Animals boat only works when touching the water игрушка
Ведущий: Спасибо, что присоединились к нам. Сегодня вечером на шоу у нас Иэн Маршалл, один из наших местных спасателей, который расскажет нам немного о своей работе. Йен, спасибо, что пришел. Я уверен, что у большинства из нас есть очень хорошее представление о том, чем занимается спасатель, но не мог бы ты рассказать нам еще несколько подробностей?
Ян: Конечно. Ну, конечно, как спасатель, я забочусь о том, чтобы люди были в безопасности в воде и на пляже. Я патрулирую пляж, но другие спасатели дежурят у озер и бассейнов. Спасатель обяхан быть на оживленном пляже, потому что даже хорошие пловцы могут попасть в беду.
Ян: Ну, на самом деле, это было довольно сложно. Мне пришлось пройти несколько курсов, включая продвинутую первую медицинскую помощь и управление пляжем, а затем я должен был пройти различные тесты на пригодность и навыки. Даже сейчас я прохожу различные курсы, чтобы улучшить свои навыки. В этом году я надеюсь пройти курс вождения на моторной лодке.
Ян: Ну, с октября по март я нахожусь в патруле с 6 утра до 3 часов дня. Со мной все в порядке - я правда очень люблю раннее утро! Ежедневные обязанности включают, конечно, спасение при необходимости, проверку всего снаряжения и информирование пловцов о любых опасностях. Однако наша главная обязанность – следить за пляжем и зоной для купания, чтобы убедиться, что все соблюдают пляжные правила, чтобы предотвратить несчастные случаи и чрезвычайные ситуации. Кроме того, нужно сделать много бумажной работы. Это, наверное, моя наименее любимая часть работы, но она очень важна.
Ян: Ну, у нас есть лодка для несчастных случаев в море, но мы также используем рожки, громкоговорители и даже простой свисток, чтобы привлечь внимание людей. На самом деле, свисток, вероятно, самый важный элемент оборудования, которым я пользуюсь, потому что он все время со мной, и он очень эффективен для привлечения внимания людей. Там также есть радио, чтобы связаться с другими спасателями и экстренными службами. Я знаю, что это не очень высокотехнологично, хотя недавно я слышал о некоторых исследованиях, которые проводят ученые. Они хотят пометить акул электронными метками, поэтому, когда они приближаются к берегу, мы получаем SMS-предупреждение на наши мобильные телефоны.
Ведущий: Правда? Раз уж мы заговорили об акулах, насколько они опасны для пловцов у берегов Австралии?
Иэн: Ну, за последние 10 лет акулы убили около 10 человек и напали примерно на десять других в Западной Австралии, но мы не должны сосредотачиваться только на акулах. Есть много других опасностей, таких как коробчатая медуза, которая является одним из самых ядовитых существ в море, особенно потому, что она почти невидима для пловцов. На самом деле, еще одна важная часть нашего обучения-это наблюдение за опасными существами и оказание первой медицинской помощи, если кто-то получит, например, укус медузы. Первое, что мы делаем с укусом, - это поливаем его уксусом! Мы также стараемся информировать пловцов о рисках. Немного знаний может спасти много жизней.
Ведущий: Интересно, Ян. Что ж, было здорово видеть тебя на шоу. Настройтесь на следующую неделю, слушатели, когда у нас в студии будет настоящий охотник за штормами. А до тех пор спокойной ночи и удачной недели.
Throughout 2017, we experienced many a vivid daydream of dunking into cool, crystal-clear waters to test out the very latest in technology. And not the IP68 rating of the new Galaxy S8, but one of the fast, wild water sport innovations that splashed onto the scene. It was a year that saw high-flying hydrofoils make the big step down from boats to smaller boards and bikes (yes, bikes) and new water toy debuts ranging from personal submarines fit for James Bond to underwater propulsion systems slapped on like a smartwatch. Here are our favorites.
Mako Slingshot jet board
A new year, a new powered surfboard. It's almost been a rule of life the past few years, and 2017 played by the book. The curvy, carbon fiber Mako Slingshot steps away from the electric drives that have become popular on powered surfboards, relying instead on a 100cc two-stroke engine jet drive.
