connected with the people and their towns and we really got it,” Co-Director and Story Supervisor Joe Ranft observed. “We found out that life out on that old highway is never predictable, and that is what makes the journey so much more memorable. We found the heartbeat of the Mother Road.”
It took three days to prepare the first drawings that would define the Cars landscape. Working from an early inspiration board of automobile and desert references, Production Designer Bill Cone came up with an idea; he spent the day, and that night, thinking of how it could work. Then he rendered several sketches to illustrate his concept that cars, like humans, would shape the world around them as monuments that echoed their likeness. That happened back in 2000, and twelve years later, the landscape became real for generations to visit at Disney’s
California Adventure.
The filmmakers knew no one would watch Cars with a keener eye than professional racing fans. Stock car legend Richard Petty was brought in to provide authenticity, then stayed around to provide voiceover for the 1970 Plymouth Superbird that shared his nickname “The King.” Pixar teams also took extended field trips to some of America’s biggest speedways, looking to capture the sensory overload of rumbling engines, blinding floodlights, and the smell of exhaust, burning rubber, and tailgate barbecue.
Graphics are not just creations made with words, names, numbers, letters, colors, and typeface—they are opportunities to include hidden stories. The world of Cars called for an unprecedented number of original graphics, split into three major categories: hometown, broadcast news, and stock car racing.
According to John Lasseter, more research went into Cars than any other project at Pixar to date. Field trips ranged from leisurely journeys across Route 66 to the fast lane of the Charlotte Motor Speedway, where a couple of infield fans named Larry and Mater would charm their way into the film. A Pixar team also traveled to the automotive mecca of Detroit to see how cars are designed and assembled from the ground up. Pixar artists used thousands of still photos and hours of car footage to give Cars the level of detail it would need on the big screen.
A colorscript is a sequence of small pastel drawings or paintings used to emphasize color in each scene and establish a film's visual language.
A car lost on a lonely road. A racer outcast within a packed stadium. Many key emotional scenes of Cars took place at night. Creating the paintings to define the lighting provided an interesting challenge. “Light is fictional at night,” explained Production Designer Bill Cone. Light sources that could illuminate the scene had to be invented and manipulated just enough to allow the audience to see what was important, and yet still produce colors that stayed true to a
scene's mood.
Academy Awards
Nominated for Animated Feature Film
John Lasseter
Nominated for Music (Original Score)
"Our Town" - Randy Newman
Annie Awards
Winner for Best Animated Feature Winner
for Best Music in an Animated Feature Production
Randy Newman
Nominated for Best Animated Effects
Keith Klohn
Erdem Hamsi Taylan
Nominated for Best Character Animation
in a Feature Production
Carlos Baena
Bobby Podesta
Nominated for Best Directing in an
Animated Feature Production
John Lasseter
Nominated for Best Production Design in an
Animated Feature Production
William Cone
Nominated for Best Writing in an
Animated Feature Production
Dan Fogelman
Broadcast Film Critics Association
Winner of Critics' Choice Award
for Best Animated Feature
Golden Globe Awards
Winner for Best Animated Feature Film
Winner for Best Song Written For Motion Picture,
Television or Other Visual Media
"Our Town"
Randy Newman, composer
Hollywood Film Festival
Winner for Animation of the Year
Motion Picture Sound Editors
Winner for Best Sound Editing Sound Effects,
Foley, Dialogue and ADR
for Feature Film Animation
Tom Myers
Michael Silvers
Jonathan Null
Bruno Coon
Teresa Eckton
Shannon Mills
Dee Selby
Steve Slanec
Christopher Barrick
Jana Vance
Dennie Thorpe
Ellen Heuer
Movie Guide
Winner for Best Family Film
National Board of Review
Winner for Best Animated Feature
People's Choice
Winner for Favorite Family
Movie Winner for Favorite
Song from a Movie
Life is a Highway,
Rascal Flatts
Winner for Favorite Remake
Life is a Highway,
Rascal Flatts
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