The Mako Slingshot powered surfboard takes off
Another rule of life: powered surfboards are far from the cheapest way to have fun in the surf. The £7,500 (US$9,950) Slingshot definitely doesn't break that one.
Aston Martin/Triton Project Neptune submersible
Personal submarines are right up there with jetpacks as the coolest full-grown water toys out there. But with safety vest-bright colors and big, bubbly cockpits, they often lack styling sharp enough to properly articulate their overall cool factor. This year, the submarine pros at Triton resolved to end this shortcoming, reaching out to Aston Martin, folks who know a thing or two about perfectionist-grade performance-machine beautification.
Aston Martin's design team makes the Triton submersible look much sleeker
Aston's designers have turned Triton's three-person submersible into Project Neptune, a piece of underwater art pretty enough to show off in your living room, making the bold assumption you aren't regularly crane-lifting it into the water and enjoying the splendors of the subterranean world.
Triton's usual big, meaty, bright-yellow shell has been carefully shaved and sculpted into a sleek, silver-and-black chassis that looks the part of a seven-figure, precision-tuned diving vessel built to explore the depths of the sea. It probably looks faster than it is, but it's guaranteed to be a good time no matter the speed. Plans call for very limited production.
Seakart 335 PWC-meets-inflatable
The Seakart 335 has a top speed around 45 mph
Part jet ski, part inflatable tender, the Seakart 335 from KGTEX looks like all sorts of fun. With seating for up to five, this potent, pint-sized vessel tows to the water on a regular PWC trailer but lets the entire family get in on the action once you arrive.
Power comes from a choice of 110- or 180-hp Yamaha engine and speed tops out around 45 mph (72 km/h). The 11.5-foot (3.5-m) Seakart is designed to be more stable than a traditional PWC and to ride everything from shallow to deep water, rough or calm conditions. So use it as a tender, tow a wakeboarder, stop and grab a swim, or zip across the water like a jet skier. Prices start around €35,000 (about US$41,100).
Manta5 Hydrofoiler XE-1 water bike
We've seen water bikes in years past, but the Manta5 Hydrofoiler XE-1 is something else entirely. Other water bikes are large, cumbersome affairs that include bike-supporting chassis components and pontoons for float. The Hydrofoiler slims things down by relying on carbon fiber hydrofoils to help the pedaler stay happily afloat.
Manta5 uses hydrofoils for something a little different - electric-assisted water biking
A 400-watt electric-assist motor helps the rider keep the propeller spinning enough to push things along, and buoyancy modules keep the bike from sinking during stops. Like on a pedal-assist bicycle, the rider can adjust the amount of motor assistance, finding the right balance of exercise and forward momentum, with speeds up to 12 mph (20 km/h) and runtime up to an hour. On the ride to and from the water, the 44-lb (20-kg) Hydrofoiler breaks down and fits inside your vehicle.
A pedelec hydrofoil bike that glides atop water? Count us in. Admirers will have to wait, though, pre-sales start in February 2018 and will be available only to New Zealand-based registrants upon initial launch.
Free Form Factory Gratis X1 electric PWC
While electric powertrains have largely taken over the small but spirited powered surfboard market, they remain elusive among larger PWCs (jet skis). We saw the promising Green Samba way back in 2010, but not a whole lot of movement in the e-PWC market since.
This year, Free Form Factory rippled the waters with the Gratis X1. Borrowing electric powertrain technology from Zero Motorcycles, Free Form developed what looked to be a quick-accelerating, fast-reacting watercraft with a top speed of 46 mph (74 km/h). At 380 lb (172 kg), it was lighter than a Sea-Doo Spark, something you'd surely be happy about when whipping the tail around.
Free Form Gratis X1 PWC
The Gratis X1 story is still being written, however. Just this month, Nikola Powersports (the folks behind the insane Zero electric UTV) announced that it acquired Free Form. So maybe a 550-hp electric PWC is in the works? Sounds crazy, but not necessarily crazier than Nikola's claims about giving the overhauled PWC more performance than a gas-powered PWC and up to five hours of play.
We'll continue in skepticism until Nikola fully readies one of several ambitious projects, but the Nikola-Free Form connection seems like it could be quite exciting for electric powersports. Nikola expects to have a production-intent sit-down PWC ready by April 2018, which we assume will include a healthy addition to the original quote of US$18,000.
Trak 2.0 collapsible kayak
Folding and break-apart kayaks are standard fare in the water sports market, but the Trak 2.0 kayak that launched on Kickstarter back in May is a particularly impressive vessel designed not only for simplified portability but also for out-and-out performance in all kinds of conditions.
Trak has designed its 2.0 collapsible kayak for all types of paddling
The result of intensive feedback, discussion and global prototype testing among a diverse team of kayakers, the Trak 2.0 is a kayak like no other. It rolls to the water in a wheeled carry bag or carries on your back, building up into a 16-foot (4.9-m) kayak in about 10 minutes.
A polyurethane skin pulls taut around the aluminum and carbon fiber frame with help from a hydraulic tensioning system. The paddler can adjust the waterline and rocker to get just the right feel and performance on water, and Trak says its kayak will work seamlessly on everything from long, flat-water tours to quick, playful rough-water sessions.
Trak shot way past its Kickstarter goal back in June and has been tweaking its design and preparing to start production in recent weeks.
Scubalec personal underwater jet drive
Personal water jet thrusters aren't quite as fast or awesome as airborne jetpacks, but they're a whole lot more attainable and there's something equally Bruce Wayne-ish about them. In recent years, we've seen a full-on wearable thrust suit and a few different handheld/gear mountable thrusters, and this year inventor Un-Yong Park innovated something in between.
Scubalec cancelled its Kickstarter earlier this year but hopes to come back with an improved version
Called the Scubalec, this wearable jet drive wraps around one forearm and relies on two battery-powered thruster tubes to give snorkelers a bit of underwater boost. And it looks like an arm cannon developed for a super villain with world conquest in his sights, even the throttle looks weapons grade.
You won't exactly fire through the water like a torpedo, but the Scubalec will add about 1.8 to 2.5 mph (3 to 4 km/h) to your natural snorkeling velocity. Unfortunately, funding was cancelled on the Kickstarter back in May, but Scubalec did commit to further refining its design, bringing costs below US$280 and relaunching crowdfunding for a "Scubalec Evo" in the future.
Aeon Explorer electric observation vessel
Looking a little like a sled for the sea, the Aeon Explorer is a different type of electric watercraft. This simple vessel helps would-be snorkelers overcome distance and physical limitations to enjoy a snorkel-style view of the sea. It uses a solar-backed electric drive to slowly shuttle riders around the water, providing a view below the surface through an acrylic panel. A simple joystick system makes control easier than riding a bike, so you can cruise along focused on the sea life just below the hull.
The Aeon Explorer is a solar-backed electric watercraft that provides a look underwater
The Aeon Explorer team ran an Indiegogo campaign in early 2017, with the goal of developing the vessel and using it for educational programs and ecotourism operations. In other words, it wasn't offering the boats directly to backers, and that seemed to hurt its campaign. A look at the team's Facebook page shows they're sticking with it, using the prototype for various educational and community-oriented programs in Hawaii. It's a bummer you won't be able to buy one and use it in your own favorite puddle of water, but we'd certainly be inclined to give it a go if we saw one for rent.
Lazareth amphibious Moke
Preparing for the water-land transition in the Lazareth Amphibie
The Moke is a cool, little utility vehicle with a great look, sure to remind many folks of their favorite tropical getaways. A Moke for land and water? That's a step cooler. The amphibious Moke-like Amphibie from France's Lazareth (a company that also does a mean 470-hp tilting motorcycle) features a closed-cell foam-filled aluminum body for buoyancy and a 19-hp 400cc one-cylinder engine hooked to the wheels as well as the propeller system.
With a 56-mph (90-km/h) top speed on land and 8 mph (13 km/h) top speed in water, it isn't exactly a speed machine tuned for thrill seekers, but there's still something super cool about driving around the street and dirt before rolling right into the drink to cool down and cruise the water, and it's even cooler when you're doing it in a quirky classic like the Moke. Lazareth offers the Amphibie for €25,000 ($29,400).
Lift Foils eFoil electric hydrofoil surfboard
Hydrofoil surfboards – or foilboards, if you prefer – weren't invented just this year, but they snagged enough headlines to make 2017 the year of the hydrofoil board, at least when we're talking water toys. Pro surfers used them to perform feats of wonder and start-ups like Jetfoiler and Lift Foils worked on developing off-the-shelf electric boards that let novices accelerate surreally a few feet over top the water's surface.
Lift plans to offer different wings for different styles
Lift Foils got out of the gate quickly, putting its board up for pre-order. Its eFoil board lifts you up out of the water by the hydrofoil, where you can hit speeds up to 25 mph (40 km/h).
The company reckons you'll only get 20 to 25 minutes going full throttle the whole way but estimates a much rosier hour of playtime when keeping the wireless controller set at a 15-mph (24-km/h) cruise speed. The board also has a swappable battery system, and we imagine if you have $12K for an e-board, you'll likely be able to find an extra $3K for a second battery to increase the length of your e-foilboarding sessions.
Check out our gallery for a closer look at all of these crazy on-water contrivances.
The 2021 Eggs were added to Build A Boat For Treasure on 4/2/2021, alongside a few that are reskins of eggs from the 2019 Eggs and 2020 Eggs events. The way to obtain them is by completing their specific tasks. Once completed, they will give the player a random Plastic Egg. These eggs can be found inside the Building Space. The eggs drop from the sky and can land in the water.
Rocket Egg
Rocket Egg
Obtained From
The Rocket Egg is an egg that resembles a cartoony rocket with a window and 3 stabilizers. It acts like the Electric Egg. When touched, the egg will show a trail where it is going and will move at high speeds. The direction the egg travels was where the player was looking at when it was touched. At the end of its travel, the egg will turn black and can be touched by the player. It rewards a Green, Purple, or Blue Egg when touched. To obtain this egg. harpoon it, and then touch it afterwards. The rocket will go zooming throughout the area, but then come back to the harpoon.
TIP: Encase it in a box before touching it so getting the egg will be easier.
Gnome Egg
Gnome Egg
Obtained From
The Gnome egg is an egg that looks like a garden gnome. When touched, it makes a surprised 'Ooh!' sound and disappear in a cloud of smoke. It will show a small cutscene of where it is at on the map. The Gnome Egg will keep teleporting until the player touches it for the fourth time. It rewards a Green, Purple, or Blue Egg when touched. To easily obtain this, harpoon the egg with any long lasting harpoon. The gnome would disappear, but the harpoon's hook would still be attached to it, having its "rope" lead players to where the gnome is. It is also possible to connect the harpoon to a player's body, causing the player to be teleported to the gnome egg instead.
TIP: Attaching a harpoon to the player and shooting at the Gnome Egg will bring the player to the egg when it teleports.
Submarine Egg
Submarine Egg
Obtained From
The Submarine Egg is an egg that resembles a stubby yellow submarine. When touched, it will face away from the player and try to drive away. The egg may climb walls but will get stuck on them. No matter how fast the player is, the Submarine Egg will match the player's speed. In order to touch it, the player has to trap it in a wall or outsmart it. It rewards a Green, Purple, or Blue Egg when touched. To easily obtain it, just harpoon and touch the egg. The submarine egg will not be able to flee because of this.
Ice Egg
Ice Egg
Obtained From
The Ice egg is an egg that has a thick layer of ice around it. It acts like the Teacup Egg except it hides the egg in pillars of ice instead of teacups. When touched, three pillars of ice will appear and the Ice Egg is in the middle pillar. These pillars will start shuffling starting at slow speeds, but gets faster as time goes on. This is different compared to the Teacup Egg as it can be tracked easily and there are no trick shuffles. However, using any harpoon to hit the middle ice pillar as its going to start, it can be tracked. In order to win the challenge, the player has to click on the correct pillar of ice. Clicking on the right one will drop the egg and the player has to touch it to get it. Touching a wrong pillar will cancel the game and the player has to retry. It rewards a Green, Purple, or Blue Egg when touched.
Sci-Fi Egg
Sci-Fi Egg
Obtained From
The Sci-Fi Egg is an egg that looks high tech with an antenna and rotating parts. This is like the Mushroom Egg by its game. Instead of jumping on mushrooms, the player has to flip the switches that are the right color. The antenna will emit a color that the player has to flip the switch with that color. It starts at three for the first round, four for the next, and so on until it reaches six switches flipped. A finished round is indicated by the egg briefly glowing blue while its rotating portions spin faster. Once all rounds are completed, the egg will phase out of existence and rewards the player with a Green, Purple, or Blue Egg.
Puzzle Egg
Puzzle Egg
Obtained From
The Puzzle Egg is an egg that looks pieced together with puzzle pieces. When the egg is touched, a puzzle board will spawn. The player has to piece the 9 puzzles together to make a perfect square. Once completed, the egg will give the player a Green, Purple, or Blue Egg.
Plastic Eggs
Plastic Eggs
Obtained From
The Plastic Eggs are eggs that look like plastic containers to put treats inside. They are only obtained from eggs in the 2021 Easter Event. When placed, the egg will show the time the eggs will hatch, which was April 16.
After the event, the Purple, Green and Blue plastic eggs hatched into the Light Bulb, Parachute Block and Big Switch respectively.
Прочитай два текста и реши, какие из четырёх заголовков им подходят.
- A Good Day in Summer Хороший день летом
- A Bad Day in Autumn Плохой день осенью
- A Good Day in Winter Хороший день зимой
- A Bad Day in Early Spring Плохой день ранней весной
The sun is high in the sky and there are no clouds in it, the sky is blue and clear. Солнце высоко в небе, и на нём нет облаков, небо голубое и ясное.
The trees are green and you can see a lot of bright colours in the streets, parks and gardens. Деревья зелёные, и на улицах, в парках и садах можно видеть много ярких цветов.
It is very pleasant to swim in the open swimming pool or in the lake. Очень приятно плавать в открытом бассейне или озере.
It is nice to sit on the park bench and to eat ice cream too. Также хорошо сидеть на скамье в парке и есть мороженое.
The day is very hot. День очень жаркий.
The day is grey and not very pleasant. День серый и не очень приятный.
There is no sun in the sky. На небе нет солнца.
The clouds are low and dark. Облака низкие и тёмные.
There are not many bright colours but the birds are beginning to come home to their nests, and you can see small early flowers under the trees in the woods and in the parks. Ярких цветов немного, но птицы начинают прилетать домой в свои гнёзда, и в лесах и парках можно видеть маленькие ранние цветы под деревьями.
Первому тексту подходит заголовок а) A good Day in Summer.
Второму тексту подходит заголовок d) A Bad Day in Early Spring.
Упражнение 4.
Описать погоду нам помогают прилагательные. Послушай и повтори за диктором некоторые из них, а также словосочетания и предложения с ними.
cloudy [‘klaʊdi] облачный
dry [draı] сухой
foggy [‘fɒɡi] туманный
rainy [‘reıni] дождливый
snowy [‘snǝʊi] снежный
sunny [‘sʌni] солнечный
warm [wͻ:m] тёплый
windy [‘wındi] ветреный
a cloudy sky облачное небо
a windy morning ветреное утро
a sunny day солнечный день
a foggy afternoon туманный день
a rainy evening дождливый вечер
a snowy season снежное время года
Last summer was dry and hot. Прошлое лето было сухое и жаркое.
It was warm in the morning. Утром было тепло.
Look! The sky is cloudy. Смотри! Небо облачное.
It’s sunny but windy today. Солнечно, но ветрено сегодня.
I can’t see cars in front of me. It is foggy in the street. Я не вижу машин перед собой. На улице туманно.
Winters in Moscow are usually cold and snowy. Зимы в Москве обычно холодные и снежные.
Задание №13235.
Чтение. ОГЭ по английскому
Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A — F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1 — 7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа.
1. What animals are the best construction workers?
2. What are the main reasons for cooperation?
3. How do animals warn each other about danger?
4. How do certain species cooperate in getting food?
5. Why do certain animals go hunting in teams?
6. What animals are experts in showing the way to feeding places?
7. What animals are the cleverest in protecting themselves?
A. People work together for a simple reason — it makes difficult jobs easier. If you had to move a heavy piece of furniture from one room to another, would you do it all by yourself or find someone to help you? As you would probably agree, with a friend you can get the job done more quickly, and neither of you will be as tired afterwards. For similar reasons, animals also use teamwork. In animal groups, each individual works to help the group as a whole.
B. Some species have developed intelligent ways of gathering food. Coastal bottlenose dolphins have developed a unique way of catching fish which requires extraordinary teamwork. The dolphins follow a school of fish until they are near a bank. Then, they swim towards the fish creating a wave which pushes the fish out of the water and onto the bank. The dolphins end up half out of the water lying on the bank where they eat the helpless fish. In order for this to work, each dolphin must rush towards the bank at exactly the same time, otherwise the wave won’t be strong enough. How they decide when to go and who gives the order is unknown, but a high level of communication definitely exists between them.
C. Animals can’t talk but some species have developed ways of of letting others know where food is. For example, if a bee finds nectar, it has two ways of informing its hive. It may create a trail with the scent of the nectar. When the other bees pick up the smell, they can follow it to the nectar. Or the bee may perform the ‘waggle dance’. The other bees understand what this dance means, and then they work as a team to collect the nectar.
D. Hunting can be difficult and even dangerous for one animal. It also takes a lot of energy to chase and kill prey, which is wasted if the prey escapes. Hunting in packs helps make predators more efficient. A pack of wolves, for example, can kill a large animal such as a deer or moose, while one wolf can only kill a small animal. Wolf packs, which consist of two to twenty wolves, may surprise their prey or pursue it for hours before attacking. If there are several animals, the pack will choose the weakest one because it will take less effort to catch. In the end, the wolves share the meat with each other.
E. As well as food, animals need somewhere to live. Some animals simply move into the best place they can find, but others build a home for themselves. A particularly intelligent builder is the beaver. Beavers live by rivers and streams and build dams to create pools of deep water which help keep their homes safe. The whole colony about five to six members, co-operates to create the dam with trees they’ve cut down using their long, sharp front teeth, then construct their home, which looks like a stick igloo, in side of the bank.
F. Animals also depend on each other to keep safe. For example, they might have a signal that lets the group know when a threat is nearby. When an ant is crushed it releases a scent called ‘alarm pheromone’ that signals the other ants to come to the crushed ant and attack the enemy. Larger animals may challenge an opponent using sounds and body language. Wolves, for example, will growl at anything that is threatening their pack, and get ready to attack. They also warn each other of danger by barking. .Because their pack is so important to their survival, wolves will even risk their lives to defend it.
В тексте B содержится ответ на вопрос 4 (How do certain species cooperate in getting food? — Как определенные виды сотрудничают в добывании пищи?): «. a unique way of catching fish which requires extraordinary teamwork.»
В тексте C содержится ответ на вопрос 6 (What animals are experts in showing the way to feeding places? — Какие животные умеют указывать дорогу к местам кормления?): «. have developed ways of of letting others know where food is.»
В тексте D содержится ответ на вопрос 5 (Why do certain animals go hunting in teams? — Почему некоторые животные отправляются на охоту группами?): «Hunting in packs helps make predators more efficient.»
В тексте E содержится ответ на вопрос 1 (What animals are the best construction workers? — Какие животные лучшие строители?): «A particularly intelligent builder is the beaver.»
В тексте F содержится ответ на вопрос 3 (How do animals warn each other about danger? — Как животные предупреждают друг друга об опасности?): «For example, they might have a signal that lets the group. »
Показать ответ
Источник: ОГЭ-2021. 10 тренировочных вариантов. Л. М. Гудкова, О. В. Терентьева
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